What is Islam? - a brief investigation

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So you're saying that you two non Arabic speakers have the correct translation..... and all the Arabic speaking translators of the Qur'an are wrong..... fair enough! :24:

This time I AM done with this nonsense! :booty::horse
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Between darkness and wonder
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So you're saying that you two non Arabic speakers have the correct translation..... and all the Arabic speaking translators of the Qur'an are wrong..... fair enough! :24:

This time I AM done with this nonsense! :booty::horse
And how did you come to conclude that ALL Arabic speaking translators of the Quran define "adna" as nearest? Some define it as nearest and others define it as lowest.

Here are some of the many sites that define "adna" in the Holy Quran as lowest:

The Lowest Area on Earth
Our web site was created to promote the authentic teachings of Islaam based in light of the
The Prophet Muhammad.org
Ibraheemscreed :: Islam the true path of Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him)
Allah Promised to Protect the Qur'an - IslamOnline.net - Living Sharia'h

Since we know the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth, we can figure out that the correct interpretation for "adna" is lowest.


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PladeCalvo said:
Give it up dude! You're a fraud!

Me a Fraud :eek???!!! ... didn't I show you the links which clarify what I've said .. and prove to you that it is not my own opinion ?

First: I invited you to explain this verse of the Quran according to your meaning of the word "adna".
Second: I gave you more than one link to affirm that the meaning of "adna" is lowest according to Arab DRs (not according to me ! ).
Thirdly: I gave you the real arabic version of this verse of the Quran and I invited you to translate it (yourself) into english using google translator.

and now, let me ask you: If the meaning of "adna" is not lowest, how could Arabs say that this is one of the miracles of the Quran?

what do you want more?:humm:

then, I'm a fraud?

Man ! .. let me tell you the real fraud ! .. he is the called "Katz": the webmaster of the website which you've mentionned to me. He took advantage of lack of knowledge of the world in Arabic, to deceive people by his lies that have spread in the world!:yuk

Thank you Brother to clarify the truth to our "investigator".:clap:D:D:D:D :clap


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"It is rather intriguing that none of the most commonly read and popular English versions of the Quran translate adna as lowest or al-ardi as the earth. They uniformly render adna as close/near/nearer/nearest (or even as neighboring!) and al-ardi as land respectively:
in the nearer part of the land A.J. Arberry
in a neighboring land N.J. Dawood
In a land close by Y. Ali
In the nearer land Pickthall
in the lands close-by Muhammad Asad
in a nearby land M.A.S. Abdel Haleem
in the neighboring land, F. Malik
In a near land Shakir
In the land nearby Sher Ali
In a near land Maulana Muhammad Ali
in a nearby land Muhammad Sarwar
In a nearer land ‘Abdul Majid Daryabadi
In the nearest land Saheeh International
on the nearest front! T.B. Irving
In the nearest land Rashad Khalifa
in the nighest parts of the land Palmer
in the nearest part of the land Sale
In the neighboring lands! Dr. Munir Munshey (one of Osama Abdallah’s authors!)
Other versions identify this land as the area around Syria and Palestine:
In the nearest land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine) Hilali-Khan
In the land nearby (- Syria and Palestine) Amatul Rahman & ‘Abdul Mannan ‘Omar
Osama Abdallah is virtually alone in adopting the translation, in the lowest land on earth, and the reason is rather obvious; his desire to find scientific statements in the Quran leads him to manipulate the verse in order to deceive people into thinking that the Quran contains accurate scientific information".
(my emphasis)

See this link to know the rebuttal !


and this also can help you!: Rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Sinking to Dead Sea Levels" article.

Both of those links are to the same "rebuttal" - the first is just indirect.

Providing links like that will not help your case Sylviane. Here is the very weak rebuttal you have provided for anyone who is interested but doesn't want to trawl through the unrelated information:

"Again and again, the Noble Verse does not say "in a land close by." The translation is wrong, and I proved this with ample Noble Verses and ample articles from Muslims above including Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar."

