I'm sorry, but does that come in english?
Here is what you're missing. Prison
has changed in the last 35 years, and our understanding of human psychology has also changed in that time period. You also haven't considered the possibility that due to the prevailing view of homosexuality 35 years ago, they could very well have been using prison as an excuse for their now open homosexuality. That is obviously all conjecture, but life isn't nearly as black and white as you seem to view it.
The numbers are going to be skewed in a "study" like that. Here's what you haven't considered --- the percentage of male to female sex offenders against minors. Studies have shown that the percentage of molesters that are women ranges anywhere between 4-43%, with the estimated number of incarcerated offenders amounting to 0.04% female and 99.6% male in 1993. In cases of people involved with education, the number is 69% male and 31% female. Then you also have to consider the age ranges of those molested. But, going back to the percentages; you are obviously going to end up with a larger proportion of males that end up being homosexual that were abused by men than by women. If homosexuality were a learned behavior due to abuse, then wouldn't girls become homosexuals after being abused? Or is it only same-sex abuse that "causes" homosexuality? Do you see the slippery slope that your "logic", or lack thereof, uses?
Additionally, the page that you found is flawed at its core. Why? Because of statements like these:
Do you see what I'm getting at? Probably not, so let me break it down for you. Your link is coming at the subject from an obviously biased point of view, and cherry picking statistics in order to fit with it's predefined opinions. Their view is that homosexuality is a sexually deviant and learned behavior, that should be "treated" because it isn't natural in their opinion. So all you've really done is link to a page with an obvious bias and attempted to pass it off as scientific fact. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. Try again with some non-biased sources. Kids these days, I swear.
Oh, and here are the sources for the statistics that I made reference to.