YOUR Trayvon Martin theory - what exactly happened?

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All speculation aside, let me just say that I think there are occassions when gun owners act irresponsibly and I think this is just one such occassion. I think there are occassions when young people act irresponsibly and this may have been the case here, as well. The kid has a more physiological reason for being stupid in that the prefrontal cortex, that part of the brain where good judgement is exercised, doesn't reach maturation until around age 25. (Heck, Zimmerman's was barely mature.) That Zimmerman was likely acting in self defense may well be true by the time it came down to pulling the trigger, but I can't go with the flow and condone his actions leading up to the encounter that resulted in Martin's death. I support gun ownership and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. As Joe the Meek has stated "Ultimately, since he [Zimmerman] was armed, he HAS to hold himself to a higher standard per his own actions and how his actions may affect others and their actions towards him. Carrying a gun may be a right, but it's also a huge responsibility." I'm sorry that others will take issue with what I think, but I think in this case, Zimmerman should serve some time as an example of what happens when you act irresponsibly with a weapon. I will always believe that the possession of a firearm gave Zimmerman a boldness he might not otherwise have possessed.

Well said.
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As Joe the Meek has stated "Ultimately, since he [Zimmerman] was armed, he HAS to hold himself to a higher standard per his own actions and how his actions may affect others and their actions towards him. Carrying a gun may be a right, but it's also a huge responsibility."

I agree with you both on that point, for sure!

I too wonder about whether Zimmerman's actions prior to the actual shooting might have been irresponsible in a lot of ways.

The problem is, were Zimmerman's actions Illegal in any way prior to the confrontation? So far, it doesn't look like it. Unless they are able to find that Zimmerman followed Martin with the intent to cause bodily injury, this is a really tough case.

Legalities set aside, Zimmerman was VERY unwise to step outside of his vehicle ... whether to see where Martin was going or not being that he knew that Police were on the way. That was the limit of his responsibility and of his "authority" as night watch.

I still have this gut feeling (aka complete speculation statement now) that Zimmerman did feel that he should pull his gun to stop the physical fight and keep Martin at gunpoint and that the shooting was accidental what with the chaos that was ensuing at this point.

"Stand-Your-Ground" ... this law is the CENTER of this whole case and I believe we will be seeing this law either revised ... or done away with.


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I don't think age has much to do with anything. Angela Corey is prosecuting a 12 year old as an adult for murder. She may be well justified in doing so because a person's age doesn't give them the right to attack anyone. Someone's age is a stupid way to justify anything here. I do think Martin got angry and instigated the fight. He had a Twitter account where he bragged about "swinging" on a bus driver so he had absolutely no respect for people and took pride in fighting. While on the phone with his girlfriend she claims she told him to run and he refused so he had no intention of getting away from the situation. This whole thing would have been avoided if he had ran sooner. He was a high school football player. I'm sure he could have made it home alot sooner instead of deciding to hang around and confront Zimmerman.


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"Stand-Your-Ground" ... this law is the CENTER of this whole case and I believe we will be seeing this law either revised ... or done away with.

I think in the begging this was the case, but I don't think it's going to be used as a defense, they know it's not applicable. But the media attention has definitely drawn attention to the law and I dare say there will be revisions.


Glorified Maniac
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I'll tell you what really happened

Zimmerman was like (while holding the gun at Trayvon), "Shine my shoes BOY!!!!"and Trayvon was like "Yez zir mistir"
and then Zimmerman was like "BOY dance and throw me a beat!" and Trayvon was like "Yez zir mistir. Whats evva you says mistir"
and then Zimmerman was like "You dont know me ESSAY" and Trayvon was like hey your not whitey and Trayvon started smashing Zimmerman's head on the ground and they fought over the gun one of them pulled the trigger on accident and Trayvon when down.
and Zimmerman said "are you alright Holmes" "Yo Gringo you ok" "oh shit me madre is going to kill me"


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I'll tell you what really happened

Zimmerman was like (while holding the gun at Trayvon), "Shine my shoes BOY!!!!"and Trayvon was like "Yez zir mistir"
and then Zimmerman was like "BOY dance and throw me a beat!" and Trayvon was like "Yez zir mistir. Whats evva you says mistir"
and then Zimmerman was like "You dont know me ESSAY" and Trayvon was like hey your not whitey and Trayvon started smashing Zimmerman's head on the ground and they fought over the gun one of them pulled the trigger on accident and Trayvon when down.
and Zimmerman said "are you alright Holmes" "Yo Gringo you ok" "oh shit me madre is going to kill me"

Not funny.


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Zimmerman isn't charged with possessing or discharging a gun he is charged with 2nd degree murder. For all you armchair lawyers out there to win a conviction for second-degree murder prosecutors must convince a six-member jury that Zimmerman acted in a manner that was “evincing a depraved mind.”

Suspicion, unfounded or not, isn’t inherently malicious. Nor is reckless judgment a sure sign of mental depravity.

All this crap is irrelevant the prosecution has nothing so far.


Having way too much fun
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I don't think age has much to do with anything. Angela Corey is prosecuting a 12 year old as an adult for murder. She may be well justified in doing so because a person's age doesn't give them the right to attack anyone. Someone's age is a stupid way to justify anything here. I do think Martin got angry and instigated the fight. He had a Twitter account where he bragged about "swinging" on a bus driver so he had absolutely no respect for people and took pride in fighting. While on the phone with his girlfriend she claims she told him to run and he refused so he had no intention of getting away from the situation. This whole thing would have been avoided if he had ran sooner. He was a high school football player. I'm sure he could have made it home alot sooner instead of deciding to hang around and confront Zimmerman.

So if someone you don't know starts chasing you, you have to run? You can't stand your ground and defend yourself? They should really look into making a law about that... a kind of "Stand your ground" law. Right?
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so if someone you don't know starts chasing you, you have to run? You can't stand your ground and defend yourself? They should really look into making a law about that... I kind of "stand your ground" law. Right?

lol! :24:


Well-Known Member
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So if someone you don't know starts chasing you, you have to run? You can't stand your ground and defend yourself? They should really look into making a law about that... a kind of "Stand your ground" law. Right?

lol no kidding

The Man

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So if someone you don't know starts chasing you, you have to run? You can't stand your ground and defend yourself? They should really look into making a law about that... a kind of "Stand your ground" law. Right?

That doesnt apply here as there is zero evidence that Zimmerman chased martin


Having way too much fun
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That doesnt apply here as there is zero evidence that Zimmerman chased martin

You are absolutely correct, the 911 calls were faked, the 911 operator never told him to not follow him and Zimmerman's statement to the police that night was a pure fabrication.

I don't know what the hell I was thinking

The Man

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You are absolutely correct, the 911 calls were faked, the 911 operator never told him to not follow him and Zimmerman's statement to the police that night was a pure fabrication.

I don't know what the hell I was thinking

They are all real....with zero evidence that shows Zimmerman chased Martin


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So if someone you don't know starts chasing you, you have to run? You can't stand your ground and defend yourself? They should really look into making a law about that... a kind of "Stand your ground" law. Right?

So you admit Zimmerman also had a right to stand his ground as well. Glad to see you are coming around.


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Zimmerman had just as much legal right to be where he was as Martin did.

The Florida Stand Your Ground Law states: A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

What many try to claim is Zimmerman went after Martin with intent of causing him harm. There is no evidence to support that. Even the lead investigator admitted “there is no evidence to disprove Zimmerman’s contention he was walking back to his vehicle when confronted by Martin.” So where is this ill intent? It really doesn't make any sense. If someone is "chasing" someone down to harm them would they do it while on the phone with 911 knowing these calls are recorded?

What about the proven fight between Martin and Zimmerman? If a person has a gun and has plans to use it do they first get into a physical struggle with them? No.

Not only does the prosecution's case defy logic just look at the evidence that backs what Zimmerman claims happened.

A witness to the confrontation just following the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and punching him, while Zimmerman was yelling for help. This witness, who identified himself as "John", stated that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911". He went on to say that when he got upstairs and looked down, "the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

The photos taken showing the wounds to Zimmerman's head.

The police report stating Zimmerman was bleeding from his nose and head.

Zimmerman's family testified he had wounds on his head and his nose was swollen the next day.

Zimmerman had just as much of a legal right to be where he was as Martin did. It has not been proven Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after 911 suggested he stop(admitted by lead investigator). A witness backs up Zimmerman's story about the struggle. The wounds Zimmerman suffered show bodily harm and also back up his story of being punched in the nose and his head slammed against the concrete.

Not only does Zimmerman have a strong case for the stand your ground law he also has a strong case for self defense.


Slightly Acidic
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A witness to the confrontation just following the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and punching him, while Zimmerman was yelling for help. This witness, who identified himself as "John", stated that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911". He went on to say that when he got upstairs and looked down, "the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Yet verifiable scientific evidence has proven that it was NOT Zimmerman yelling "help" on the audio recordings of the event. I would say that single piece of evidence alone casts doubt on Zimmerman's story, and certainly impeaches the credibility and testimony of at least that one witness. That is the reason why there is going to be a trial.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Yet verifiable scientific evidence has proven that it was NOT Zimmerman yelling "help" on the audio recordings of the event. I would say that single piece of evidence alone casts doubt on Zimmerman's story, and certainly impeaches the credibility and testimony of at least that one witness. That is the reason why there is going to be a trial.
If you are talking about the two persons who claimed they ruled out Zimmerman as being the voice....... They won't even be asked to testify. The are self serving opportunists and would be shreaded by the defense.. The Man posted a report about they guys. They little credibility in addition to the fact that experts have indicated you need to have a reasonably close group of words to compare. A few moments of somebody yelling help is not gonna suffice.