In my opinion that page is an embarrassment - I can't see why you would provide a link to it. It even quotes Pickthall's translation twice, to show that ادنى means lowest, when Pickthall translates the verse in question as, "In the nearer land".


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And how did you come to conclude that ALL Arabic speaking translators of the Quran define "adna" as nearest? Some define it as nearest and others define it as lowest.

Here are some of the many sites that define "adna" in the Holy Quran as lowest:

The Lowest Area on Earth
Our web site was created to promote the authentic teachings of Islaam based in light of the
The Prophet Muhammad.org
Ibraheemscreed :: Islam the true path of Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him)
Allah Promised to Protect the Qur'an - IslamOnline.net - Living Sharia'h

Since we know the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth, we can figure out that the correct interpretation for "adna" is lowest.
Yeah......whatever!! I'd say that by now, most intelligent people have rumbled what you're trying to do.


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Andre said:
In my opinion that page is an embarrassment - I can't see why you would provide a link to it. It even quotes Pickthall's translation twice, to show that ادنى means lowest, when Pickthall translates the verse in question as, "In the nearer land".

Why don't you translate the word and all the verse using Google translator? HERE


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Why don't you translate the word and all the verse using Google translator? HERE
According to the Google translator the Arabic you initially supplied comes up with "lowest land". Every single instance of the phrase quoted on that page translates as "lowest land" with that translator.

Obviously I have no idea if that is correct in the context of the verse in question or even if it has been written correctly. I know absolutely nothing about the language or even the accuracy of the Google translator, but I am not disputing that your quote translates the way you say it should using this tool. It does.

My problem with the rebuttal page, in addition to what I noted above, was the amount of personal insult for the most part, but I also found the mention of UFOs etc decidely unhelpful to your case. Is there not a more credible source that has analysed this problem?


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Andre said:
My problem with the rebuttal page, in addition to what I noted above, was the amount of personal insult for the most part, but I also found the mention of UFOs etc decidely unhelpful to your case. Is there not a more credible source that has analysed this problem?

This may help you:


and this ( but the first link is better) :

The Quran is the Unique book

anyway .. if you had difficulties in understanding the arabic meaning of our word .. don't worry ! there are so many other proofs tell us the truth of Islam;


Quran Miracles.

Cordially - Sylviane .


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And how did you come to conclude that ALL Arabic speaking translators of the Quran define "adna" as nearest? Some define it as nearest and others define it as lowest.

Here are some of the many sites that define "adna" in the Holy Quran as lowest:

The Lowest Area on Earth
Our web site was created to promote the authentic teachings of Islaam based in light of the
The Prophet Muhammad.org
Ibraheemscreed :: Islam the true path of Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him)
Allah Promised to Protect the Qur'an - IslamOnline.net - Living Sharia'h

Since we know the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth, we can figure out that the correct interpretation for "adna" is lowest.

interesting discussion about 'adna'....it made me laugh!!:)

here is my observation..

1. The use of Adna as noted in the Quran may mean 'near' with reference to context.
but it does not necessarily connote these meanings when used in Arabic..
2. Adna in other languages, such as Urdu,which derives this word from Arabic, itself means
i. cheap, ordinary
ii. low (as in low and high)
iii. poor, of low worth
iv. humble
v. bourgeoisie
vi small, little

Thus you can see the use of ADNA in Arabic from which it is derived must be having
multiple meanings and connotations and those have to be understood with reference to
context only. I doubt if the scholars mentioned who translated this word of Quran could
be wrong!!


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According to the Google translator the Arabic you initially supplied comes up with "lowest land". Every single instance of the phrase quoted on that page translates as "lowest land" with that translator.

Obviously I have no idea if that is correct in the context of the verse in question or even if it has been written correctly. I know absolutely nothing about the language or even the accuracy of the Google translator, but I am not disputing that your quote translates the way you say it should using this tool. It does.

My problem with the rebuttal page, in addition to what I noted above, was the amount of personal insult for the most part, but I also found the mention of UFOs etc decidely unhelpful to your case. Is there not a more credible source that has analysed this problem?

Google translator is bull****....

