Why do you believe in God?

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Cajun Fox

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so ur an arsonist and an atheist i bet ur one of those people that would get mad if i said i was going to pray for u.

Yes I would. There's no point in praying to an imaginary being and living in lies all of your life. It's pathetic and you'd only pray for me to go to Hell or whatever other kinda crazy stuff you believe in.


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look u want proof but when i try to show u place u can get proof u threaten to burn it down..
I attempt to pray so that u get proof and u insult me.
I think u need alot of psyciatric help there.

Cajun Fox

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look u want proof but when i try to show u place u can get proof u threaten to burn it down..
I attempt to pray so that u get proof and u insult me.
I think u need alot of psyciatric help there.

How is you praying relevant to me getting the proof? It's justs something you claim you do...but you're not actually giving me proof that you pray for real. For all I know you could be making this up to convert me. I don't need psychiatric help for disagreeing with your opinion. If anything you need the help, if you're claiming to see an imaginary god without evidence. It's like having an invisible friend.


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I dont claim to see him.
and how is me praying going to convert u if u dont believe that me praying is going to do anything.

I say u need psyciatric help because u want proof but u dont want .....well proof.

Cajun Fox

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I dont claim to see him.
and how is me praying going to convert u if u dont believe that me praying is going to do anything.

I say u need psyciatric help because u want proof but u dont want .....well proof.

I want proof visually...not false proof from your experiences without backing up your argument.


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Wow, that's almost 'special'. 'Prove it' is not a valid argument. You have to disprove a claim, not prove it, it's the way it works.
Have to disagree with you there Sparky. The "burden of proof" is on the person making the claim, i.e. 'God exists' to prove that his claim is true.

there is tons of proof. I have seen people cured of cancer.
How does that prove God?

look this person didnt have a serum ok. i have seen a persons leg grow 3 inches and not because of a "serum". but because of god.
Are you real dude?

where do u live? u can come to my church.
No need for that. A person's leg growing three inches or someone being cured of cancer without receiving any medication would have astounded the medical world....just give us link to the medical citations of this astounding incident....or if you find that too difficult,you can give a link to news reports. Such a 'miracle' would have made the headlines of the world's press......let's see it!

Goat Whisperer

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What I think (and you don't have to agree with me, I am just expressing my belief) is that we made up religion a VERY long time ago, because people were killing each other, and stealing and creating chaos. Someone realizedwe would never be civilized without some sort of superior being for us to fear, and they made up a religion. If you look back to the oldest belifs they didn't even believe in a god, they believed in being the best humans you can be and that's it. The people that refused probably needed more, and that's where judgment day and heaven/hell comes from, and if god does exist I serousily doubt that he would send me to hell, simply because I didn't go to church. I have lived and will continue to live a good life, because it is just impossible for me to create sadness.

Really I think that a lot of the people that actively go to church these days are afraid of going to hell, and that they really don't want to give respect to god, or give thanks to what Jesus did for us. Just a thought, and I'm not trying to change the way you think, just allowing you to see another person's point of view.

Peter Parka

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You've got me confused AbriannaPetro. You say that you believe religion to be "made up" yet you seem to believe in the existence of gods.

I personally believe in a god, not saying it's a fact, that just seems the best explanation to me right now. I don't believe that God is the head of any religion though. I think if he wanted us to worship him in a certain way, he'd have made it much clearer than it is and not confused us with so many equally confusing religions.

Goat Whisperer

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You've got me confused AbriannaPetro. You say that you believe religion to be "made up" yet you seem to believe in the existence of gods.

I don't think that gods exist I said that if they do I highly doubt they would punish me for not worshiping them and not going to church; if I live a good life, and I intend too, whether or not they exist. and my name is abriannapeto.


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I don't think that gods exist I said that if they do I highly doubt they would punish me for not worshiping them and not going to church;
It was this that caused the confusion:

"Really I think that a lot of the people that actively go to church these days are afraid of going to hell, and that they really don't want to give respect to god, or give thanks to what Jesus did for us."

Just wondered why you thought god should be "respected" or why thanks should be given to Jesus.

and my name is abriannapeto.
Sorry! Just misread it.

Goat Whisperer

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It was this that caused the confusion:

"Really I think that a lot of the people that actively go to church these days are afraid of going to hell, and that they really don't want to give respect to god, or give thanks to what Jesus did for us."

Just wondered why you thought god should be "respected" or why thanks should be given to Jesus.

People say they go to church because they would like to respect god, or give thanks to Jesus for doing all that sin stuff. Well, I think that they are really afraid of what will happen if they don't go, and I'm not saying that I think they should be going to respect god, I am just saying that I don't think they do go to respect god.


DH+MM=Good Maths ♥
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Why do I NOT believe in God?

Firstly, I don't see any reason to. I cannot disprove that a God does not exist, but at the same time, I see no reason for a "Christian" God to exist.

A common mistake by religious people (Pascal and his wager can be included here) is to give you only two options: you either believe in the God THEY believe in, or you don't believe in any god.

My belief is that there could well have been a superior force/being that created the universe, but if there is/was, it has little to no relevance to our lives. Because, frankly, I find the concept of a superior being 'loving' each and every one of us to be somewhat absurd. Same goes for an afterlife: why should there be one? I am as afraid of death as anyone, but it doesn't mean that there is an afterlife just because I want there to be one. It does explain why so many people believe in it though,

As for miracles, once again, no reason to believe in them. Everything generally happens for a reason (yes, I am a bit of a subscriber to determinism), and I am not aware of any events occurring in my life time that have breached the laws of physics.

But what really gets me more than anything else is prayer. What gives people the idea that God will give them money to buy a car just because they pray for it, while turning a blind eye to all those African kids? I'm not someone who believes that 'if there was a God, there would be no bad in the world' (the fall from eden is one of the central teachings of the bible), but the idea of prayer is absurd - people pray because they believe the little things that occur in their lives are more important than everyone else.

Frankly, I believe humanity is progressing past a need to believe in religion. It won't happen tomorrow, or probably even for centuries, but I think religion is heading towards a long overdue extinction.