I don't,
But I believe some people possibly could have one, but me personally, I don't..
I believe that if there is a god, it can be anything the people want, with the Christians it's a god up in the heavens watching all of us, with Buddhists its Buddah and he lives under a tree, for someone with no religion but believes in god it could simply be a person, or they can believe that God lives within him.
I once thought like this, and it's kind of interesting - the concept of a 'subjective' God. I suppose it is as rational as any other religious belief.
Honestly, I don't believe in god because honestly WAY to many bad things have happened to me for there to be someone "Watching over me" and "taking care of me" also, if there was a god, why would he let there be famine and wars, why would he let people think like that, and also, I believe that if there was a god, he wouldn't let people think about murdering someone, let alone actually doing the crime.
Ironically, I can actually see how the Christian faith, at least, is compatible with death, disaster and destruction. After all, if our lives were meant to be 'heaven', what would the purpose of 'heaven' be? One of the key Christian ideas is overcoming trials and tribulations, so that makes sense.
My disillusionment with Christianity is more of a theoretical one. A) I believe the concept of a superior being that 'loves' each and every one of us is somewhat absurd, and B) I don't believe in 'sinning', which seems to be one of the fundamental concepts of Christianity. Those are my two major complaints, although I have several others.
I like to stay positive and say that for some he might exist and well done to them, and I believe that there could possibly be something that happens to you after you die, but other then that, that is as far as my belief goes.
My Mum told me that I can believe what ever I want to believe and I can be any religion I want to, and this is how I am, and I am pretty happy with that!
I have often been envious of those with religious faith, because personally, I am terrified about the concept of eternal nothingness. At least Christians and others believe in an afterlife. And, of course, we can never be sure that such a thing doesn't exist, although logically I have to say it doesn't seem particularly plausible.
But it can't hurt to hope for a kind of heaven. Brings Pascal's Wager to mind - in essence, the concept that it is better to be religious because then you die and are rewarded, or you die
thinking you'll be rewarded, not knowing any better. It's a win-win. Personally, my problem with Pascal's Wager is that you cannot force yourself to believe something just because you want it to be true.