Translation of Quranic Arabic words and phrases in their proper
context can only be done by scholars of Arabic and the translators names herein above
were real experts at Arabic comprehension and I have no
reason to doubt their integrity.

Wonder if somebody has checked with Prof. Arberry and Maududi??


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Please explain this apparent contradiction I noticed in the articles:
We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14)
Note the word ''Then'' following each line and you will get to the right phase!:)
From The Religion of Islam - The Quran on Human Embryonic Development
“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Quran 21:30)

This verse probably refers to the Big Bang!

From: The Religion of Islam - The Quran on the Expanding Universe and the Big Bang Theory


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.....and what about man being created from "water" coming from between the spine and the ribs (Qur'an 86:6-7).........a real "miracle" that!!

Since when have your testicles been halfway up your back Syl?? :24:[/QUOTE

May I ask how old are you?? Have you read Human physiology or a little bit of biology??
If not check out for the truth or falsity of your statement before i recall that human balls ARE halfway up their back until certain age!!!


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Erm...hate to burst your bubble but it was a proved fact that the 7/7 terrorists in London who killed fellow Muslims WERE also Muslims.
I accept that most Muslims are peaceful people who condemn those extremists but there is a marginal extremist faction who recruit peaceful Muslims to these terrible ways and views,
the Muslim community has a large responsibility through their superior knowledge of these people to help stamp these extremists out.

sorry, i just can't stop laughing at your 'simplicity'!;)
How can a Muslim be held responsible for the good or bad acts of another person, be it a Muslim or whatever.
Moreso when he doesn't even know them!!

Has evil been terminated from the world by my Christian friends endeavoring best in this regard for the last more than 2000 years?? All Muslims of today were NOT Muslims about 14oo years back...their fore-fore-fathers were converts from Christianity, Judaism, Zorostrians, Hindus, Buddhists and almost all other religions of the world!!
Did it ever occur to anyone as to what went wrong with those religions that more than 1.5 Billion people in every nook and corner of the world are happily Muslims today?????

As nobody could stop Al-Capone or the Mafia or so many criminal cults and gangs or yore as well as those still
indulged in heinous crimes how could you expect a simple good Muslim to stamp them out when he has no concern with them at all????

Terrorists, be it Al Qaida or the Mafia, are international rogues and have to be wiped out but jointly by the international community and not on the basis of religious and ethnic choice or segregation. When Mafia was in its full force nobody complained they were Christians or Jews, then why attach a Muslim label to the terrorists of today?????


The cake is a metaphor
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Erm...hate to burst your bubble but it was a proved fact that the 7/7 terrorists in London who killed fellow Muslims WERE also Muslims.
I accept that most Muslims are peaceful people who condemn those extremists but there is a marginal extremist faction who recruit peaceful Muslims to these terrible ways and views,

sorry, i just can't stop laughing at your 'simplicity'!;)
How can a Muslim be held responsible for the good or bad acts of another person, be it a Muslim or whatever.
Moreso when he doesn't even know them!!

Has evil been terminated from the world by my Christian friends endeavoring best in this regard for the last more than 2000 years?? All Muslims of today were NOT Muslims about 14oo years back...their fore-fore-fathers were converts from Christianity, Judaism, Zorostrians, Hindus, Buddhists and almost all other religions of the world!!
Did it ever occur to anyone as to what went wrong with those religions that more than 1.5 Billion people in every nook and corner of the world are happily Muslims today?????

As nobody could stop Al-Capone or the Mafia or so many criminal cults and gangs or yore as well as those still
indulged in heinous crimes how could you expect a simple good Muslim to stamp them out when he has no concern with them at all????

Terrorists, be it Al Qaida or the Mafia, are international rogues and have to be wiped out but jointly by the international community and not on the basis of religious and ethnic choice or segregation. When Mafia was in its full force nobody complained they were Christians or Jews, then why attach a Muslim label to the terrorists of today?????

I see what you're saying, but the difference is the Mafia didn't operate under the banner of Christianity and in defence of Christianity.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, just pointing out that key difference.


