Ok,..Gather round children, fags, pickle puffers, lesbo's, carpet munchers, bigots, homophobes, jesus crispies, the uninformed....and village idiots (wait,..im already here)
Its time for one of Cod's Life Lessons..Ready?...here we go
today i'm going to teach you why you should be glad that gays exist.
1. Straight guys,..you should be glad that gay men exist...why?
..more pussy for you (duh!)...i dont think i need to go further
2. Christians,..you should be glad that gays exist ...why?
god made them ...right?,..so if you dont approve,..your going against god.
and if it is considered a huge sin, then the shit you did as a kid or even now is no big deal right?
also if its a sin...god apparently already has the damned chosen...so why care
3. straight girls,..you should be happy that gays exist..why?
a man that will actually listen and sympathize with you..that isnt trying to get into your pants...unless they want to wear them.
a gay man will do a better job on your hair than a straight female will,...they arent "Catty" and dont care if you look better
4. Tree huggers/environmentalists,...you should be happy that gays exist...why?
mother natures very own form of population control
they are usually very meticulous, neat, tidy and conscientious about the environment
5. Republicans/Democrats,...you should be happy that gays exist..why?
on average gays make more money than straight people do,..so more tax money for you to ruin Washington with and its another non-sense issue that you can raise unneeded stink about to your constituents so you can look good and try to get re-elected...you crooks
6. Law Enforcement,..you should be happy that gays exist...why?
on average gays cause little to no trouble in a community,..its the idiots who think they are a problem that usually are the cause of trouble.
when was the last time you heard of a gay person going on a killing spree...robbing a bank,..car jacking (not that kind thorny) for the most part they are law abiding citizens who just want to be left in peace and improve the neighborhood
7. Lesbians dont really exist

...they are simply women who are fed up with mens stupid bullshit and decide that they would rather spend time with a like minded female, but if they did,..when was the last time you heard a guy complain about lesbians
we will continue this in another episode,..untill then...thank someone who is gay, they've helped you in more ways than you know