Do you Believe in God?

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Thanks for sticking up for me. BUT I'm a guy, lol.

And to breath, I have no problem debating the topic at hand, and perhaps I am a tad edgy tonight. I do have my reasons though, I won't get into them but I do. I do apologize. I felt personally attacked, not because of the topic but just as a more or less personal attack. And the more people that join the conversation the further down my odds go because I don't know ANYONE here and you obviously do. I don't want to make any enemies, atleast not this fast anyway. I would love to continue the debate with you if we can do it in a civilized manor.

i doubt you will make enemys here unless you start flaming. Im new too and this is a great place


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Personally I tend towards the agnostic end of the scale. I do believe in God, but I have problems with the idea that there's a old bloke with big hair and a beard controlling everything we do!!!


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I would love to continue the debate with you if we can do it in a civilized manor.

I'm civilized. Although I really didn't get a rabies shot.
And it doesn't matter who knows whom. That isn't going to affect a person's opinion or belief.

For the record, I do believe in God. I have no scientific evidence to prove Him, just as you have none to disprove.

Frozen Emotion

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I didn't ask for scientific proof, I think thats a cop out way of going about things. What makes you believe in God, all science excluded. The reason I don't believe is because I had a horrible childhood. I won't give you the whole broken home story and the random friends and family disowning me story. Or the stabbed in the face at 7 years old and left for dead story, upon the many others I could. I just tend to ask myself where this greater power was during all of this

Frozen Emotion

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If you told yours, I'd be forced to tell mine, and we don't wanna do that.

I believe in God for the opposite reason that you don't believe. I had to look within myself to accomplish some goals. I was a kid, immature, without someone to push me. I choose to believe that my inner strength was helped by God. I should probably be a street kid, on probation. But I'm not. I stayed away from drugs. I laughed at peer pressure. I worked. I put myself through a doctorate program. I believed in me, because I felt that God wanted more for me than I was given.

I can respect that, its probably the path I should have taken. However, I took/sold drugs and drown my sorrow in alcohol and pushed away any real friends I had left. I'm better now though, sober for going on a year and a half. I just believe that I did it myself. I don't think anyone really helped me. I'm not trying to sob story even though I know it sounds like I am. Once you get to know me you'll know that I'll get shot and say I'm fine just to avoid the spot light. I'm not big on emotions or feelings, because everytime I ever showed them I got the shit kicked out of me until I became hard. However, I digress. I think I pulled myself out of my downward spiral by myself because if there had been something helping me through that time I question why they waited so long to come to my aid. I really wish I could believe, I really do. I just refuse to say that I do out of a 'God fearing' attitude or a 'fit in with the crowd' attitude.

Frozen Emotion

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I'm still pretty hard headed. A bit of a know it all. I guess it could be worse though. I think the reason it took me so long to snap out of what was going on with me is because of all the drugs my doctors had me on for depression and panic attacks and blah blah blah. I guess I just grew up believing that if you had a problem you popped a pill or you drank something and it went away. Took me a while to figure out thats pretty far from the truth. I'm pretty good at analyzing myself. It's other people that tend to make me wonder.


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Well, in Sky's words, I totally agree - it's as simple as that.

FE is new here and was given it a bit harsh I think, but was nice to see that the last page was showing things to have calmed and a bit of understanding was given in different directions, so it's all good. ;)

Maybe this is for the P & D section though? :)


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I wanna debate on agnostics. I mean yeah you can't blv in GOD but how can you not wanna *not blv* in GOD?
Its like negating the negative statement.

Being agnostic doesn't mean I don't want to believe in God, it simply means I don't have enough information to decide if he exists or not. But I won't dismiss the idea out of hand.

If either side (science or religion) wants to convince me, they each only have to answer one question.

Religion: Where did God come from?
Science: Where did all the matter in the Universe come from?


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This is a common argument at my house.
my wife is a devoted religious woman, I on the other hand see no point in wasting my time hoping for a higher being (which there is no scientific prrof nor evidence that he/she/it really existed) helpful to me, my family or my cause.

[ this is where it gets heated lol ]
Religion to me is nothing more than fiction... an idea someone decided to come up with long time ago and because of the message of hope and the story itself it has had enough pull on a large part of the world's population. Bee it catholic or not to me all religions are nothing more then fiction,fiction that has been accepted by many as a religion.

Please keep in mind there is no hatred on anyone's beliefs, if you feel that religion is your thing, then great! if it works for you, then carry on. For me? I am a person that needs things in plain view, no BS, and nothing left to unexplained.

As a child i was raised in a strict catholic household, we were forced to attend church , communion and the whole holy package, and I seriously believe that is where my doubts started to come in, the more i was forced to go the more i looked for a valid reason for wanting to go, this lead to my meticulous search for a purpose, evidence and or detachment from the widely accepted fiction that people call religion.