God, I can't believe the amount of crap and misconceptions in this thread I'm reading! Scot, why are you so hung up on proving that gay sex is more dangerous? What do you want them to do? Say "Oh yes! Being straight is much safer, I'll stop fancying my own sex?"
From those stats GLing posted there's a high rate of AIDs in Africa too. AID's is more prevelant in different places. So what do you want Africans to do? Stop having sex as well?
You can only get AIDs from a gay person! FACT! Maybe there is and maybe there isn't more people with AIDs who are gay, it dosen't mean being gay is more dangerous! The only think which effects how dangerous or not it is is the precausions you take, both straight and gay people! So you reckon there are lots of gay people with AIDs running around having casual sex with multiple partners without telling them about it? Well hello! What the fuck are you doing having unprotected sex with a male slut anyway? This works exactly the same way as it does straight people!
Oh and what a load of bullshit about you can't be gay unless you've had gay sex and the only gay sex you can have is anal! Hello! Never heard of oral or something?
Anyway, what has this got to do with the topic? Are you trying to say people with AIDs are crap parents now?
*Walks of shaking head in disbelief at this thread!*
No one is trying to say anything like that Peter, or I'm not anyways. I simply responded with an alterior answer to why people think Gay sex is more dangerous. I would feelsorry for the children of an AIDS patient, if anything ... because they will prematurly lose a parent.
The numbers alone prove that gay males have a higher risk of occurance of contracting AIDS than herterosexuals do, based on the type of sex involved. If they aren't having "sex" as in intercourse/penetration/oral then they have absolutely nothing to worry about and aren't included in the statistics. But the ones who are .. are putting themselves at higher risk .. based on the type sexual activity they choose to partake in.
You can also get AIDS from oral sex as well, if you aren't extremely careful .. all it takes are a set of bleeding gums after brushing your teeth.
Does that mean gay parents aren't as good as parents as straight parents .. who knows.
It's not something that has been going on as long as heterosexual parenting. It's new .. and basically unexplored .. so you have to expect when asking a bunch of people on the internet that it is going to do nothing more than provide a bunch of hypotheticals and opinions .. plain truth is .. there aren't enough "Facts" to base a proper conclusion on ATM in history, just emotions.