Woman Escorted Off Bus For Reading Bible Aloud

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Why is it, when someone believes in a higher power, the non believers react with such distain? I know alot of the responses from some people in this thread are totally not within their character.


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Why is it, when someone believes in a higher power, the non believers react with such distain? I know alot of the responses from some people in this thread are totally not within their character.

I'm sitting here thinking the same thing. So much anger lately.... :confused


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Why is it, when someone believes in a higher power, the non believers react with such distain? I know alot of the responses from some people in this thread are totally not within their character.
Exactly .. it's ok and right for someone to offend a group of citizens and expect/get an apology when its not related to a religious belief .. but by god those damn christians need to just sit down and shut up. :smiley24:


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*Wonders what everyone would think if the woman was Arab and reading the Quran*

debbie t

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Why is it, when someone believes in a higher power, the non believers react with such distain? I know alot of the responses from some people in this thread are totally not within their character.

i think the big guy did mention somewhere that mentioning his name would cause trouble.seems like if you say JESUS everyone goes nuts.so He got that right.
i have to say that in the short time ive been here the antichristian feeling seems very prominant,i dont know why.

so since some people here have lost the bus/reading/wheres and whyfores plot,may i steal some of cs lewis's words(and theyre not from the lion the witch nor the bloody wardrobe.

Christianity has not,and does not profess to have ,a detailed political programme for applying 'do as you would be done by' to a particular society at a particular moment.it could not have.it is meant for all men at all times and the particular programme which suited one place ot time would not suit another.and,anyhow that is not how christianity works.when it tells you to feed the hungry it does not give a cookery lesson.when it tells you to READ the scripture it doesnt give you lessons in hebrew or greek.or even in english grammar.
it was never intended to replace or supercede the ordinary human arts andsciences;it is rather a director which will set them all to the right jobs,and an energy which will give them all new life,if only they will put themselves at its disposal.

from what i see i think this has much more to do with reading in a loud voice

i personnaly like to hear a jolly good story on the bus when its boring,and its better than that tinnymusical tweets i have to suffer from some chavs mp3 player:)

Peter Parka

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I personally think she was having little or no regard for her fellow passengers and wanted to do her own thing regardless. A bus is a pretty confined area shared with many other passengers besides herself of different persuasions and different frame of minds at the time...who may very well not have wanted to be distracted or disturbed by the reading of the bible aloud or for that matter anything else...or may have wanted to read or listen to whatever else they so chose to privately.

From what she was doing and from her reaction and responses it would suggest that she wanted to impose herself and beliefs in a publicly confined area in a selfish manner despite anyone else's wishes. She could have done that in lots of other places within reason.......unless she lives in the bus.

100% agree. If someone wants to practice a religion, that's their business but personally if I'm travelling on a bus I have the right not to be disturbed by some religious fruitcake and believe me, those 7th day adventists are!

debbie t

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100% agree. If someone wants to practice a religion, that's their business but personally if I'm travelling on a bus I have the right not to be disturbed by some religious fruitcake and believe me, those 7th day adventists are!

what a 7th day adventist????is george bush one of those if so ill understand:D


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I just want to make it clear. My whole point all along is that there is a time and place for everything. I am one of the most tolerant people there are. Often to a fault. But I can tell you, if I am on a bus, a taxi, a movie theater or another place of public confines I don't wish to be disturbed by another person or persons reading aloud or singing aloud or otherwise engaging in other such things of personal or religious belief and imposing themselves without consideration of others regardless. I can't make this any clearer. Freedom of expression is no excuse for common sense and responsible regard.

It would have been entirely different had it been a chartered bus of her peers of same religious persuasion or a congregation of same in place of worship or whatever, reading aloud, singing aloud or dancing to their heart's content. This is all good. However this was not the case according to what I have read in the article. It would be logical to assume that on the bus there would have been various people of various personal religious or non-religious or semi-religious persuasions who may not have wanted to be disturbed by such things at the time. She ought to have known this. I would hazard a guess to say she was well aware but didn't care to have consideration to her fellow passengers as evidenced by her reaction. I've already said that I am sure there are numerous other places she could have edified her children whether privately or otherwise under like public gatherings.

