Fair tax ?

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The Man

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Look at this list of inter govt spending

Department of Agriculture - Office of Inspector General $22,500,000
Department of Commerce - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Justice - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
NASA - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Defense Department - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of Energy - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of the Treasury - Inspector General for Tax Administration $7,000,000
General Services Administration - Office of Inspector General $7,000,000
Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board $84,000,000
Small Business Administration - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
Department of Homeland Security - Office of Inspector General $5,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Labor - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Inspector General related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $17,000,000
Department of Education - Office of Inspector General $14,000,000
Corporation for National and Community Service - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
Social Security Administration - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Government Accountability Office salaries and expenses $25,000,000
Veterans Affairs - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
State Department - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Department of Transportation - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Aid to People Affected by Economic Downturn $36,910,807,000
Rural Housing Service insurance fund program account - direct loans and unsubsidized guaranteed loans $11,672,000,000
Rural community facilities program account $130,000,000
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC) $500,000,000
School lunch programs for schools in which at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced price meals $100,000,000
Food bank commodity assistance program $150,000,000
Temporary increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) $19,900,000,000
Food distribution program on Indian reservations $5,000,000
Agricultural disaster assistance transition - Federal Crop Insurance Act
Farm operating loans $173,367,000
Direct farm operating loans $20,440,000
IRS health insurance tax credit administration $80,000,000
Emergency food and shelter $100,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs job training and housing improvement programs $40,000,000
Indian guaranteed loan program $10,000,000
Community service employment for older Americans $120,000,000
Extra funding for state unemployment insurance $150,000,000
State re-employment services for the jobless $250,000,000
Child care assistance for low-income families $1,651,227,000
Child care assistance for low-income families through state programs $255,186,000
Child care assistance for low-income families to improve infant and toddler care $93,587,000
Community Service Block Grant Program $1,000,000,000
Social Security Act funding 50,000,000
Social Security Administration processing of disability and retirement workloads $460,000,000
Aid to State and Local Governments $58,355,000,000
State administrative expenses to carry out increase in food stamp program $295,000,000
Economic development assistance programs $150,000,000
Violence against women prevention and prosecution programs $225,000,000
Office of Justice Programs state and local law enforcement assistance (Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants) $2,000,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance grants to improve criminal justice systems, assist crime victims and mentor youth $225,000,000
Southern border and high-intensity drug trafficking areas $30,000,000
ATF Project Gunrunner $10,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes $225,000,000
Crime victim assistance $100,000,000
Rural drug crime program $125,000,000
Internet crimes against children initiatives $50,000,000
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants $1,000,000,000
Justice Department salaries and expenses for administration of police grant programs $10,000,000
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund for financial assistance, training and outreach to Native American, Hawaiian and Alaskan native communities $100,000,000
Local and state fire station upgrades and construction $210,000,000
Disaster assistance direct loans may exceed $5,000,000 and may be equal to not more than 50% of local government annual budget if the government lost 25% or more in tax revenues
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to avoid cutbacks and layoffs (82% must be used for education while 18% may be used for public safety and other government services. The latter part may be used for repairs and modernization of K-12 schools and college and university buildings.) $53,600,000,000
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The Man

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State grants for adult job training $500,000,000
State grants for youth job training and summer employment opportunities $1,200,000,000
Dislocated worker job training $1,250,000,000
YouthBuild program for high school dropouts who re-enroll in other schools $50,000,000
Job training in emerging industries $250,000,000
Job training in the renewable energy field $500,000,000
Head Start programs $1,000,000,000
Early Head Start program expansion $1,100,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - elementary and secondary education 10,000,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - school improvement grants $3,000,000,000
Education impact aid $100,000,000
School improvement programs $650,000,000
Innovation and improvement of elementary and secondary schools $200,000,000
Special education funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act $12,200,000,000
Pell grants for higher education $15,840,000,000
Institute of Education data systems $245,000,000
Institute of Education state data coordinators $5,000,000
Dislocated worker assistance national reserve $200,000,000
School improvement grants awarded based on the number of homeless students identified in a state $70,000,000
Student aid administrative costs $60,000,000

Oh boy ...just look at that first one.....money for job training...when there are no jobs...who the fuck pocketed that one.

