Not even close, but it's not a conversation I'm interested in.
well actually yes. Evolution is as real as atoms. Have a watch of the video here:
The only reason this is ever in question is because of the religious vested interest in needing God to be the creator of man. This flies in the face of reality. And is the crux of what we're talking about here.
you're not interested in this conversation probably because it will mean you'll have to revise your world view. Or ignore it, which i the option you've gone for. Open minded??
If "believing that God and science are incompatible, even competitive, closes people's minds off to such ideas" is true, as you yourself agree, then how can such people do otherwise than to reject evolution or reject God??
Well rejecting evolution would be simply ignoring reality to maintain a supernatural belief.
I'm sure it's possible to believe in God and follow science, but it would only be a logical thing to do if the results of scientific enquiry changed what the notion of God is with each and every subsequent discovery.
You start with a set of unproveable & silly (imo) premises, then base the rest of your post on them. Bad logical form, and not a word about random chance.
Ok firstly which unproveable and silly premise? You need to clarify that before I can realistically dignify that with a response.
Also please clarify what you are referring to when you say "random chance", this is unclear to me, hence why I asked you to clarify.
Who ever said that God is not mathematical? If, as I believe, God created the laws of nature, then everything that naturally occurred did so as an extension of His creation ... including the mathematics that make everything make sense.
Because he can allegedly bypass the mathematical laws of the universe and perform miracles. If God obeys the mathematical rules, then he cannot guide life with this "invisible hand", can he? Nor whip a planet into shape. Nor would there be any need to, given the mathematical laws will do that anyway.
:24: No you're not open. Not even close. You argue against it like someone insulted your mom! :24:
In what possible way is what I said NOT open minded? You're not open to the possibility of anyone else's view point on God, nor are you open to the physical world and it's natural laws outside of the realm of God. So now you're attacking me with an utterly baseless attack? Let me state my place again: I am open to the idea of a God, and I am open the much larger possibility that there isn't one. You cannot get a much more open viewpoint than that.