Here is where you are wrong.
And where do you suppose bullies belong? Talking to you on the street or at your place of residence? They need monitored counseling and if it has to be in a psych ward or a juvenile detention center then so be it. What is so wrong with a psych ward? You get good counseling there, it's air conditioned, one on one and group therapy, they will learn coping skills, and be rehabilitated. Bullying is a disorder IMO which needs to be addressed when they first show signs of it. If it isn't then they grow up to be more destructive. Maybe and I say maybe even criminals.
You might know about psych wards in your country but this isn't about your country specifically. This is about bullying in the US and I know how the system works here. You don't.
If you were to lock up every bully in the world you'd be locking up a significant proportion of society. That would be lunacy.
Also, bullying, as I've pointed out before is a learned behaviour. It can be reversed. But locking them up is not going to do that.
I know how psyche wards work in the US, and they're as equally ineffective as wards over here. We studied the US system mostly in psychology, as that's where most of the studies have taken place. I have firsthand experience of psyche wards in the UK. These are not places to change bullying.
Bullying is not an illness, nor is it a psychosis of any kind. And so it doesn't belong in a psyche ward.
Bullies aren't criminals, until they commit an actual offense, such as GBH, so until then they don't belong in prison.
But to answer your question: I believe strongly in keeping as many people out of the penal system as possible. Bullies are not murderers. Most bullying barely even makes it to physical assault. Study after study after study has shown how ineffectual the penal system is at stopping recidivism and has a tendency to turn otherwise very petty criminals into serious ones. So my question to you is, why on Earth do you support a system that doesn't work?
I agree in needs to be nipped in the bud. But that responsibility is yours, mine, and every other twat in society, NOT the criminal justice system.
So, again, where exactly am I wrong?