Havent had a chance to read the thread but have skimmed over it a little,so what I mention may have already been covered...if it has then tough shit.
My position is..I dont care if they are gay,I dont think any less of them.
I dont like what I refer to as rebel gays..where everything is centered around being gay..rather than they are merely gay.
This involves gay shirts gay posters and all they talk is Gay Gay Gay........Dont like em...not because they are Gay..but because they wont shut up.
I know some gay people...most are merely gay and being gay isnt the "focus" of life with advertisements of being gay being priority one.
They are everyday people who just like a crotch that resembles their own,so be it.
Its their choice and doesn't effect me.
Back to rebel gays...gay parades etc..fuck that shit...its an intentional separation in the social structure...A straight only parade wouldnt fly very far for example ..as it would be separation and prejudice.
Just because one is gay shouldnt give them more rights than anyone else.
I dont like to see gays making out..especially with children present..the kid needs his or her own inner instinct leading the way lead and not being shown examples of being gay.........when the kid gets older if they are gay they will know it.
Young minds are just like sponges..."Uncle Jerry and Uncle Terry seemed so happy I want to be like them when I grow up"..Point made
Back to gay parades..hate em..they take up air time and is something that is actually reverse discrimination...Gets into my drag racing time..and thats drag as in cars..not trying to dress up as something you arent to deceive a public
Gays have struggled to be accepted and hats off to em for the fight..they shouldn't be hated because they are gay..and IMO they aren't,society has come a long ways in that regard....The fights over,they need to let it rest