Abortion. Right or wrong?

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Peter Parka

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I disagree with abortion for the most part because I believe killing innocent people is one of the worst things you can do. I hate religion so I really don't see why someone can't be against abortion for religious or Bible reasons only!
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I'm all for abortion, 100%, I support it. If a female feels she does not or cannot support a baby, then by all means, have an abortion. This is no different than the "gay marriage" debate. It is HER body. Who the hell are we to tell her she can't get rid of it? Also, the arguement of, "Well, at least have the baby and give it away!" is invalid in my eyes. What if she doesn't want to deal with that pain, or can't afford the hospital bills? I don't know about you guys, but if I was a pregnant female and somebody was telling me what I could and couldn't do with my body, I'd kick somebody's ass without hesitation. If a girl wants an abortion, it should be HER private business. It's not our business. Maybe it's a mistake, but let her make that decision. We live in an overpopulated world, and we also live in a world where not everybody that is pregnant can or wants to support a child. What if it's a 15 year old girl that gets raped, and becomes pregnant? Should she have the child, and every time she sees the child, be ashamed because of how she came to have that child? What about a 16 year old girl who's boyfriend accidently gets her pregnant, and she has no way of financially supporting the child?

The bottom line is this: It is the FEMALE'S choice, and nobody elses in my eyes. It is HER body, and I'll be damned if we should be allowed to control something like this. All you women on here with kids know how painful it is to go through childbirth. What if a girl thinks she can't handle that? Is it right to force her to do it? Hell no. Bash me or neg rep me all you want, but I firmly stand beside my thoughts on this one. Girls go through all kinds of hell that men can't even BEGIN to imagine. The least we can do is cut them some slack, and give them the choice of if they want to have an abortion or not. I find it very wrong that in our country, a country that is supposedly a "free" country, we're trying to decide what is ok for a girl to do when it concerns her body. What next, are we going to ban masturbation?

Peter Parka

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I'm all for abortion, 100%, I support it. If a female feels she does not or cannot support a baby, then by all means, have an abortion. This is no different than the "gay marriage" debate. It is HER body. Who the hell are we to tell her she can't get rid of it? Also, the arguement of, "Well, at least have the baby and give it away!" is invalid in my eyes. What if she doesn't want to deal with that pain, or can't afford the hospital bills? I don't know about you guys, but if I was a pregnant female and somebody was telling me what I could and couldn't do with my body, I'd kick somebody's ass without hesitation. If a girl wants an abortion, it should be HER private business. It's not our business. Maybe it's a mistake, but let her make that decision. We live in an overpopulated world, and we also live in a world where not everybody that is pregnant can or wants to support a child. What if it's a 15 year old girl that gets raped, and becomes pregnant? Should she have the child, and every time she sees the child, be ashamed because of how she came to have that child? What about a 16 year old girl who's boyfriend accidently gets her pregnant, and she has no way of financially supporting the child?

The bottom line is this: It is the FEMALE'S choice, and nobody elses in my eyes. It is HER body, and I'll be damned if we should be allowed to control something like this. All you women on here with kids know how painful it is to go through childbirth. What if a girl thinks she can't handle that? Is it right to force her to do it? Hell no. Bash me or neg rep me all you want, but I firmly stand beside my thoughts on this one. Girls go through all kinds of hell that men can't even BEGIN to imagine. The least we can do is cut them some slack, and give them the choice of if they want to have an abortion or not. I find it very wrong that in our country, a country that is supposedly a "free" country, we're trying to decide what is ok for a girl to do when it concerns her body. What next, are we going to ban masturbation?

If she dosen't want to deal with the pain, she should have thought about that before she had sex and most probably without contraception. Killing a human being because you fucked up isn't right. We're not just talking about her body are we? Its the little babys body which is going to get killed.
We're overpopulated as it is are we? What next, kill disabled and retarted people? Maybe put some thing like the Joy Division started by the Nazis into practice?


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Just seems that, bearing Original Sin in mind, deeply Christian beliefs should accommodate abortion. Yet it doesn't.

What do you expect? They don't acacomodate gay rights either. Religion is nonsense. I don't listen to the bible, because I think it's a stupid-ass book that has been misinterpereted over the years. It started out as God's word, but society has twisted it around from its original meanings.


