Difference of Opinion

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All human beings regardless of their belief system can be closed minded. I count myself as one of the most open minded people in this forum. Now who disagrees? And if you do, say why exactly. :D

lol I'd have to be crazy to disagree with that statement. You're one of the few people I know who states one of their beliefs and then adds, "but that may be wishful thinking."

So if all theists are close-minded and all atheists are open-minded then you should be in the middle, MA. You don't fit the stereotype any better than Accountable. :)
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Kimmy thinks for herself. Someone who drops the beliefs she was taught as a child or acquires new beliefs is likely a free thinker. The people to wonder about are the ones who belief the same thing their whole life without ever questioning it.


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Kimmy thinks for herself. Someone who drops the beliefs she was taught as a child or acquires new beliefs is likely a free thinker. The people to wonder about are the ones who belief the same thing their whole life without ever questioning it.
Glad you know her personally dude. I'm out it's my bed time.


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Accountable seems like an open-minded guy to me, Ed. Yet you seem convinced he is close-minded solely on the basis that he believes in God. That sounds like prejudice to me and prejudice is a type of close-mindedness.

If all theists are close-minded then are all atheists open-minded?

lol I can't believe I'm taking the side of a theist against an atheist. What's wrong with me? ;)

My point is this: Religion closes the mind with regards to the acceptance of reality. It's an assumption that has been shown to lead to ignoring scientific results.

Take this example:

Man evolved from simpler lifeforms. This we know to be true, it's been observed, tested, verified and repeated scores of times.

Believing in God closes people's mind off to this reality.

Whilst I'm pretty sure an educated man like Accountable does not believe in the creation myth, he's assuming that God created the universe and it's governing laws. So you see, with that belief he's closed of inquiry into what might actually be true.

The lastest scientific understanding is showing that God did not in fact make the laws of the universe, that God did not create the universe.

So as you can see, already thinking you know an answer you cannot back up in anyway is the epitome of close-mindedness. An open minded person simply understands that they don't know.


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My point is this: Religion closes the mind with regards to the acceptance of reality. It's an assumption that has been shown to lead to ignoring scientific results.

Take this example:

Man evolved from simpler lifeforms. This we know to be true, it's been observed, tested, verified and repeated scores of times.

Believing in God closes people's mind off to this reality.

Whilst I'm pretty sure an educated man like Accountable does not believe in the creation myth, he's assuming that God created the universe and it's governing laws. So you see, with that belief he's closed of inquiry into what might actually be true.

The lastest scientific understanding is showing that God did not in fact make the laws of the universe, that God did not create the universe.

So as you can see, already thinking you know an answer you cannot back up in anyway is the epitome of close-mindedness. An open minded person simply understands that they don't know.

That's YOUR opinion, mine is that yours is the closed mind, to God, and the reality that we actually have to answer to somebody much more powerful than we can ever imagine. I sometimes blow off the handle but I try and stay calm because I know deep down inside that it's just fear that keeps you from admitting it.......I adore science, I find it fascinating, but it doesn't own my past and it definately doesn't control my destiny.

How many times must I say this...I DO know. I know God, many many people do, He's here and I'm not about to deny Him because YOU say it makes more sense than not.

To get back on topic, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


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The close-minded and open-minded labels have absolutely lost all meaning. I am open-minded in the sense that I respect and I would fight for people's freedom regardless of their beliefs or natures, but not in the sense that I'd accept homophobic, racist, ignorant, retarded, delusional, destructive opinions and ideas from anyone without calling them out on their bullshit.

:24::24:OMG are you for real?


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That's YOUR opinion, mine is that yours is the closed mind, to God, and the reality that we actually have to answer to somebody much more powerful than we can ever imagine. I sometimes blow off the handle but I try and stay calm because I know deep down inside that it's just fear that keeps you from admitting it.......I adore science, I find it fascinating, but it doesn't own my past and it definately doesn't control my destiny.

How many times must I say this...I DO know. I know God, many many people do, He's here and I'm not about to deny Him because YOU say it makes more sense than not.

To get back on topic, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

No, it's not my opinion at all, its what the data is saying.

So, you say I'm closed-minded for not believing in God. Well, that's false. And I'll explain:

I know with 100% certainly that I DON'T KNOW whether there's a God or not.
I do know with 100% certainty that no one else knows either.

That isn't closed-minded at all, that's about as open a thought process as you can get actually. I am open to any answer that the universe presents us with. Are you?

Your claim to know 100% that you know God is incredibly closed-minded. Rather than be open to the millions of possibilities out there, you have decided, for your own reasons, that there is simply 1 answer. God.

How could you possibly call that open-minded? By opening your mind to God, you have closed your mind to everything else.


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Oh, and attributing everything to god is also VERY reductionistic...a.k.a - reducing something complex to something simpler. Example: saying EVERYTHING comes down to one god.


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I think open minded only means you are willing to consider an alternate view. It does not mean you will accept that view. But if there is reasonable evidence, you would be susceptible to changing your mind. Close minded means despite having a situation where there is plenty of room for doubt, a person sticks to their belief system no matter what, no matter if their belief is completely devoid of substance.

