All Else Failed
Well-Known Member
I've been strongly religious for most of my life, I know how Christianity works. loleverything is debatable if you consider many things
No, I don't think that. I believe that God created the world, he designed it and everything in it .. if you refuse to believe that .. I think there are consequences.
I know that if I go around telling my mother to STFU, and dogging her, and saying things I shouldn't to her .. that she is going to slap my face.
I know that if I break the laws set up for me by the judcial system .. that I will pay the price. Sometimes if the offence is great enough, I will pay with my life .. other times .. I will pay with the rest of my life.
It is my opinion that it works the same way with religion and God.
Just the way things work for you when you beleive in God, or in religion. If you don't believe in it .. it's not going to make much sense to you .. and no amount of explaining on my part will ever make it make sense to you .. when you are adement that it doens't make sense.
And I'm not the christian that is going to harp it to you or try to convince you .. y'all asked aquestion .. and I've answered it .. many times, in many different ways, and tried to break it down in many different examples .. all of which you've tried to dissolve .. and it won't work .. no matte rhow many times you try to refute what I've said.
Now y'all are just debating my opinion and beliefs .. which is rather assinine .. because I can only explain what I know/believe so many ways .. before I start repeating myself. I'm not bible expert .. nor do I claim or want to be.
I believe in what I have read .. and that's that. I don't need a reason, or an example, or anything else .. to believe in something .. I just believe in it. I don't need to prove it to believe in it .. it's just not the way a belief works.
1.something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
2.confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
3.confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
You're just ignoring my question. Yes, if you break his laws you'll get yours, but what I asked was if you think its a bit heavy handed to suffer forever in extreme torment. Really, that doesn't seem compassionate and it shouldn't be seen as compassionate. A infinitely compassionate being (god) doesn't stop being compassionate when you die. I don't see how me burning in hell is a just punishment for my skepticism. If anything, God (if he exists) should be glad I there are people who are skeptical! He can't blame us for being so, anyways. You seem to be completely fine with good people suffering.