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I'm all for abortion, 100%, I support it. If a female feels she does not or cannot support a baby, then by all means, have an abortion. This is no different than the "gay marriage" debate. It is HER body. Who the hell are we to tell her she can't get rid of it? Also, the arguement of, "Well, at least have the baby and give it away!" is invalid in my eyes. What if she doesn't want to deal with that pain, or can't afford the hospital bills? I don't know about you guys, but if I was a pregnant female and somebody was telling me what I could and couldn't do with my body, I'd kick somebody's ass without hesitation. If a girl wants an abortion, it should be HER private business. It's not our business. Maybe it's a mistake, but let her make that decision. We live in an overpopulated world, and we also live in a world where not everybody that is pregnant can or wants to support a child. What if it's a 15 year old girl that gets raped, and becomes pregnant? Should she have the child, and every time she sees the child, be ashamed because of how she came to have that child? What about a 16 year old girl who's boyfriend accidently gets her pregnant, and she has no way of financially supporting the child?

The bottom line is this: It is the FEMALE'S choice, and nobody elses in my eyes. It is HER body, and I'll be damned if we should be allowed to control something like this. All you women on here with kids know how painful it is to go through childbirth. What if a girl thinks she can't handle that? Is it right to force her to do it? Hell no. Bash me or neg rep me all you want, but I firmly stand beside my thoughts on this one. Girls go through all kinds of hell that men can't even BEGIN to imagine. The least we can do is cut them some slack, and give them the choice of if they want to have an abortion or not. I find it very wrong that in our country, a country that is supposedly a "free" country, we're trying to decide what is ok for a girl to do when it concerns her body. What next, are we going to ban masturbation?

In my mind, the danger with this kind of thinking is that it makes conception frivolous. Much more unprotected sex would occur, since abortion would be justified. Conception should remain sacred, whether a person is religiously inclined or not. It's not something that should be made every day, or routine. Even though I agree with you that there are circumstances where abortion is the best choice.


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If she dosen't want to deal with the pain, she should have thought about that before she had sex and most probably without contraception. Killing a human being because you fucked up isn't right. We're not just talking about her body are we? Its the little babys body which is going to get killed.
We're overpopulated as it is are we? What next, kill disabled and retarted people? Maybe put some thing like the Joy Division started by the Nazis into practice?

What if it is the guy's fault? Broken condoms happen. I never said kill disabled and retarded people, but yes, the US at least, is overpopulated. Did you even read the rape question? Pregnancy by rape isn't uncommon. What about that situation? If you take away a girl's right to have an abortion, then you should take away gay rights, equal rights, and disabled rights as well.

As for the Nazis, Hitler was a very intelligent man, although twisted as well. Much of today's medical advances were made possible by the human testing Hitler did. He did major tests in genetics, as well as things like putting a living human in freezing cold water to see how long they could survive. While he was a disturbed man, at the same time, he contributed a great deal to today's world.

In my mind, the danger with this kind of thinking is that it makes conception frivolous. Much more unprotected sex would occur, since abortion would be justified. Conception should remain sacred, whether a person is religiously inclined or not. It's not something that should be made every day, or routine. Even though I agree with you that there are circumstances where abortion is the best choice.

Abortion is justified as we speak! More unprotected sex would not occur, because protection isn't JUST for pregnancy. It's also for STDs. I'm sorry, but I support abortion, and that's not going to change any time soon.


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What do you expect? They don't acacomodate gay rights either. Religion is nonsense. I don't listen to the bible, because I think it's a stupid-ass book that has been misinterpereted over the years. It started out as God's word, but society has twisted it around from its original meanings.

Religion isn't nonsense. You and I should be so lucky as to have something greater than ourselves to guiding us and protecting us. Faith is an amazing thing. We are just without.


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Religion isn't nonsense. You and I should be so lucky as to have something greater than ourselves to guiding us and protecting us. Faith is an amazing thing. We are just without.