The Man

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Census Bureau programs $1,000,000,000
Digital-to-analog television converter box program $650,000,000
President shall establish arbitration panel under FEMA public assistance program to expedite recovery efforts from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Requirement that Department of Homeland Security uniforms be manufactured and sewn together by U.S. fabric and apparel companies
National Endowment for the Arts grants $50,000,000
Department of Labor salaries and expenses $80,000,000
Additional awards to existing AmeriCorps grantees $83,000,000
AmeriCorps program salaries and expenses $5,200,000
AmeriCorps program administrative costs of expansion $800,000
National security trust appropriation $40,000,000
Social Security Administration health information technology research $40,000,000
Filipino World War II veterans compensation $198,000,000

Again almost all internal.

The Man

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I only list a portion of the shit ..got boring...I see more cost just dividing it up that anything....half of it will be administration fees whats the point.
So who got fat with the stimulus?
The govt..pretty much made sure they had money.


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And then Comrade Man ( :D ) proposed acquiring free monies to populate even more unneeded economic functions :eek



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State grants for adult job training $500,000,000
State grants for youth job training and summer employment opportunities $1,200,000,000
Dislocated worker job training $1,250,000,000
YouthBuild program for high school dropouts who re-enroll in other schools $50,000,000
Job training in emerging industries $250,000,000
Job training in the renewable energy field $500,000,000
Head Start programs $1,000,000,000
Early Head Start program expansion $1,100,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - elementary and secondary education 10,000,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - school improvement grants $3,000,000,000
Education impact aid $100,000,000
School improvement programs $650,000,000
Innovation and improvement of elementary and secondary schools $200,000,000
Special education funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act $12,200,000,000
Pell grants for higher education $15,840,000,000
Institute of Education data systems $245,000,000
Institute of Education state data coordinators $5,000,000
Dislocated worker assistance national reserve $200,000,000
School improvement grants awarded based on the number of homeless students identified in a state $70,000,000
Student aid administrative costs $60,000,000

Oh boy ...just look at that first one.....money for job training...when there are no jobs...who the fuck pocketed that one.

So you have no idea why it maybe extremely important to re-educate a working force while there is a deep recession ? :24:


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Which ones are unworthy?
Holy shit, you could only find one that was! :24:

Rural Housing Service insurance fund program account - direct loans and unsubsidized guaranteed loans$11,672,000,000- Stimulus
Rural community facilities program account$130,000,000- NOT
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC)$500,000,000- Stimulus
School lunch programs for schools in which at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced price meals$100,000,000- NOT
Food bank commodity assistance program$150,000,000- NOT
Temporary increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps)$19,900,000,000- Stimulus
Food distribution program on Indian reservations$5,000,000- NOT
Agricultural disaster assistance transition - Federal Crop Insurance Act
Farm operating loans$173,367,000- Stimulus
Direct farm operating loans$20,440,000- Stimulus
Emergency food and shelter$100,000,000- NOT
Bureau of Indian Affairs *job training and housing improvement programs$40,000,000- *Stimulus
Indian guaranteed loan program$10,000,000- Stimulus
Community service employment for older Americans$120,000,000- Stimulus
Extra funding for state unemployment insurance$150,000,000- NOT
State re-employment services for the jobless$250,000,000- Stimulus
Child care assistance for low-income families$1,651,227,000- Stimulus
Child care assistance for low-income families through state programs$255,186,000- Stimulus
Child care assistance for low-income families to improve infant and toddler care$93,587,000- NOT
Community Service Block Grant Program$1,000,000,000- NOT
Discounting the reduntant programs, the count is 9 stimulus to 8 non-stimulus.

The Man

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And then Comrade Man ( :D ) proposed acquiring free monies to populate even more unneeded economic functions :eek

Who said free monies
I stated let them used money that was going to be taken as tax...and let them us it to build other businesses...you know to give people jobs.
You have stated yourself....We offshore alot...this would be the single easiest way to greatly reduce that.
Half our stuff is made in china...if you keep the mfg here...no job shortage.
You know made in china on the bottom...thats what that means stone

And yeah...stone you will say there is no demand..and your other fucked up shit...if there wasnt a demand then why they starting up off shore then shipping the stuff in.????
Let me guess Ohio has a ban on imports,,so you never see made in china....I mean why else would you think that.

Really stone...no demand?
So if you started farming again...you would have no where to sell?...I mean no demand for food right?
You would stone,,and by you providing more food that helps in the price come down...you know which is good for the economy....and yeah..you will hire people stone.
So how about we apply a 45 percent tax on your paper investments..and see if you arent inclined to take an offer of job creation...how about a say a little equipment rental place....pawn shop..whatever.
I mean how do new places make it stone when they open up.
We had a couple dollars generals pop up here recently....must be a demand right.
Why do new walmarts keep popping up stone if there is no demand
If a new convenience store opens in LA tomorrow no one will walk in to buy stuff?
So if I opened say a lumber yard tomorrow....no one will come in and buy stuff?
I think we should put the word out tonight on ABC CBS and NBC stone says dont build there is no demand
Halt all construction..there is no demand...halt all mfg or services plans there is no demand.
Laugh of the year for sure.

