PladeCalvo said:
Perhaps you missed these important points:
"It is rather intriguing that none of the most commonly read and popular English versions of the Quran translate adna as lowest or al-ardi as the earth. They uniformly render adna as close/near/nearer/nearest (or even as neighboring!) and al-ardi as land respectively:
The true translation of the arabic word: "adna" is nearer?!! nearest?!!! close ?!!!!!
the first clear meaning of the word "adna" in arabic is: lowest.
the meaning "nearer" or "nearest" or even "close" of the same word is only on the
second priority . (Figuratively)
let's take the matter logically:
why "nearer" or "nearest" is not the meaning of "adna" in this verse of the Quran:
because when Quran says: "in the nearer land" or "in the nearest land" or "in the closest land", we will say: """ nearer land
to what?!!! ... why didn't Quran mention: "to what", after: "in the nearer land" ?"""
If we take the second meaning of "adna" (which is "nearer" or "nearest"), this verse of the Quran: will have no meaning !!! because it is not mentionned in the same verse: nearer to what?.
try to replace "lowest" by "nearer" or the other meanings, then check if the verse will have any meaning !!!
Therefore, and in addition that the first clear meaning of the word "adna" in arabic is: lowest:
the taken meaning here is: "lowest".
secondly, I asked the webmaster of this christian website about some proofs about the location of the battle: they have no proof that the battle was in Jerusalem !!!, I add to you:
Compare carefully:
-Arabs and any people in that era knew that the battle took place somewhere near Jerusalem.
-Quran mentionned that the location of the battle is the lowest land on the earth.
-The lowest land (Dead Sea) was near Jerusalem (only few kilometres). not in any other place on the vast's earth surface !.
How can you explain so ??? ... by chance !!!
and I think you ignored the second miracle in the same verse:
Quran mentionned: that there will be another battle within 3 to 9 years and that the romans will win and the persians will be defeated!
although it was impossible to believe that the romans can defeat the Persians, because the persian's power was much greater than the Roman's.
the battle happened 7 years after... and the romans won !!! just like what had been mentionned in the Quran.
didn't you say you're atheist? so why do you believe this
christian website, and you say that you don't believe any religious website! just a question

Just a friendly Tip.. If you want the truth .. Do not take it from sites that are trying to obliterate it.
I knew this site long time ago ... And I know that this site has filled the world with lies and erroneous concepts about Islam! .. But it has been answered long ago !!!