Now if there is not enough information or documentation to make a decision about a divine widget, but a person decides this is his/her belief anyway. What does that make them? As an Agnostic, my position, which is discounted by Atheists, is that while there is not enough info to reach a conclusion regarding anything specific about a God who may lords over us, there is still room to suspect or wish for such a thing or just a spiritual plane of existence. I know I want this (the spiritual existence), but I'm mature enough to admit that I could not in my mature, responsible mind, 'believe' such a thing based only on a desire. That would be childish. The best I can do is hope. And I can't even use the word 'faith' because faith connotates some kind of favorable odds your are right.

If you know something to be true, does it make sense to consider it not being true, just because others say you should? If you know something to be true, should you keep it quiet and not admit it for fear of being called close minded or even crazy? (why does' the emporers new clothes' come to mind here)..lol.

You sit there and you judge me for believing what I believe without a shadow of a doubt.....you call me immature and childish and you accuse ME of being close minded? Contrary to popular belief, just because a person states that they believe in God and defend their right to do so, does not mean they're shoving it down anybodys throats. I wish you believed.....and as long as you keep discussing this topic, I will too because that's my right.


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Attributing everything to god is a lame way of trying to hide the universe's complexity and awesomeness.

You post one liners almost as if you're quoting somebody else. I think that you're a confused little girl who is easily led. It's none of my business what you believe, but at least make it about you and not about what the people around you happen to believe at the moment. I'm sorry Kimmy, I like you but you're really transparent.

I wont' discuss this issue with you any further because I don't believe that you're capable of differentiating between what you believe and what you're told you SHOULD believe. Have a nice day.


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No, it's not my opinion at all, its what the data is saying.

So, you say I'm closed-minded for not believing in God. Well, that's false. And I'll explain:

I know with 100% certainly that I DON'T KNOW whether there's a God or not.
I do know with 100% certainty that no one else knows either.

That isn't closed-minded at all, that's about as open a thought process as you can get actually. I am open to any answer that the universe presents us with. Are you?

Your claim to know 100% that you know God is incredibly closed-minded. Rather than be open to the millions of possibilities out there, you have decided, for your own reasons, that there is simply 1 answer. God.

How could you possibly call that open-minded? By opening your mind to God, you have closed your mind to everything else.

I know with 100% certainty that you're wrong ed.....sorry. I am well aware of the scientific data and I admire the minds behind it all....but like everything else around us, it's all just a pebble on the beach of life. I'm open to so many possiblities it would make your head spin....but nobody can tell me that God doesn't exist. Because I know that He does.

I don't call it open mindedness, I call it what I believe to be the truth and that's that, what you call it makes no difference to me whatsoever. I don't answer to you.


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Oh, and attributing everything to god is also VERY reductionistic...a.k.a - reducing something complex to something simpler. Example: saying EVERYTHING comes down to one god.

exactly, this is why an absolute belief in God like Sadie's is the epitome of closed-mindedness. Everything that she cannot explain is attributed to God.


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You post one liners almost as if you're quoting somebody else. I think that you're a confused little girl who is easily led. It's none of my business what you believe, but at least make it about you and not about what the people around you happen to believe at the moment. I'm sorry Kimmy, I like you but you're really transparent.

I wont' discuss this issue with you any further because I don't believe that you're capable of differentiating between what you believe and what you're told you SHOULD believe. Have a nice day.

Little girl? Says the one obsessed with some tarted up celebrity...
I'm not a confused little girl :thumbdown Hypocritical much.

It's not about other people Sadie, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN A GOD. Don't be so close-minded now as to judge like that :rolleyes:

I was raised to believe in god, I studied it in fucking high school, but guess what? After my own questioning, I changed, hah hah!! I've seen both sides, I chose which side, fuck you and anyone else who thinks I am being told what to believe because I am who I am and I choose to believe (or rather not believe) in whatever I like. Too bad if I share those beliefs/non-beliefs with someone I love.
I stopped believing before I met anyone on here, if what you're saying is that people on here changed me.

And good, don't talk to me then, keep cutting off people and being close-minded.
Hah :)


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exactly, this is why an absolute belief in God like Sadie's is the epitome of closed-mindedness. Everything that she cannot explain is attributed to God.

I feel sorry for you. Life must be so dull for you having to have an explanation for everything, every feeling, every mystery that is existence. You can spew all the nonsense you like, but it doesn't change anything, your closed mind is as obvious to me as mine is to you. The only difference is.....well.....what if you're wrong??


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Science doesn't explain everything, everybody knows that and accepts it, obviously you don't know much about the topic at hand. How do you expect to knock down science if you can't play it's own game huh?


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Little girl? Says the one obsessed with some tarted up celebrity...
I'm not a confused little girl :thumbdown Hypocritical much.

It's not about other people Sadie, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN A GOD. Don't be so close-minded now as to judge like that :rolleyes:

I was raised to believe in god, I studied it in fucking high school, but guess what? After my own questioning, I changed, hah hah!! I've seen both sides, I chose which side, fuck you and anyone else who thinks I am being told what to believe because I am who I am and I choose to believe (or rather not believe) in whatever I like. Too bad if I share those beliefs/non-beliefs with someone I love.
I stopped believing before I met anyone on here, if what you're saying is that people on here changed me.

And good, don't talk to me then, keep cutting off people and being close-minded.
Hah :)

I understand your anger Kimmy, some things are not so easy to hear. later