I can agree with what Pan is saying, I think it's arrogant of anyone to say they know 100% that there is or isn't a God.
I'm not saying that's you Tim. But there are people out there who are exactly like that.
It'd be nice if we could all just agree that you can't know, not really but that's just pushing my opinion on people as well.
That's all I mean, even more than arrogant, it's not even an approximation of truth to say we know the origin and meaning of life for certain. Like Tim mentioned, that goes with a lot of things. In BR's thread identifying which "type" of belief you have, on the scale I posted later, I don't think anyone identified as a 7 (Maybe Juggsy wherever she went )
I'll be honest, I don't mean to insinuate strong atheists are anywhere near as destructive to the human knowledge base as strong theists. Nowhere near. I mentioned them in an effort to be fair, but it doesn't mean I equate them. Strong theists are prone to cutting off all efforts for knowledge outside their god, and I don't think the same can be said for strong theists and their lack of belief in a god.
It's just, in my opinion, in a better "spirit" to accept a little bit of mystery.