The Man

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Holy shit, you could only find one that was! :24:

Rural Housing Service insurance fund program account - direct loans and unsubsidized guaranteed loans$11,672,000,000- Stimulus
Rural community facilities program account$130,000,000- NOT
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC)$500,000,000- Stimulus
School lunch programs for schools in which at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced price meals$100,000,000- NOT
Food bank commodity assistance program$150,000,000- NOT
Temporary increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps)$19,900,000,000- Stimulus
Food distribution program on Indian reservations$5,000,000- NOT
Agricultural disaster assistance transition - Federal Crop Insurance Act
Farm operating loans$173,367,000- Stimulus
Direct farm operating loans$20,440,000- Stimulus
Emergency food and shelter$100,000,000- NOT
Bureau of Indian Affairs *job training and housing improvement programs$40,000,000- *Stimulus
Indian guaranteed loan program$10,000,000- Stimulus
Community service employment for older Americans$120,000,000- Stimulus
Extra funding for state unemployment insurance$150,000,000- NOT
State re-employment services for the jobless$250,000,000- Stimulus
Child care assistance for low-income families$1,651,227,000- Stimulus
Child care assistance for low-income families through state programs$255,186,000- Stimulus
Child care assistance for low-income families to improve infant and toddler care$93,587,000- NOT
Community Service Block Grant Program$1,000,000,000- NOT
Discounting the reduntant programs, the count is 9 stimulus to 8 non-stimulus.

How is welfare and loans stimulus?

I mean if that's the case lets all go on welfare then borrow from the govt...and be the most prosperous nation around.

The Man

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So you have no idea why it maybe extremely important to re-educate a working force while there is a deep recession ? :24:

My fucking gawd,,,another one.
On the job training means....training on the job.
When the pool has went UP of applicants ...this being able to choose the more qualified why would we want to sink money in on the job training?....you do that when you have a SHITTY selection pool.
We have tons of grads without work...why do we need to train em?

Now go cut your nuts,
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The Man

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Stone you may want to ask for a thread title change for your good news thread...to bad news.
I mean according to your logic there is no demand...I mean people are already pumping oil right.


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How is welfare and loans stimulus?

I mean if that's the case lets all go on welfare then borrow from the govt...and be the most prosperous nation around.
Do you have a specific one you disagree with me about? I can discuss them one by one. But don't mistake my opinion of whether it is stimulus as approval of the program. There's not one program on that list that I support spending federal tax dollars on.
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I have to agree with Tim on this as for Johnny he is just a kid who took a 6 month course in refrigeration school now he thinks he knows it all.
The older I get I have learned that there is no simple answer.


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Who said free monies
I stated let them used money that was going to be taken as tax...and let them us it to build other businesses...you know to give people jobs.
You have stated yourself....We offshore alot...this would be the single easiest way to greatly reduce that.
Half our stuff is made in china...if you keep the mfg here...no job shortage.
You know made in china on the bottom...thats what that means stone

And yeah...stone you will say there is no demand..and your other fucked up shit...if there wasnt a demand then why they starting up off shore then shipping the stuff in.????
Let me guess Ohio has a ban on imports,,so you never see made in china....I mean why else would you think that.

Really stone...no demand?
So if you started farming again...you would have no where to sell?...I mean no demand for food right?
You would stone,,and by you providing more food that helps in the price come down...you know which is good for the economy....and yeah..you will hire people stone.
So how about we apply a 45 percent tax on your paper investments..and see if you arent inclined to take an offer of job creation...how about a say a little equipment rental place....pawn shop..whatever.
I mean how do new places make it stone when they open up.
We had a couple dollars generals pop up here recently....must be a demand right.
Why do new walmarts keep popping up stone if there is no demand
If a new convenience store opens in LA tomorrow no one will walk in to buy stuff?
So if I opened say a lumber yard tomorrow....no one will come in and buy stuff?
I think we should put the word out tonight on ABC CBS and NBC stone says dont build there is no demand
Halt all construction..there is no demand...halt all mfg or services plans there is no demand.
Laugh of the year for sure.

