Why do you believe in God?

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All Else Failed

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everything is debatable if you consider many things

No, I don't think that. I believe that God created the world, he designed it and everything in it .. if you refuse to believe that .. I think there are consequences.

I know that if I go around telling my mother to STFU, and dogging her, and saying things I shouldn't to her .. that she is going to slap my face.

I know that if I break the laws set up for me by the judcial system .. that I will pay the price. Sometimes if the offence is great enough, I will pay with my life .. other times .. I will pay with the rest of my life.

It is my opinion that it works the same way with religion and God.

Just the way things work for you when you beleive in God, or in religion. If you don't believe in it .. it's not going to make much sense to you .. and no amount of explaining on my part will ever make it make sense to you .. when you are adement that it doens't make sense.

And I'm not the christian that is going to harp it to you or try to convince you .. y'all asked aquestion .. and I've answered it .. many times, in many different ways, and tried to break it down in many different examples .. all of which you've tried to dissolve .. and it won't work .. no matte rhow many times you try to refute what I've said.

Now y'all are just debating my opinion and beliefs .. which is rather assinine .. because I can only explain what I know/believe so many ways .. before I start repeating myself. I'm not bible expert .. nor do I claim or want to be.

I believe in what I have read .. and that's that. I don't need a reason, or an example, or anything else .. to believe in something .. I just believe in it. I don't need to prove it to believe in it .. it's just not the way a belief works.


1.something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.

2.confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.

3.confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
I've been strongly religious for most of my life, I know how Christianity works. lol

You're just ignoring my question. Yes, if you break his laws you'll get yours, but what I asked was if you think its a bit heavy handed to suffer forever in extreme torment. Really, that doesn't seem compassionate and it shouldn't be seen as compassionate. A infinitely compassionate being (god) doesn't stop being compassionate when you die. I don't see how me burning in hell is a just punishment for my skepticism. If anything, God (if he exists) should be glad I there are people who are skeptical! He can't blame us for being so, anyways. You seem to be completely fine with good people suffering.
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You're just ignoring my question. Yes, if you break his laws you'll get yours, but what I asked was if you think its a bit heavy handed to suffer forever in extreme torment. Really, that doesn't seem compassionate and it shouldn't be seen as compassionate. A infinitely compassionate being (god) doesn't stop being compassionate when you die. I don't see how me burning in hell is a just punishment for my skepticism. If anything, God (if he exists) should be glad I there are people who are skeptical! He can't blame us for being so, anyways. You seem to be completely fine with good people suffering.

God never said he was infinitely compassionate .. that is a big misunderstanding on many people's part. He is a fair but firm loving God .. no where in religion (or life) does it say "oh well fuck it .. you've been a good little boy/girl .. you go on ahead".

I can't make decision for everyone .. the facts are out there .. sorry, plenty of good people die everyday at the hands of man .. I don't really worry about them either .. unless it's someone I know. And the people I know .. know about God .. and if they choose to not believe .. I can't make them believe. I don't want them to go to hell, but I still believe they will, none-the-less.

Does that upset me, sure.

Do I care? of course

Does that make me doubt God? absolutely not

Does it make me question God? Of course, like many other things .. like infant death.

Does that make me doubt God? nope

I don't understand a lot of things that I have no way of finding out the answer to .. that just happens to be another thing on my list.

There will ALWAYS be things you will NEVER know the answer to, but really want to .. for things to make better sense. Sometimes you just have to believe and trudge on. And tha'ts what I'm doing.


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That is your perception, everyone's is different.

Please see Inmate rights/priv thread for confirmation.


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Most people believe because they were raised to do so.
Exactly! Christians believe in the Christian god because they were born in a Christian country with Christian parents. Had they been born in Iraq with Muslim parents they would be telling us that Allah was the only true god and had they been born in India they would be proclaiming the truth of the Bhagavad Gita rather than the Bible and telling us that we should worship Brahma.

Religion has nothing to do with 'truth'. It's all down to geography.


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I thought I might as well put my opinion in..

I don't believe in god and never have, if god was real, we'd be living in pure bliss and everyone would be happy, the only thing to mourn would be falling over and grazing a knee, and death (of old age)..

If I ever HAD to believe in any religion, it would be Judiasm, there is no way that you can come pregnant without something going inside you and putting sperm inside your body!

