God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

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Greatest I am

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But G.I.A., many claim there is much evil in the world so we must not be doing so well.

Many claim a God yet none have ever shown one. God also always creates perfection yet---------many see garbage.
Fear mongers always fail to point out that many of the markers for evil are the lowest they have ever been.
Like violent crimes, murders and slavery.

Really? But man was given dominion over those beasts. How is this so?

If so, how did Satan get it to tempt Jesus with and if man has it, WTH is God doing coming into man's dominion and punishing us.
He would have given up that right along with dominion. That makes him a usurper of our dominion and a liar. Take your pick.

According to the bible Satan had something to do with A & E's choice. I don't see where man told God where to get off.

Who was elevated to be as God's, knowing good and evil first?
Eve. Equiped with human sense and God like morality, she chose to elevate Adam, thus telling God where to shove himself.
She recognized that man should lead man and not some power hungry God who would not allow free will and who would deny mankind knowledge.

Any man or woman with any brains would kiss of that tyrant who is such a poor example of a good parent.

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Many claim a God yet none have ever shown one.

But if we applied that line of thinking to everything where would we be? No one can see magnetic force but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We use it everyday to power many things. What if man had chosen to ignore it simply because of lack of proof for existence?

God also always creates perfection yet---------many see garbage. Fear mongers always fail to point out that many of the markers for evil are the lowest they have ever been. Like violent crimes, murders and slavery

Why are many markers for evil at their lowest? What does that prove? These markers have always had varying levels.

If so, how did Satan get it to tempt Jesus with and if man has it, WTH is God doing coming into man's dominion and punishing us. He would have given up that right along with dominion. That makes him a usurper of our dominion and a liar. Take your pick.

Man was banished from Eden for choosing to disobey God. A&E lost many things because of their own foolishness.

Who was elevated to be as God's, knowing good and evil first?
Eve. Equiped with human sense and God like morality, she chose to elevate Adam, thus telling God where to shove himself.

The way I read it A & E were filled with shame and fear after disobeying God. Did they actually tell God where to "shove himself"?

She recognized that man should lead man and not some power hungry God who would not allow free will and who would deny mankind knowledge.

She believed what Satan told her which was false. It it were true they would have been Gods themselves after they ate the forbidden fruit...that didn't happen.

Any man or woman with any brains would kiss of that tyrant who is such a poor example of a good parent.


What good parent doesn't set rules for their own children? How do parents enforce rules for children? How do you come up with idea that God is like a bad parent?

Joe the meek

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I think the OP is some of joker, nuff said

I'd like to believe he is actually trying to make you think. That said, for the short time I've been here, the OP comes across no better than some of the "hard core" preachers I find down south who tell you what they think is right in the Bible and why you're going to hell if you don't follow THEIR letter of the law.


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I'd like to believe he is actually trying to make you think. That said, for the short time I've been here, the OP comes across no better than some of the "hard core" preachers I find down south who tell you what they think is right in the Bible and why you're going to hell if you don't follow THEIR letter of the law.

Some of the subject titles are so wrong as to what he is trying to point out. He rambles on as far as I know 5 different forums (one that I used to be on), verbatim word for word everything he says on here

Greatest I am

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But if we applied that line of thinking to everything where would we be? No one can see magnetic force but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We use it everyday to power many things. What if man had chosen to ignore it simply because of lack of proof for existence?

Magnetic force can and is demonstrated daily. God is not.
Magnetic forced do not curse you to everlasting torture if you do not believe in it.

Why are many markers for evil at their lowest? What does that prove? These markers have always had varying levels.

Sure but never as low as today. What does that prove? That things are at there best for this point in time and that fear mongers should shut TF up because they are lying.

Man was banished from Eden for choosing to disobey God. A&E lost many things because of their own foolishness.

We escaped from imposed stupidity by a tyrant who would not allow man free will.
Note what happened the first time A & E exercised their will and not God's.
God threw a sissy fit all over them as well as us. That is against scriptures and unjust.

The way I read it A & E were filled with shame and fear after disobeying God. Did they actually tell God where to "shove himself"?

You read it wrong then.

Jews have authority over their own book and Christians do not even as they usurped it.

You will note that they have a more moral view than Christians.


She believed what Satan told her which was false. It it were true they would have been Gods themselves after they ate the forbidden fruit...that didn't happen.

God says it did in terms of knowing good and evil.
The talking snake gave more pertinent information than God did.
I call that a lie of omission on God's part.

What good parent doesn't set rules for their own children? How do parents enforce rules for children? How do you come up with idea that God is like a bad parent?

Is it good parenting to let children die when you have the means to keep them alive.
God had the means and made sure A & E could not get to them.
I call that murder. What do you call it?
Good parenting?


Greatest I am

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English is GIA's secondary lanuage. Judge not that ye be not judged Mr. Christian. ;)

Merci mon ami.

You should realize that our friend likes to attack me only because he does not have the wit to attack the O P.
You will note that he has not touched it with a ten foot pole.

He has done the same hit and run for months now. It shows quite an immature attitude but something that we have to learn to tolerate and you will note that I generally just ignore him. His mind is quite small.


Joe the meek

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You should realize that our friend likes to attack me only because he does not have the wit to attack the O P.
You will note that he has not touched it with a ten foot pole.

Sales training 101. Don't keep showing customers new products EVERY week or month, no matter great (or price point) it is because no matter what you have to show, after time it will only glaze the customers eyes. Your product is the same thing, every time, only dressed up a little different.


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Is it good parenting to let children die when you have the means to keep them alive.
God had the means and made sure A & E could not get to them.
I call that murder. What do you call it?
Good parenting?


No it isn't good parenting on the behalf of the parents, though it isn't good for mankind to let that happen

Greatest I am

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Sales training 101. Don't keep showing customers new products EVERY week or month, no matter great (or price point) it is because no matter what you have to show, after time it will only glaze the customers eyes. Your product is the same thing, every time, only dressed up a little different.

Sales lesson 2. If you have a productive pitch. Keep pitching it.
Sales lesson 3. Deal with objections to the sale and others will see it and buy.


Greatest I am

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No it isn't good parenting on the behalf of the parents, though it isn't good for mankind to let that happen

Thanks for rejecting your God's methods.

You have shed yourself of your external conscience and have written a new law on your heart where it is supposed to be.
That was too easy. What did you not say?
God can do whatever he wants because he created us and owns us perhaps.
That is the usual for justifying the unjustifiable.


Joe the meek

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Sales lesson 2. If you have a productive pitch. Keep pitching it.
Sales lesson 3. Deal with objections to the sale and others will see it and buy.

How do you quantify if YOUR pitch is productive?

Your product has pretty much always been the same and it gets old pretty quick IMO.