I stated let them used money that was going to be taken as tax...and let them us it to build other businesses...you know to give people jobs.
You mean money the government collects ( taxes ) is used to create new businesses?
You've always been against that in the past....calling is socialism.
And it is socialism.
Why do you think you aren't a socialist now?

You have stated yourself....We offshore alot...this would be the single easiest way to greatly reduce that.
Increased taxation won't create lower labor costs.
Are you arguing for trade wars with the restraint of free trade through tariffs and the elimination of free market practices on a global scale....or just nationally?

Half our stuff is made in china...if you keep the mfg here...no job shortage.
And your solution seems to be the socialization of our economic system, Comrade Mansky.

You know made in china on the bottom...thats what that means stone
That's what....what means, Comrade Mansky?

stone you will say there is no demand..and your other fucked up shit...if there wasnt a demand then why they starting up off shore then shipping the stuff in.
Supply and demand pressures, Comrade.
A cheaper article or service is always easier to sell in a economic slump.
The demand for expensive items simply isn't as great as the demand for cheaper items.

Your inability to comprehend simple issues like that has probably followed you since childhood.

Let me guess Ohio has a ban on imports,,so you never see made in china....I mean why else would you think that.
Comrade Mansky, you aren't making any sense........( but then, that's nothing new :D )

So if you started farming again...you would have no where to sell?...I mean no demand for food right?
After you've taxed the working class to death, I can see a lot of people going on diets.

You would stone
I would what?
You seem confused....are you drinking?

So how about we apply a 45 percent tax on your paper investments
I don't have any paper investments.

and see if you arent inclined to take an offer of job creation...how about a say a little equipment rental place....pawn shop..whatever.
I'd pass....I'd rather invest in something productive than get involved your wild ass Marxist schemes to create unnecessary jobs with tax monies.

I mean how do new places make it stone when they open up.
There is a demand for their products and/or services.
That's the element missing in your commie economic model.
You think you can create jobs with out there being a need for their output.
Truly stupid.

If a new convenience store opens in LA tomorrow no one will walk in to buy stuff?
You'd need to do market studies to see if there was enough walkin traffic to generate a profit.
Oh....wait.......you don't need a profit concept in your Marxist economic model, all you want to do is create more jobs whether the business is productive or not.
Well....that's your version of socialism, eh.....

So if I opened say a lumber yard tomorrow....no one will come in and buy stuff?
Since you specified yourself as the owner, you probably wouldn't be making a profit from all the craziness you've been posting, Comrade Mansky ( :D )

I think we should put the word out tonight on ABC CBS and NBC stone says dont build there is no demand
It is unwise to invest in unproductive ventures in a capitalistic economic model, yes.
But you are welcome to your fantasies.

Halt all construction..there is no demand...halt all mfg or services plans there is no demand.
That condition is called a bankruptcy.....out of business, for simple minds.
No free rides in our system for Marxist freeloaders, Comrade Mansky :)

Laugh of the year for sure
Your posts are both funny and sad at the same time, Comrade Mansky :D....:p


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Stone you may want to ask for a thread title change for your good news thread...to bad news.
I mean according to your logic there is no demand...I mean people are already pumping oil right.

It's always fun beating your brains to an incomprehensible pulp :D

The Man

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Construction Construction Construction.
That is what the stimulus money should have went to.

More johns at parks
Lumber nails plumbing ...lots of labor to build and lots of labor in the supplies..its win win.
NEW BRIDGES next to older style bridges to lighten lane load problems...lots of labor..materials..win win.
Shelters in major parks for more bbqs etc.
Fuck no they tore down shit..rather than built.
Why not have built another interstate up in the northwest?...could have used one for sure.
Why not have sunk money into rebuilding of the places that got battered by prior hurricanes?
They said we had no money...they seemed to spent plenty else where which caused no growth.
How about a highway safety binge...phones every half mile like they are in many places.
You know with all American made materials.
How about solar powered warning lights when coming up to a highway from a secondary highway?
The list is endless of how we could have spent "road" money would have been more beneficial and created jobs.
Improved safety rails....etc
How about a couple more hydro damns?
Sheltered bus stops from the rain?
More public transportation?
You know stuff that creates jobs....and requires stuff..as that stuff has labor involved to make it before being shipped.
The stimulus package is pathetic...1 guy in one week could have come up with countless ways to actually stimulate the economy.
When we look at that list...it appears as if it was a last priority IMO

The Man

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robdaw Do you have a specific one you disagree with m e about? I can discuss them one by one. But don't mistake my opinion of whether it is stimulus as approval of the program.[B said:
There's not one program on that list that I support spending federal tax dollars on[/B].

Good enough
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