As you said, something can't start from nothing, so there must have been something, that went BANG! And vwolla, you get Earth and all the things that started from it.. I dunno, I am probably not making much sense cause I should be in bed cause I am extremely tired..

But, just before I go, if there was a god, he is extremely cruel and shouldn't be worshipped for everything that has gone wrong (famine, disease, war)..

Okay, I'm going to bed, night!


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As you said, something can't start from nothing,
One of the main traps theists fall into is that they note that the universe exists....then immediately jump to the assumption that at some time...it didn't. There is no evidence that the universe has 'never existed'.

The universe exists...that's a done deal! When theists can produce evidence that there was a time that it didn't ever exist...that will be the time to start discussing who or what created it from nothing.

Sparkey Duck

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I do not believe in God as such, but I have no urge or need or want to say that someone else should agree with me and that someone else is wrong. Belief is what's in your heart and mind, and spouting crap on the internet trying to look clever is starting to make a few people on here seem like complete dickheads...

Goat Whisperer

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I do not believe in God as such, but I have no urge or need or want to say that someone else should agree with me and that someone else is wrong. Belief is what's in your heart and mind, and spouting crap on the internet trying to look clever is starting to make a few people on here seem like complete dickheads...



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Eh, I skipped from page 3? to the end, and I think I should state a few things.

1) If God (or any particular superior entity) existed always, why is it difficult to believe that the universe has always existed?

2)If the universe was created, then why is it difficult to believe that God (or any particular superior entity) was created?

3)Why cannot both scenarios exist at the same time?

4)What is existence?

5)Why do I see opinions and beliefs attacked as if they were facts? Facts can be disproved; opinions and beliefs cannot.

Now, that a few questions have been laid out, let us examine these in more detail.

1) If God (or any particular superior entity) existed always, why is it difficult to believe that the universe has always existed?

2)If the universe was created, then why is it difficult to believe that God (or any particular superior entity) was created?

Well, the issue is because if one believes that the superior entity exists, then that entity created the universe. However, if the superior entity has the intelligence to create such a vast universe, two more items must be explored, to which I will only pose the questions:

a)How did the superior entity come into existence?
b)How did the universe come into existence?

4)What is existence?

I can only pose this question

a)When did existence come into existence?

Going back to the third question, Why cannot both scenarios exist at the same time?, they can, and do. However, they do only in the capacity of different belief sets. They cannot possibly exist at the same time, because they contradict each other, and form a unresolvable conflict. This is the same as the following two statements.

a)The following sentence is false.
b)The preceding sentence is true.

However, there comes a system that what each word represents, and so on and so forth to the lowest form of the concept; the concept of concepts themselves, and where to the beginning of these concepts form is what drives the whole issue.

Rendering a verdict on the last question I proposed earlier on in the post, I cannot answer either. I am neither of the two parties, merely a third party observer.

>>>Wow, the timeout function of this forum just sucks. It logged me out here; I do not keep cookies.


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Oh, and to Tempermental.

Einstein postulated the Doppler Shift in his "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" paper. I know, I did a research paper on the effects of it on society in Western Civ II. :D

Cajun Fox

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God doesn't exist, because there is no proof that he is real. Christians read this bible and they believe everything inside is all factual information. Do they have proof of that? No. They're living in a fairytale and living their life by lies. Some random men a long time ago wrote the bible...they think they saw the holy light and the man behind it. Bunch of crap. Anybody can say they saw this God, but we need you to give us proof...backup your argument. Give us evidence.

They believe he causes miracles to happen. I haven't been "saved" or seen anything spectacular that this supposed God has done. Therefore, he doesn't exist in my mind. It's a fact.


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wat kind of evidence do u want i have healings miracles proficies as well as accounts of people seeing demons and angels.

Sparkey Duck

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Give me proof of his existance. You can't just claim something as fact without proving your point.

Wow, that's almost 'special'. 'Prove it' is not a valid argument. You have to disprove a claim, not prove it, it's the way it works.

I won't argue about God, but I will debate about what is and what is not the formulation of a debatable point. :)

With prove it, we are one step away from throwing faeces at each other and comparing the sizes of our cocks :( or Breasts... :) or whatever lumps and bumps your denomination determines.


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yeah even if i did have that u would say its photoshopped and not believe me. the only way ur going to find out is if u go searching for him.