Ed you just don't get it. The only way to handle a bully is to make new laws against bullying with harsh repercussions. And throw them in jail or juvenile detention depending on what age they are. Counsel them with professionals not people like you. Unless that is you have a degree in psychology? Do you work in that field? From what I have read you don't hold a job or do you?
"Ed you just don't get it." - those kind of statements annoy the bejesus out of me. You haven't offered any example of you having the slightest bit of understanding of a) human nature b) developmental psychology and c) bullying itself. What is it exactly that I just don't get? That you're not prepared to simply tell people how you feel about bullying? That you're not prepared to at least do something about it? That you like to bury your head in the sand? That you don't think people can change? Don't worry, I get all that, it's coming through loud and clear.
Yay! Just we need, more laws! Awesome! What great solution! Let's lock even more people up! My God, yes, let's put a bully in with some serious criminals, see how that helps him change. Great idea...
Ok, sarcasm aside:
Firstly, bullying is more often than not hard to prove. This is part of the problem. A regular punch up is not bullying. Bullying is persistent emotional and/or physical torment. Very difficult to prosecute that kind of thing. Victims find it hard to speak out. And even harder when you get compassionate people like Guyzerr claiming people just need to learn to stick up for themselves, and you who think that nothing can be done about it. Which is why it needs society, people like you and me, to make it perfectly clear we will not tolerate such behaviour and let people know that. Bullying often takes place in group circumstances, all it takes is for one member of the group to point out how wrong it is and you'd be amazed at how that one gesture can change things - and that I have seen with my very own eyes.
I studied psychology at adult college in my twenties. Not quite to degree level. But I've got a pretty good understanding of certain types of psychology. Not enough to go counsel people, but then if you knew anything about psychology you'd know most psychologists are quite against the idea of counseling. It comes best from friends, relatives, people you have a relationship with, not some plonker who did a psyche module at uni and can't find a job doing anything else.
And yes, currently I am unemployed.