Whatever you say stone...let me have 5 million FREE dollars to set up a furniture factory...you bet.
I will make the god damnest cheapest coffee table you even seen.
I have nothing to lose! it was a free start....and when the cheap fuckers break I will sell more.
The people at the saw mill will stay busy....thus being able to buys tims cars !
And remember the furniture factory has to be built to begin with..creating a need for the sawmill to begin with.
When people are working they are buying stuff,,,when people are buying stuff it creates workers..those workers buy more stuff.
Seriously...if you put some people to work..it creates a demand elsewhere..which causes more jobs.
When people lose jobs we have less money to blow...thus people buy less stuff this puts more people out of work.
This is why the economy is always going up and down...a little shift and the rest follows.
Hell just a simple little invention that caught on could be all it takes to fix the problem...or the need for something dieing out can cause the same problem we have now.
it is usually controlled by adjusting the taxes...lower if the economy slows to give people extra buying power so they buy stuff and keep people in jobs..raise taxes if it is growing to fast.
problem is we have poor piloting of the economy....as shown by them wanting to raise taxes in a slowed economy.
A tax change can take 3 years to stabilize off to have the current economy...its going to be rough ahead if they raise taxes if growth is to slow.
Seriously...if you put some people to work..it creates a demand elsewhere..which causes more jobs.
When people lose jobs we have less money to blow...thus people buy less stuff this puts more people out of work.
This was the core of Obama's stimulus concept.
let me have 5 million FREE dollars to set up a furniture factory....

You think investment money is free for the taking with out any considerations of profit making and pay back?
What an interesting world you live in.
I will make the god damnest cheapest coffee table you even seen.
I suspect you would

But would anyone want to buy it ? LOL!
I have nothing to lose! it was a free start
So, you want the government to hand out millions upon millions upon billions of free dollars for manufacturing of products in an economic climate where the consumer base is generally not receptive to increased supply .
Again....that is a socialist economic model.
You are addressing materialist need politically rather than economic pressures from demand.
You are now deep into supporting Marxist economic theory.
Think not?
Read up on it:
Marxism is based on a materialist understanding of societal development, taking at its starting point the necessary economic activities required by human society to provide for its material needs.
You haven't a clue as to what you are talking about......
And remember the furniture factory has to be built to begin with..creating a need for the sawmill to begin with.
Hard core socialism.
When people are working they are buying stuff,,,when people are buying stuff it creates workers..those workers buy more stuff.
And you will have to keep infusing free money into that model to drive production and expansion of materialist needs because you rejected the motive of being profit oriented.
That is classic socialism and the extreme reasoning of why socialism is not a lasting solution.....it ignores efficiency and value to address materialist needs as a priority.
Hell just a simple little invention that caught on could be all it takes to fix the problem
Like I've been posting......pipe dreams.
It's currently the inability of the consumer base to expand it's consumption on a larger scale that's impeding economic expansion.
Giving away tax credits to investors at this time isn't a solution.....that class has stock piled massive wealth because it hasn't seen a coming turnaround in the near future and isn't interested in risking venture capital. And the decline in venture capital available proves this.
The auto industry turn around is driven by demand, not needs and investment in expansion occurred with out having to inspire it with new tax credits.
There is a vast sea of potential investment opportunities, but it's waiting on consumer demand, not consumer need. And it's profit motivated, not your pipe dream socialist motivation.
it is usually controlled by adjusting the taxes...lower if the economy slows to give people extra buying power so they buy stuff and keep people in jobs.
Anyone notice that TM has gone from hitting the working class with higher taxes with a flat rate sales tax to now claiming they need a tax cut to stimulate the economy?
Bubba.....you can't have it both ways.
You are only debating out of the convenience of the moment....it's BULLSHIT!
problem is we have poor piloting of the economy....as shown by them wanting to raise taxes in a slowed economy.
The working/middle class doesn't want their taxes raised. You do with a flat tax... and you want taxes lowered on those that are already benefiting from the existing tax code.
Like you posted in another thread...."fuck the middle class".