First lets make sure that we agree on the definition of miracles since this is supposed to be about the definitions of words.
Antony Flew said "a miracle is something which would never happen had nature, as it were, been left to its own devices."
Would you agree with that?
so you believe that because
many things that were once unexplainable are now explainable, that that same logic
MUST apply to
every other unexplainable occurrence as well? say that as if its the truth rather than just something you sincerely believe!
I can understand that. I saw the same thing with my own father-in-law, who was born in 1911.
Yes, I would imagine the look on your face will be similar on the day you stand before God! :eek
LOL......I do believe there is enough evidence for me to prove that you have a temper and that its not just a matter of my own perception. If i said it was a fact that you have a temper and then go on to prove it by citing example of discussions where you "blew up"....I wonder if you would be the only one still denying it! Listen, i'm not saying you are
ruled by your temper..i'm just saying that I know it exists. Know what i'm sayin'?