What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

  • I don't care.

    Votes: 37 58.7%
  • I don't care only if they don't show up their feelings in the public places.

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • I don't like them.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • I don't like only gays

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like only lesbians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think it is normal. Why not?

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • If they tolerate to other people when i don't mind

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I am a gay (a lesbian)

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters

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Joe the meek

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I wonder if Doc has ever gotten a blow job... I mean he is against all sexual deviant behavior, so I guess he would hate those who have ever given or received a blow job.

If you were on the receiving end of a BJ and you had your eyes closed, would it really matter who was giving you one?

Paper bags, everyones friend.
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So here's my two cents.

To me, your sexual preference matters as little to me as whether or not you prefer tea or coffee. It is not my business who or what gender you want to love and I have no right to judge anyone, especially for that reason.

I do not make a point of saying "I love gays and lesbians" because you wouldn't go around saying "I love people who drive a honda" or, "I love people who drink tea". Gay and lesbian isn't a brand or a type of person with a set personality. Sure there are stereotypes but everything and everyone is stereotyped. Being gay or lesbian is just your sexual preference and it does not define a person.

Also, I dislike the 'over the top, in your face' gay people you sometimes come across. But that's a reflection of them as a person, not their sexuality. I dislike them just as much as I dislike the douchebag kind of guys who wear fake tan and spend as much time getting ready as a woman does, and likes to show off their steroid built muscles. As well, I equally dislike the fake, plastic made up girls. But again that's a reflection of their personality, and has nothing to do with their sexuality.

One last thing, I've no idea how this is going to turn out but, it's one of the best quotes I've ever read about this issue.


The Doc

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Sorry francis, i actually did forget about you that time. Lol

Again, you still have not proved they did not have hidden Gay, suppressed feelings. All those "Straight" people you talk about that turn gay could well be just like the 40, 50 or 60 year old people that come out of the closet for no apparent reason except that they no longer have family to be afraid of..

And if one guy or girl was Bisexual but didn't want to admit it, it would be a hell of a lot simpler to suppress those feelings by just dismissing them or having thoughts of that kind of sex during masturbation or even with their partner than to tell them out of fear. So again, you are left with too many variables to state a "straight man or woman" could be turned Gay or that a Gay person can be turned straight..

If they have equal rights than they would be allowed in the Army, Navy, Marines and everything else YOU and I are entitled to.. Equal rights is exactly what it stands for and one of the many thing you fight for in your country..

No problem.. Took me a whole but 2 seconds to find it.. Much like you I find it disgusting but that being said I think it's more of a moral type thing IMO..

Sorry but I highlighted in my last post your own words. Nobody else said them but you.. And If I am not mistaken its not the first time you have said it, perhaps not in those exact words, but it has now locked you into that terminology of what you say and what you say you want to do, don't add up..

Are you really a medic ?

How do you think medical discoveries are made ? They use Lab rats and such to do a lot of tests they cannot do on humans first..

The studies shows that if a missing part of the Gene ( the one removed ) can alter a mice behaviour it could well show that a missing Gene in a human could be the cause of Homosexuality. Hence the "Gay Gene" you keep asking about.. To remove such a Gene on a human to prove that it can alter sexual preference will be hard to do as you would require someone straight to want to become Gay. Are you willing to prove the Gene is not valid and be the test human ?

This link does you more harm than good for you cause. It states everything I have been saying and does nothing for your cause..

Dude, you really need to check and read into your links before you post them.. A. Dean Byrd is the main reason this article exists and is a "APA Member that was pushing the cause for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". Which is against homosexual acts..


Now from your APA Link here is what hurts you the most..

1. They could have been closeted homosexuals but if you read the study they were interviewed after their prison term. They themselvs identified as hetero coming in, and homo when leaving. Seeing as it is a post-prison study they would have stated that they were closeted to begin with.

2. Equal rights? So if someone is denied into the Army, they arent having equal rights? Last time i checked we deny fat people, people with asthma, drug users and people with tatoos on the neck and hands. I guess we discriminated against them also?

3. My point stands. Thats lab rats. I know their purpose, but they are not humans. We are humans. Rats have tails and we dont. Once they do this gene testing on humans hit me back.

4. The point of the link was to show you that the APA has changed its views on being Gay is genetic. They no longer hold that view. The APA is against the curing of homosexuals. Thats cool. They were once saying being homosexual is a sickness. Their views will eventually change when the proven cure comes out.

Except that you haven't proven that being gay is a choice.

So, have you had sex?

I believe being gay ranged for some as a choice, to others as environmental factors. Yes i have had sex. I even did in Afghanistan :)

Like i said, im very busy now due to phase 2 training cycles i wont be able to log in often. maybe 1-2 times a week at most. Ill check back in with yall next week.