I am not going to get into the whole religion debate, and why I disagree with it. Religion has many loopholes in it. As far as guiding me and protecting me, that shit became nonsense to me long ago. If "a highter being" was protecting and guiding me, then why was my grandmother taken from me after her cancer went away, why was my dog taken from me, and why was my 16 year old friend, who did nothing wrong(She loved God, went to church, etc.) allowed to die by the hands of some drunk asshole? "Protecting me" my ass. If that's protection, then I'll take my chances with no protection. I'm far from lucky. If I was lucky, my 16 year old friend, who was a big Christian, wouldn't have died an innocent girl doing nothing wrong.

Religion is nonsense. There are too many loopholes, and as I've said before, it contradicts itself numerous times.


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Abortion is justified as we speak!

It is not inherently good. Even those who advocate it, only do so as a last second alternative. It is morally reprehensible, and the decision to have one is always weighed heavily with social and moral consequences. So no, it is not automatically justified.

All Else Failed

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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my brain hurts reading some of these comments.

look guys. There's no such thing as instant humanity upon spermal contact with the egg. Until it gains brainwaves that are active, its not a human. Its a lump of cells. Getting an abortion within the first couple of months is nothing to lose sleep over.


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It is not inherently good. Even those who advocate it, only do so as a last second alternative. It is morally reprehensible, and the decision to have one is always weighed heavily with social and moral consequences. So no, it is not automatically justified.

As I've already said, preach all you want, you won't change my opinion on the matter. It should be the choice of the female alone, and it is none of our damn business what a girl does with her body. The same applies to gay rights, it's none of our business what they choose to do.

Peter Parka

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What if it is the guy's fault? Broken condoms happen. I never said kill disabled and retarded people, but yes, the US at least, is overpopulated. Did you even read the rape question? Pregnancy by rape isn't uncommon. What about that situation? If you take away a girl's right to have an abortion, then you should take away gay rights, equal rights, and disabled rights as well.

As for the Nazis, Hitler was a very intelligent man, although twisted as well. Much of today's medical advances were made possible by the human testing Hitler did. He did major tests in genetics, as well as things like putting a living human in freezing cold water to see how long they could survive. While he was a disturbed man, at the same time, he contributed a great deal to today's world.

I agree that the rape issue is a different situation. I fail to see how a condom splitting is just the guys fault if the girl agreed to have sex with him. If you didn't want to run the risk at all of pregnancy, don't have sex!
As for the Nazi stuff, are you seriously trying to tell me that raping girls to produce a master, superior race was a good idea???:wtf:

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my brain hurts reading some of these comments.

look guys. There's no such thing as instant humanity upon spermal contact with the egg. Until it gains brainwaves that are active, its not a human. Its a lump of cells. Getting an abortion within the first couple of months is nothing to lose sleep over.

Thats just your opinion. I, along with many other people feel differently about it.


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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my brain hurts reading some of these comments.

look guys. There's no such thing as instant humanity upon spermal contact with the egg. Until it gains brainwaves that are active, its not a human. Its a lump of cells. Getting an abortion within the first couple of months is nothing to lose sleep over.
^I'm not with homo.


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As I've already said, preach all you want, you won't change my opinion on the matter. It should be the choice of the female alone, and it is none of our damn business what a girl does with her body. The same applies to gay rights, it's none of our business what they choose to do.

This gets in to a grey area, because legally one cannot own their children. You can be in guardianship of them and their interests. It would be tough to make a case that aborting your child is in the child's interest.


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look guys. There's no such thing as instant humanity upon spermal contact with the egg. Until it gains brainwaves that are active, its not a human. Its a lump of cells. Getting an abortion within the first couple of months is nothing to lose sleep over.

its medical fact that its just a bunch of forming cells for most of the first trimester.


I agree that the rape issue is a different situation. I fail to see how a condom splitting is just the guys fault if the girl agreed to have sex with him. If you didn't want to run the risk at all of pregnancy, don't have sex!
As for the Nazi stuff, are you seriously trying to tell me that raping girls to produce a master, superior race was a good idea???:wtf:
A broken condom can very well be the guys fault. The girl agrees to have sex with him, but how could she know the condom is broken?

As for Hitler: have you ever read up on history? Hitler was a sick man, no doubt. But most of his experiments on humans led to our advances in medicine.