Do you believe the Bible to be fully true?

Do you believe the Bible to be 100% true, and the written Word of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • I believe it's partially true, but there's some contradictions in it.

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • It's a nice story/history book, but certainly not inspired by any god.

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Nope, I don't believe in the Bible at all.

    Votes: 19 38.8%

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wow...i'm really happy to see that 4 other people voted the same way that I did! a040.gif
And now up to 6... it's rather refreshing, I didn't think the percentage would be up that high. ;)

The biggest difference between Christianity and ALL other religions out there is that salvation is not based on works - it's only based on trusting Christ to be your saviour. Beyond that, you can be the worst person anyone has ever seen, and God can still forgive you. Of course, you still want to avoid sin whenever possible, as there are heavenly rewards for the good works you do on earth, but being "saved", or not going to Hell and forever living in the presence of God is only dependant on your faith in Christ.

Like valley said, I doubt I'm going to change any minds on the forums - I posted this mostly because I was curious of how people would vote, so I'm not going to try and argue with you about it. Feel free to PM though. :)


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Actually, Paul says in 2 tim. 4:10 that "Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me" (emphasis mine)

Paul was going through some heavy persecution. Demas was a fair-weather believer who didnt have the faith to sustain him through tough times. He totally abandoned Paul at a time when Paul was relying on him. Paul was one faithful guy and a mighty man of God....Demas fooled him into thinking he was a true believer. He talked the talk and walked the walk but like the man who's house is built on sinking sand..when the winds came and storm ensured, the foundation gave way and his "faith" collapsed and he deserted the work that they were doing because he was never truly committed to it in the first place..he just thought he was.
Ok, Demas wasn't a true believer. That doesn't change the fact that I was a true believer, and now am not. Unless you're saying I never truly believed?


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Thats what i'm saying.
So I'm a liar? Or I'm delusional? That's your defense? If I'm not mistaken, I believe the Bible says that only god can truly know a man's heart. So what gives you the ability to know mine?


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So I'm a liar? Or I'm delusional? That's your defense? If I'm not mistaken, I believe the Bible says that only god can truly know a man's heart. So what gives you the ability to know mine?
I dont know your heart. Only God does. I am only going on what the Bible teaches. A true believer CANNOT fall away from God. His salvation is secure, complete and eternal. The scriptures are full of promises that we will never be abandoned once we come to a saving knowledge of Christ. It is not possible for a genuine believer to lose his salvation, according to the teachings in the Bible.

So yes, I believe that you were lying to yourself. Sorry. :(


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I was a true believer, and now am not.
You need to investigate the doctrine of Eternal Security.

The Bible says that those who are born-again will continue trusting in Christ forever. God preserves the believer forever. In Eph. 1:13-14, it says that believers are "sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession..." When we truly bel;ieve, we receive the promised Holy Spirit that is God's guarantee that He who began a good work in us will complete it (Philippians 1:6). In order for us to lose our salvation, God would have to break His promises, which God cant do.

Hope that clarifies my position. :)


Back By Unpopular Demand
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I dont know your heart. Only God does. I am only going on what the Bible teaches. A true believer CANNOT fall away from God. His salvation is secure, complete and eternal. The scriptures are full of promises that we will never be abandoned once we come to a saving knowledge of Christ. It is not possible for a genuine believer to lose his salvation, according to the teachings in the Bible.

So yes, I believe that you were lying to yourself. Sorry. :(

You need to investigate the doctrine of Eternal Security.

The Bible says that those who are born-again will continue trusting in Christ forever. God preserves the believer forever. In Eph. 1:13-14, it says that believers are "sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession..." When we truly bel;ieve, we receive the promised Holy Spirit that is God's guarantee that He who began a good work in us will complete it (Philippians 1:6). In order for us to lose our salvation, God would have to break His promises, which God cant do.

Hope that clarifies my position. :)
Well, that's all pretty judgmental of you, to say I never believed without even knowing me or the reasons I quit believing. The quotes you so thoughtfully provided are all about god not abandoning us, not the other way around. I never said god gave up on me, I said I gave up on him. Your second verse says that god will continue his work. Then maybe my current state is all part of his grand plan.

The only problem for him, though, is that I don't want his plan. I've seen some of his "plans", and I'm not impressed. And if I'm wrong and he does exist, I'll gladly say it to his face one day.


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Well, that's all pretty judgmental of you, to say I never believed without even knowing me or the reasons I quit believing. The quotes you so thoughtfully provided are all about god not abandoning us, not the other way around. I never said god gave up on me, I said I gave up on him. Your second verse says that god will continue his work. Then maybe my current state is all part of his grand plan.