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I believe being gay ranged for some as a choice, to others as environmental factors. Yes i have had sex. I even did in Afghanistan :)

Congratulations, you're just as much a sinner as homosexuals in the eyes of your religion. So can I rank you up there with pedophiles, rapists, and the like now?

The Doc

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Congratulations, you're just as much a sinner as homosexuals in the eyes of your religion. So can I rank you up there with pedophiles, rapists, and the like now?
Your right, i am just as much a sinner as a buttpirate,thief etc in my beliefs. Because I am human, i am bound to mess up at times. But I always look up and keep striving to do the right thing. In terms of biblical sin, we are all just as much sinners as pedophiles and rapists and the 'like'. Because we are humans we have morality and law which judges our deeds in different levels. I.E a rapist and thief are both criminals, but one has commited a light misdameanor while another a pretty heavy felony. Every human being is a sinner.

I have stated over and over, that i dont want to bring religeon into this debate, because then it takes away from the argument and turns to bible bashing. I have seen it over and over here. Its like some wierd thing you guys do when losing an argument to take the attention off the fact you lost.

I dislike homosexuals for my own reasons, and will not dare use the bible as a justification for what I do.

Also, wanted to add. Modern Warfare 3 is the shit. You guys should go out and buy it.

Like I stated to francis, retro i will not be posting often now. Its not because im 'scared' of you or that you have 'won' that i dont post for a period of days it is due to training cycles.


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Your right, i am just as much a sinner as a buttpirate,thief etc in my beliefs. Because I am human, i am bound to mess up at times. But I always look up and keep striving to do the right thing. In terms of biblical sin, we are all just as much sinners as pedophiles and rapists and the 'like'. Because we are humans we have morality and law which judges our deeds in different levels. I.E a rapist and thief are both criminals, but one has commited a light misdameanor while another a pretty heavy felony. Every human being is a sinner.

I have stated over and over, that i dont want to bring religeon into this debate, because then it takes away from the argument and turns to bible bashing. I have seen it over and over here. Its like some wierd thing you guys do when losing an argument to take the attention off the fact you lost.

I dislike homosexuals for my own reasons, and will not dare use the bible as a justification for what I do.

Also, wanted to add. Modern Warfare 3 is the shit. You guys should go out and buy it.

Like I stated to francis, retro i will not be posting often now. Its not because im 'scared' of you or that you have 'won' that i dont post for a period of days it is due to training cycles.

Nice attempt at justification there. You're the one that has interjected your personal religious beliefs as a reason for you to dislike homosexuals. You've called it sin, and used that as your excuse to lump homosexuals in with the dregs of society. Thank you so very much for proving yourself to be even more of a hypocrite. It's okay for you to have sex while you aren't married, but it isn't okay for two consenting adults to have a homosexual relationship.

Oh and as far as, "Bible bashing" goes... I didn't bash the Bible at all, I've merely quoted it in ways that you don't appreciate. I'm a Christian and I wouldn't "bash" the Bible in the manner in which you're claiming. I haven't "lost" any argument in the least bit, quite the contrary in fact... I've destroyed another one of your arguments. Thanks for playing though kid, enjoy MW3.


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I don't mind the gays and lesbians much. I don't worry too much about gay marriage either. I like Lewis Black's take on the subject. He said something like with all the problems society faces today gay marriage should be low on the list of things to worry about. It should come right after "are we eating too much garlic as a people?"


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Ok,..Gather round children, fags, pickle puffers, lesbo's, carpet munchers, bigots, homophobes, jesus crispies, the uninformed....and village idiots (wait,..im already here)

Its time for one of Cod's Life Lessons..Ready?...here we go

today i'm going to teach you why you should be glad that gays exist.

1. Straight guys,..you should be glad that gay men exist...why?
..more pussy for you (duh!)...i dont think i need to go further

2. Christians,..you should be glad that gays exist ...why?
god made them ...right?,..so if you dont approve,..your going against god.
and if it is considered a huge sin, then the shit you did as a kid or even now is no big deal right?
also if its a sin...god apparently already has the damned chosen...so why care

3. straight girls,..you should be happy that gays exist..why?
a man that will actually listen and sympathize with you..that isnt trying to get into your pants...unless they want to wear them.
a gay man will do a better job on your hair than a straight female will,...they arent "Catty" and dont care if you look better

4. Tree huggers/environmentalists,...you should be happy that gays exist...why?
mother natures very own form of population control
they are usually very meticulous, neat, tidy and conscientious about the environment

5. Republicans/Democrats,...you should be happy that gays exist..why?
on average gays make more money than straight people do,..so more tax money for you to ruin Washington with and its another non-sense issue that you can raise unneeded stink about to your constituents so you can look good and try to get re-elected...you crooks

