Look at this list of inter govt spending
Department of Agriculture - Office of Inspector General $22,500,000
Department of Commerce - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Justice - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
NASA - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Defense Department - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of Energy - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of the Treasury - Inspector General for Tax Administration $7,000,000
General Services Administration - Office of Inspector General $7,000,000
Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board $84,000,000
Small Business Administration - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
Department of Homeland Security - Office of Inspector General $5,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Labor - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Inspector General related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $17,000,000
Department of Education - Office of Inspector General $14,000,000
Corporation for National and Community Service - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
Social Security Administration - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Government Accountability Office salaries and expenses $25,000,000
Veterans Affairs - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
State Department - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Department of Transportation - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Aid to People Affected by Economic Downturn $36,910,807,000
Rural Housing Service insurance fund program account - direct loans and unsubsidized guaranteed loans $11,672,000,000
Rural community facilities program account $130,000,000
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC) $500,000,000
School lunch programs for schools in which at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced price meals $100,000,000
Food bank commodity assistance program $150,000,000
Temporary increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) $19,900,000,000
Food distribution program on Indian reservations $5,000,000
Agricultural disaster assistance transition - Federal Crop Insurance Act
Farm operating loans $173,367,000
Direct farm operating loans $20,440,000
IRS health insurance tax credit administration $80,000,000
Emergency food and shelter $100,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs job training and housing improvement programs $40,000,000
Indian guaranteed loan program $10,000,000
Community service employment for older Americans $120,000,000
Extra funding for state unemployment insurance $150,000,000
State re-employment services for the jobless $250,000,000
Child care assistance for low-income families $1,651,227,000
Child care assistance for low-income families through state programs $255,186,000
Child care assistance for low-income families to improve infant and toddler care $93,587,000
Community Service Block Grant Program $1,000,000,000
Social Security Act funding 50,000,000
Social Security Administration processing of disability and retirement workloads $460,000,000
Aid to State and Local Governments $58,355,000,000
State administrative expenses to carry out increase in food stamp program $295,000,000
Economic development assistance programs $150,000,000
Violence against women prevention and prosecution programs $225,000,000
Office of Justice Programs state and local law enforcement assistance (Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants) $2,000,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance grants to improve criminal justice systems, assist crime victims and mentor youth $225,000,000
Southern border and high-intensity drug trafficking areas $30,000,000
ATF Project Gunrunner $10,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes $225,000,000
Crime victim assistance $100,000,000
Rural drug crime program $125,000,000
Internet crimes against children initiatives $50,000,000
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants $1,000,000,000
Justice Department salaries and expenses for administration of police grant programs $10,000,000
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund for financial assistance, training and outreach to Native American, Hawaiian and Alaskan native communities $100,000,000
Local and state fire station upgrades and construction $210,000,000
Disaster assistance direct loans may exceed $5,000,000 and may be equal to not more than 50% of local government annual budget if the government lost 25% or more in tax revenues
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to avoid cutbacks and layoffs (82% must be used for education while 18% may be used for public safety and other government services. The latter part may be used for repairs and modernization of K-12 schools and college and university buildings.) $53,600,000,000
Department of Agriculture - Office of Inspector General $22,500,000
Department of Commerce - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Justice - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
NASA - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Defense Department - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of Energy - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of the Treasury - Inspector General for Tax Administration $7,000,000
General Services Administration - Office of Inspector General $7,000,000
Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board $84,000,000
Small Business Administration - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
Department of Homeland Security - Office of Inspector General $5,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Labor - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Inspector General related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $17,000,000
Department of Education - Office of Inspector General $14,000,000
Corporation for National and Community Service - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
Social Security Administration - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Government Accountability Office salaries and expenses $25,000,000
Veterans Affairs - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
State Department - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Department of Transportation - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Aid to People Affected by Economic Downturn $36,910,807,000
Rural Housing Service insurance fund program account - direct loans and unsubsidized guaranteed loans $11,672,000,000
Rural community facilities program account $130,000,000
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC) $500,000,000
School lunch programs for schools in which at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced price meals $100,000,000
Food bank commodity assistance program $150,000,000
Temporary increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) $19,900,000,000
Food distribution program on Indian reservations $5,000,000
Agricultural disaster assistance transition - Federal Crop Insurance Act
Farm operating loans $173,367,000
Direct farm operating loans $20,440,000
IRS health insurance tax credit administration $80,000,000
Emergency food and shelter $100,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs job training and housing improvement programs $40,000,000
Indian guaranteed loan program $10,000,000
Community service employment for older Americans $120,000,000
Extra funding for state unemployment insurance $150,000,000
State re-employment services for the jobless $250,000,000
Child care assistance for low-income families $1,651,227,000
Child care assistance for low-income families through state programs $255,186,000
Child care assistance for low-income families to improve infant and toddler care $93,587,000
Community Service Block Grant Program $1,000,000,000
Social Security Act funding 50,000,000
Social Security Administration processing of disability and retirement workloads $460,000,000
Aid to State and Local Governments $58,355,000,000
State administrative expenses to carry out increase in food stamp program $295,000,000
Economic development assistance programs $150,000,000
Violence against women prevention and prosecution programs $225,000,000
Office of Justice Programs state and local law enforcement assistance (Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants) $2,000,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance grants to improve criminal justice systems, assist crime victims and mentor youth $225,000,000
Southern border and high-intensity drug trafficking areas $30,000,000
ATF Project Gunrunner $10,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes $225,000,000
Crime victim assistance $100,000,000
Rural drug crime program $125,000,000
Internet crimes against children initiatives $50,000,000
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants $1,000,000,000
Justice Department salaries and expenses for administration of police grant programs $10,000,000
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund for financial assistance, training and outreach to Native American, Hawaiian and Alaskan native communities $100,000,000
Local and state fire station upgrades and construction $210,000,000
Disaster assistance direct loans may exceed $5,000,000 and may be equal to not more than 50% of local government annual budget if the government lost 25% or more in tax revenues
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to avoid cutbacks and layoffs (82% must be used for education while 18% may be used for public safety and other government services. The latter part may be used for repairs and modernization of K-12 schools and college and university buildings.) $53,600,000,000