The only problem for him, though, is that I don't want his plan. I've seen some of his "plans", and I'm not impressed. And if I'm wrong and he does exist, I'll gladly say it to his face one day.

ok. Lets leave it at that then. I wish you well. :)


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She is serious

No need to mock a believer

My view is it is a wonderful work of fiction

A tale that was cobbled together over many years after the fact

I will give it credit for still being around this long but that is about it..

:eek No way.........I thought she was being

The Joker

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So? Jim is basing his argument of the premise that there is no God. Whats your point?

There is lots of evidence..

lol, no Joker, it most certainly does not say the same thing as every other religion.

Christianity is a factual faith. It is not based on "blind acceptance" of myths and legends. I will tell you one thing right up front and that is that my heart does not rejoice in what my mind rejects. I did not commit intellectual suicide when I became a believer. Actually *first thump* the Bible commands that we "love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul and with all of your mind" (Matt 22:37) See that last word? With all of your mind? God does not require people to throw their brains in the trash in order to have faith in Him. I did not one day suddenly "decide" to believe. I studied long and hard before I was convinced...and convinced I was so while you may think there is no evidence to support that Christianity is the one true faith, I found plenty, as did millions of other people out there.

Yes, I have faith...but its not blind faith. Its faith in the living God Who has created all things.

this is true. But lets not throw the baby out with the bath water, ok?
agreed. That is why I needed evidence in order to move my heart to believe. I could not commit my heart and soul to something that was just a possibility. My mind is not wired that way. I have a great need for answers and it took a long time for me to be able to be this sure of what I believe. Yes, I can just sit back and say "I believe in Christ alone through faith alone" and quite simply....thats all it takes really. But from there...what good does it do to believe in something without being able to share it in a relevant way with other people? I( am not satisfied with simple belief and nothing more...I want more. I want to KNOW my Lord and Savior and not just use His name to conjure up some warm and fuzzy feelings in myself and others, know what I mean?

I wouldnt come in here and say anything if I didnt believe that there was evidence to support my beliefs. The thing is..I dont think i'm going to change anyone's mind here so I am not going to bother arguing back and forth (for too much longer, lol) because its a waste of my time and yours. :)

I never said Jim WASNT being Bias, I said you were. I tried to take a step back and Argue from an ubias perspective, which truly is "I don't know whether there is a god".

And you also COMPLETELY Misread me.

Christianity says the same thing as every other religion [AND THAT IS] "we are the one true faith".....

And would you care to share some of the evidence that would end the life long debate about religion and science? Or is that just a secret you want to keep to yourself?

The Joker

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I dont know your heart. Only God does. I am only going on what the Bible teaches. A true believer CANNOT fall away from God. His salvation is secure, complete and eternal. The scriptures are full of promises that we will never be abandoned once we come to a saving knowledge of Christ. It is not possible for a genuine believer to lose his salvation, according to the teachings in the Bible.

So yes, I believe that you were lying to yourself. Sorry. :(

Wow, some of the hypocritical bullshit I was talking about earlier.

A true believer CANNOT fall away from God

So, what you're saying is, a true believer can't fall away from God, even though the word of god Specifically says that anyone is vulnerable to the powers of satan and can turn away from God through their own freee will?


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All these religious debates, they always lead to nowhere, cause no one changes their opinion, and the same stuff gets repeated by both sides.


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Wow, some of the hypocritical bullshit I was talking about earlier.

So, what you're saying is, a true believer can't fall away from God, even though the word of god Specifically says that anyone is vulnerable to the powers of satan and can turn away from God through their own freee will?
I think what valley is saying is that those who have already turned to God cannot turn away if they are truly committed to him. This is a topic that is debated even among (and in) churches, so I doubt we're going to find a solution that everyone will agree to here. :)
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100% of GOD's word, GOD who created the Heavens and the Earth and all the things within it, so yea its true to me. I should read it more often then i do, but thats alright. I do follow the commandments and laws that GOD wants us to follow, but i won't comment on that for personal reasons.

On a side note, i do not believe that Jesus is GOD and i do not Believe that People go to heaven, and i also believe there is no afterlife, "I also believe that people need to take the time read the bible for their self instead of listening to preachers who preach in church, because they do not know or understand everything from the bible.

That last part in bold, i bolded for reasons......


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100% of GOD's word, GOD who created the Heavens and the Earth and all the things within it, so yea its true to me. I should read it more often then i do, but thats alright. I do follow the commandments and laws that GOD wants us to follow, but i won't comment on that for personal reasons.

