Erm...hate to burst your bubble but it was a proved fact that the 7/7 terrorists in London who killed fellow Muslims WERE also Muslims.
I accept that most Muslims are peaceful people who condemn those extremists but there is a marginal extremist faction who recruit peaceful Muslims to these terrible ways and views,
sorry, i just can't stop laughing at your 'simplicity'!

How can a Muslim be held responsible for the good or bad acts of another person, be it a Muslim or whatever.
Moreso when he doesn't even know them!!
Has evil been terminated from the world by my Christian friends endeavoring best in this regard for the last more than 2000 years?? All Muslims of today were NOT Muslims about 14oo years back...their fore-fore-fathers were converts from Christianity, Judaism, Zorostrians, Hindus, Buddhists and almost all other religions of the world!!
Did it ever occur to anyone as to what went wrong with those religions that more than 1.5 Billion people in every nook and corner of the world are happily Muslims today?????
As nobody could stop Al-Capone or the Mafia or so many criminal cults and gangs or yore as well as those still
indulged in heinous crimes how could you expect a simple good Muslim to stamp them out when he has no concern with them at all????
Terrorists, be it Al Qaida or the Mafia, are international rogues and have to be wiped out but jointly by the international community and not on the basis of religious and ethnic choice or segregation. When Mafia was in its full force nobody complained they were Christians or Jews, then why attach a Muslim label to the terrorists of today?????