6. Law Enforcement,..you should be happy that gays exist...why?
on average gays cause little to no trouble in a community,..its the idiots who think they are a problem that usually are the cause of trouble.
when was the last time you heard of a gay person going on a killing spree...robbing a bank,..car jacking (not that kind thorny) for the most part they are law abiding citizens who just want to be left in peace and improve the neighborhood

7. Lesbians dont really exist :D...they are simply women who are fed up with mens stupid bullshit and decide that they would rather spend time with a like minded female, but if they did,..when was the last time you heard a guy complain about lesbians

we will continue this in another episode,..untill then...thank someone who is gay, they've helped you in more ways than you know


Sarcasm is me :)
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Ok,..Gather round children, fags, pickle puffers, lesbo's, carpet munchers, bigots, homophobes, jesus crispies, the uninformed....and village idiots (wait,..im already here)

Its time for one of Cod's Life Lessons..Ready?...here we go

today i'm going to teach you why you should be glad that gays exist.

1. Straight guys,..you should be glad that gay men exist...why?
..more pussy for you (duh!)...i dont think i need to go further

2. Christians,..you should be glad that gays exist ...why?
god made them ...right?,..so if you dont approve,..your going against god.
and if it is considered a huge sin, then the shit you did as a kid or even now is no big deal right?
also if its a sin...god apparently already has the damned chosen...so why care

3. straight girls,..you should be happy that gays exist..why?
a man that will actually listen and sympathize with you..that isnt trying to get into your pants...unless they want to wear them.
a gay man will do a better job on your hair than a straight female will,...they arent "Catty" and dont care if you look better

4. Tree huggers/environmentalists,...you should be happy that gays exist...why?
mother natures very own form of population control
they are usually very meticulous, neat, tidy and conscientious about the environment

5. Republicans/Democrats,...you should be happy that gays exist..why?
on average gays make more money than straight people do,..so more tax money for you to ruin Washington with and its another non-sense issue that you can raise unneeded stink about to your constituents so you can look good and try to get re-elected...you crooks

6. Law Enforcement,..you should be happy that gays exist...why?
on average gays cause little to no trouble in a community,..its the idiots who think they are a problem that usually are the cause of trouble.
when was the last time you heard of a gay person going on a killing spree...robbing a bank,..car jacking (not that kind thorny) for the most part they are law abiding citizens who just want to be left in peace and improve the neighborhood

7. Lesbians dont really exist :D...they are simply women who are fed up with mens stupid bullshit and decide that they would rather spend time with a like minded female, but if they did,..when was the last time you heard a guy complain about lesbians

we will continue this in another episode,..untill then...thank someone who is gay, they've helped you in more ways than you know

See what a good job I did converting, I mean convincing you... :D

The Doc

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Nice attempt at justification there. You're the one that has interjected your personal religious beliefs as a reason for you to dislike homosexuals. You've called it sin, and used that as your excuse to lump homosexuals in with the dregs of society. Thank you so very much for proving yourself to be even more of a hypocrite. It's okay for you to have sex while you aren't married, but it isn't okay for two consenting adults to have a homosexual relationship.

Oh and as far as, "Bible bashing" goes... I didn't bash the Bible at all, I've merely quoted it in ways that you don't appreciate. I'm a Christian and I wouldn't "bash" the Bible in the manner in which you're claiming. I haven't "lost" any argument in the least bit, quite the contrary in fact... I've destroyed another one of your arguments. Thanks for playing though kid, enjoy MW3.

I did not bring christianity into this thread. Yes, homosexuality is a sin, as are many other behaviors like pre-marital sex, stealing, etc... At no point did I say it was okay for me to have sex without being married. I stated afterwards that I make mistakes, I am human and I strive to get better meaning i say no to temptation. My sin of pre-marital sex is worth the same as the sin of being Gay. Sin is Sin. Your right, you didnt bible bash, but it would end up into that. Every thread involving christianity ever made in this forum has turned into a bible bash. Thats why I said that. You havent destroyed any argument, because you have all still failed to show me a gay person is born gay, and their condition is permanent. I stated the APA no longer supports the hypothesis (Scientific Guess) that homosexuality is genetic. I can also find you many testimonies of former Gay people changing their lives. Just ask, I can post them. Homosexuality is a learned behavior. The fact that you can find one person who is cured from this condition means it isnt permanent. There is a cure, and the cure might not be the same for everyone. Different things work for different people.

MW3 then the bar. peace out.