On a side note, i do not believe that Jesus is GOD and i do not Believe that People go to heaven, and i also believe there is no afterlife, "I also believe that people need to take the time read the bible for their self instead of listening to preachers who preach in church, because they do not know or understand everything from the bible.

That last part in bold, i bolded for reasons......
Not trying to criticize your beliefs in any way, but I'm very curious about what you said. How can you believe the Bible is 100% true, yet not believe in an afterlife or Jesus being God?

EDIT: And the last part in bold there, I completely agree with you. :thumbup
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Not trying to criticize your beliefs in any way, but I'm very curious about what you said. How can you believe the Bible is 100% true, yet not believe in an afterlife
Well about the afterlife, there is no direct mention of people dying and going into " some afterlife or has the bible says " The Throne Of GOD/Kingdom of GOD. " The Bible says that ( and i am going to quote this )

" The Throne of Heavens, Belong to GOD, but he has Given earth to the Sons of Men " meaning humans. The earth is our home, and The Heavens is GOD's throne. I am not saying that nobody is suppose to go, but the bible also says " There is suppose to be a Resurrection of the Dead ", so if there is a resurrection which is going to take place, how is everyone who has died " Since Adam & Eve in Heaven right now ", thats what Billiions of people man. Also Moses never went to heaven, and i am pretty sure if anyone was going, he would of went too, as well as Noah, but there is no mention of them going.

So all those who have died since adam and eve are in heaven doing what?
The bible never mentions any of this. And also, the bible says that GOD is going to restore what was lost, i am 100% sure this is the Garden of Eden on earth, Paradise on earth. Why do i believe this:
Well at Revolution 21 chapter 1, and many other parts in the bible, it says that GOD is going to create a " NEW HEAVEN & A NEW Earth. So if a new heaven and a new earth is coming, that means what? Some folks may go to heaven at that time, while the rest of us who Survive up until the end of this world and those who are resurrection will be liiving here on the New earth.

I notice that people in this time, never seem to discuss this New Heaven and Earth that GOD is going to make. All i hear is " Heaven , etc. Thats why i said its wise to read the bible yourself , people might see something different then what these preachers are talking about. Some folks i have talked with, who reads the bible, ignores the earth part, they really don't believe it, all they keep saying they want to get to heaven. They say this because they see what is going on now, but don't be fool by what you see in this life, because things will get better when that time comes.

From what i understand, everyone who has died is in the graves, or as Jesus says " The World of the Dead ", or what he says " Those that has fallen Asleep in Death ". I believe that everyone who has died in dead in their graves and when the resurrection take place, they will rise up and we will see them again . On a side note, even before i read the bible, i always never thought people was going to heaven, it just didn't make sense, when earth is for humans.

or Jesus being God?
Well thats a long story and i have notice to the thousands which i have talked with over the years, this is one disagreement that can we can never agree on, or i can't anyway. To make it very simple, well one example, Jesus was praying to GOD, now if GOD is Jesus and Jesus is GOD, why would Jesus who is GOD, Pray to himself?
This makes no sense. Thats just one example. Another quick one, the Word Trinity is not found in none of the bibles, now i do believe that Jesus , GOD, and the holy Spirit are all one, but not one in the same, rather one in spirit. Or lets try another one:

When The Messiah Died, Who Resurrected him? Now if Jesus is GOD, wouldn't he just resurrect himself? But the bible clearly says " GOD was the one who risen up Jesus. One more example, which is the most Obvious.

" JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD " It says Son for a Reason. It doesn't say Jesus Christ is GOD , it says as John says, We bare record that Jesus is the Son of GOD, and GOD is in him. GOD is within all of us , from the beginning, to 2009, to the end of the world.......

EDIT: And the last part in bold there, I completely agree with you. :thumbup


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So all those who have died since adam and eve are in heaven doing what?
Worshiping God. That is, after all, why God created us - to worship Him. :)

Like I said, I'm not going to try to belittle your beliefs or prove you wrong, I was just curious how you came to those conclusions. Thanks for sharing. :thumbup

Minor Axis

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yes, the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, authoritative word of God. :)

Based on your faith, correct? :D

Answer to the Poll: None of the Above.

Worshiping God. That is, after all, why God created us - to worship Him. :)

Praise the Lord! Not directed at any one in particular- believe in what you will, just don't argue it as fact, and I'll be happy. BTW, this description is a first class condemnation of a superior being IMO. :)