I have nothing against Catholics, Pentecostals, Anglicans, Seventh Day Adventists, Born Again Christians, Mormons, Baptists, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Orisha, Shango etc etc.....to each his own. The problem I have is one trying to force their own religious utterances or beliefs onto another without consent or regard in a publicly confined space.

It is all about having due consideration and regard for others and that there is a time and place for everything. I hope I have made myself perfectly clear just in case there is any misunderstanding.


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Exactly .. it's ok and right for someone to offend a group of citizens and expect/get an apology when its not related to a religious belief .. but by god those damn christians need to just sit down and shut up. :smiley24:


I am not just a Christian on Sunday mornings. I am not just a Christian in my home. It is a part of who I am.

I will read my Bible in public aloud anytime I feel like it. My ancestors came to this country to have freedom of religion, not freedom from it. Soldiers are dying so that I can keep that freedom and to hopefully extend that same freedom to others as well. I will legally exercise that right whenever I want to.


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it was never intended to replace or supercede the ordinary human arts andsciences;it is rather a director which will set them all to the right jobs,and an energy which will give them all new life,if only they will put themselves at its disposal.
Nice Debbie. Very nice.

from what i see i think this has much more to do with reading in a loud voice
If she was being a nuisance then I can understand her being asked off the bus.

All Else Failed

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AEF :confused
not really, if she was doing it at a reasonable level as I stated above, I wouldn't care. Apparently she was causing a disturbance.

This has nothing to do with religion, and it has nothing to do with religious discrimination. It has everything to do with a woman not being courteous.


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Any form of lifestyle is offensive to SOMEBODY. No matter what. There are people out there who are afraid of the color green. Should everybody take off their green clothes on St. Patrick's day before they get on the bus?

There are people who are offended by men wearing earrings... Should those men have to take out their jewelry before they get on the bus?

There are people who are offended by people who speak other languages.... Should they have to sit in silence on the bus?

There are people who are offended by anti-Bush slogans on T-shirts.... Should they be banned from wearing them in public?

I'm thinking the answer to all of these questions is going to be no. But that Christian reading to her children.... Boot to the head.


Well-Known Member
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Any form of lifestyle is offensive to SOMEBODY. No matter what. There are people out there who are afraid of the color green. Should everybody take off their green clothes on St. Patrick's day before they get on the bus?

There are people who are offended by men wearing earrings... Should those men have to take out their jewelry before they get on the bus?

There are people who are offended by people who speak other languages.... Should they have to sit in silence on the bus?

There are people who are offended by anti-Bush slogans on T-shirts.... Should they be banned from wearing them in public?

I'm thinking the answer to all of these questions is going to be no. But that Christian reading to her children.... Boot to the head.


I'd rep you if I could, but apparently the rep police have deemed that I have given out too much rep for the day. :p

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Any form of lifestyle is offensive to SOMEBODY. No matter what. There are people out there who are afraid of the color green. Should everybody take off their green clothes on St. Patrick's day before they get on the bus?

There are people who are offended by men wearing earrings... Should those men have to take out their jewelry before they get on the bus?

There are people who are offended by people who speak other languages.... Should they have to sit in silence on the bus?

There are people who are offended by anti-Bush slogans on T-shirts.... Should they be banned from wearing them in public?

I'm thinking the answer to all of these questions is going to be no. But that Christian reading to her children.... Boot to the head.
I think you're making a problem out of something that ISN'T the problem. She was escorted off because she was being a disturbance. If she had done so at a reasonable level, nothing would have happened. People are just trying to play the victim here and just want to say "LOOK! LOOK! I told you there's a war on Christianity! I knew it all along!". Anyone doing anything that is causing a disturbance should have had the exact same thing done to them as well.

I take the bus every once and a while and I see people praying, and reading religious texts. I never once saw them being discriminated against. BUT they were either praying to themselves or reading at a decent level, it sounds like this woman was not. This isn't about religion at all.