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I did not bring christianity into this thread. Yes, homosexuality is a sin, as are many other behaviors like pre-marital sex, stealing, etc... At no point did I say it was okay for me to have sex without being married. I stated afterwards that I make mistakes, I am human and I strive to get better meaning i say no to temptation. My sin of pre-marital sex is worth the same as the sin of being Gay. Sin is Sin. Your right, you didnt bible bash, but it would end up into that. Every thread involving christianity ever made in this forum has turned into a bible bash. Thats why I said that. You havent destroyed any argument, because you have all still failed to show me a gay person is born gay, and their condition is permanent. I stated the APA no longer supports the hypothesis (Scientific Guess) that homosexuality is genetic. I can also find you many testimonies of former Gay people changing their lives. Just ask, I can post them. Homosexuality is a learned behavior. The fact that you can find one person who is cured from this condition means it isnt permanent. There is a cure, and the cure might not be the same for everyone. Different things work for different people.

MW3 then the bar. peace out.

I'm one of the last people you're going to see here "bashing" the Bible. I'm merely pointing out your own hypocrisy in how you judge people based on your beliefs, which you have admitted to be Christian. You say that it's a sin for people to have same sex relationships, and yet it's somehow a lesser sin to have premarital sex, which is also something that is condemned in the Bible. I'm just wondering why you don't lump yourself in with pedophiles like you do homosexuals. Do you rank yourself up there with the same sinners that molest children? Or is your sin somehow different than both homosexuality, pedophilia, or whatever else? If it is different, how do you rationalize that?

As far as the APA goes, they also do not support the hypothesis that there is a "cure" for homosexuality.

What do you have to say about this guy?


It's documented that people that suffer strokes or traumatic head injuries can open up different neural pathways and effectively change someone's brain chemistry. Wouldn't it stand to reason then, that this man suffered a stroke, which then changed part of his brain chemistry, which then affected his sexual orientation?

For every story you have of so-called "former" gay people being "cured", there are probably 5-10 stories of people that were closeted their entire lives in order to avoid the stigma, persecution, or lack of acceptance for being homosexual.

On a side note... You never answered my question about heterosexual anal sex. You claimed that it was a sin according to the bible, yet there isn't any evidence to back up your claim.

The Doc

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I'm one of the last people you're going to see here "bashing" the Bible. I'm merely pointing out your own hypocrisy in how you judge people based on your beliefs, which you have admitted to be Christian. You say that it's a sin for people to have same sex relationships, and yet it's somehow a lesser sin to have premarital sex, which is also something that is condemned in the Bible. I'm just wondering why you don't lump yourself in with pedophiles like you do homosexuals. Do you rank yourself up there with the same sinners that molest children? Or is your sin somehow different than both homosexuality, pedophilia, or whatever else? If it is different, how do you rationalize that?

As far as the APA goes, they also do not support the hypothesis that there is a "cure" for homosexuality.

What do you have to say about this guy?


It's documented that people that suffer strokes or traumatic head injuries can open up different neural pathways and effectively change someone's brain chemistry. Wouldn't it stand to reason then, that this man suffered a stroke, which then changed part of his brain chemistry, which then affected his sexual orientation?

For every story you have of so-called "former" gay people being "cured", there are probably 5-10 stories of people that were closeted their entire lives in order to avoid the stigma, persecution, or lack of acceptance for being homosexual.

On a side note... You never answered my question about heterosexual anal sex. You claimed that it was a sin according to the bible, yet there isn't any evidence to back up your claim.

You might not bash the bible but many others here do. At no point did I ever say pre-marital sex is a lesser sin then being gay. I have stated in a couple past posts that sin is sin. All sins are equal. Yes I am a Christian, but like I said i dont use the bible as justification for not liking gay people. I did not bring religeon into this and have stated many times I dont want this to be a religeous debate.

You gave a situation about a guy having a stroke and his brain chemistry changing and making him gay. If it changed to turn him gay, then im sure it can be changed again. We will see on his next stroke. Theoretically though, it could work in reverse too. A gay guy gets a TBI then turns straight.

So for every story of a cured homosexuali can throw at you, you can throw me 5-10 about a closeted one. Thats Nice. I dont see what that has todo with anything.

When I said that heterosexual anal sex is a sin, it is not directly a sin of itself but falls under the wasting of semen which is sacred. I guess if you played buttpirates with your wife but didnt bust then its not a sin.

The Doc

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So the Doc has never had a wank in his life? Wouldn't want to piss god off by wasting perfectly good baby batter! :24:

There you go assuming shit again. I make mistakes too. Just because something is a sin doesnt mean i havent ever done it. I didnt become a Christian until I was 19. Being a Christian doesnt make you perfect. We are still humans, we mess up too. We understand that what we did is wrong, and we repent and dont do it again.

Peter Parka

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So you're telling me you have never masturbated since you were 19? What about having a wet dream, does that count as a sin too? :24: