Well-Known Member
I understand how you've come under this impression, but it isn't accurate according to the Christian faith (as it is in the Bible, not organized religion). God does not wish harm or suffering on us.
In Christianity, we believe that our souls are eternal creations, and there are only two destinations that we have open to us when we die.
God put down a rebellion, and created a .... "prison" for Lucifer and his fallen angels. The Bible is very clear that we have two choices in front of us, and God asks us to choose life.
In the end (in Christian faith), it is a personal choice. God has given us the information, and asked us to choose the positive, but He will not make us love or listen. To me, this implies a great deal of respect being given from The Creator, to the creation. How many of us would allow free will to that which we have created?
It is a shame Christianity has been so tarnished by man made institutions (church). Not all churches are bad, and I would venture to bet that most (99%) have nothing but the best intentions, but Jesus taught that sectarianism is a destructive force, and we're all seeing that here in the arguments being used against the church.
We Christians dig our own holes with our legalism, and absolutism, and our judgments. Do none of us remember that this is the very thing that Jesus spent his life arguing against with the Pharisees of His day? The Bible has precious few absolutes. Believe in God, accept His forgiveness, and be saved. In everything else, God is teaching us how to live better lives, but when did we start to tell people they were going to hell because they had a nose piercing, or tattoo, or drank, or etc etc etc....??? God works on us all as individuals, in His own perfect time for us. To one He is working on language, to the other, he is working on relationships, to the next, He works on honesty, etc... We cannot judge because another isn't being taught the same lesson at the same time.
Jesus told us to love our neighbors. He lived his life surrounded by sinners and tax collectors (lol that tax collector image hasn't changed much in 2000 years)
(oops, gotta go. I'll try to finish this thought later. Sorry I'm getting caught in the middle. This is going somewhere. LOL)
I was blessed by your post this morning Intruder. Accurate and well explained. Hopefully your post will shed true light to others.