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I see what you're saying, but the difference is the Mafia didn't operate under the banner of Christianity and in defence of Christianity.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, just pointing out that key difference.

could you please then tell me what the extremists are fighting for??

needles to say, what is good for the gander is also good for the geese!! Hail politics!!:)


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Islam means PEACE!!

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

In the Name of Allah, the Infinite Compassion, the Boundless Mercy

Hadith (Tradition attributed to Prophet Muhammad)#1.

Muhammad Rasulullah, may Allah bless him and perfect our love for him, has said, "That person among you is dearer to me who has beautiful character."

Hadith #2.
On the Day of Resurrection, the deed which will be the heaviest on the divine scale (of ultimate accountability) for the believer will be his beautiful character (khulqun hasana).

Hadith #3.
A being who submits to the Divine (muslim) who live among people and bear patiently the difficulties coming from people is higher and better in station than a person who neither mingles with people nor bear patiently difficulties from them.

Hadith #4.
A faithful person because of his or her beautiful character receive the honor equivalent of those people who spend their entire night in worship / night vigils and spend their entire day in fasting.

Hadith #5.
Allah loves not people having evil character.

Hadith #6.
One day a companion of the Holy Messenger, Abdullah ibn Abbas was with the Apostle. Then the Messenger turned to him and said, "Listen son! Be mindful of Allah, Allah will take care of you. In every affair remember Allah and you will find Him (present) in front of you. When you need to ask, ask only to Allah; and when you are in need of help, ask help only to Allah. Remember this well, if all people on the face of the earth were to gather together to aid you, they will not be able to help any more than what Allah shall appoint for you. Likewise if all people on the face of the earth were to gather against you, they would not be able to harm you any bit more than what Allah shall appoint for you. The Divine Pen has been lifted and the inks have already dried.

Hadith# 7.
Allah looks not at your outward appearance and your wealth, rather Allah looks at your heart and your deeds.

Hadith #8.
O people! All of you turn to Allah and repent, for I turn and seek repentance hundred times a day.

Hadith #9.
The person who appoint for himself or herself istighfar (asking forgiveness) as an obligatory action, Allah opens for him (or her) the doors of liberationfrom every tribulation and respite the person from every kind of worries and gives provision from unimaginable sources.

Hadith# 10.

Allah says, "My Love is incumbent upon those who love each other for My pleasure's sake; those who sit together for My Love's sake; those who meet each other out of their loving relation with Me andthose who spend on each other in order to reach My divine satisfaction."

Hadith# 11.
Those (desert traveler) who fear the ransom of their merchants by street bandits in the early dawn, must start their journey at the silent hours of the night and those who start journey at the silent hours of the night reach their destination safely. Remember the Allah's merchandise is priceless, and remember that Allah's merchandise is the Garden of Post-Eternity (Jannah).

Hadith# 12.
In this community (ummat) the first rank of goodness is trustworthiness and readiness to selfless sacrifice (zuhd) and the first rank of evilness is miserliness and materialism.

Hadith# 13.
If you could trust on Allah as He deserved to be trusted upon, Allah would give you provisions like the birds in the sky. In the dawn they leave their nest in empty stomach and in the evening come back with their stomach full.

Hadith# 14.
The one who remain content with his (or her) small provision, Allah is also content with his modest amount of devotional deeds (amal).

Hadith# 15.
That person has achieved blessedness who have accepted the Way of Divine Submission (Islam), and who is given his necessary provision and whatever he is given by Allah, he is also given the capacity to be content with.

Hadith# 16.
One day the Messenger addressed a certain leader of a tribe saying, "There are two characteristics among your people which Allah loves. One of them is tolerance and the other one is calmness."

Hadith# 17.
Every affair with the faithful is wonderful! For him or her every possible state has goodness. If he has affliction and he bear it patiently - this affliction and bearing it patiently turns out to be of blessing for him, and this is only a hallmark of a faithful.

Hadith# 18.
Every affair with the faithful is amazing!For his or her every action has benefit for him. This is only a hallmark of a faithful. When he or she is bestowed a bounty of happiness and prosperity, he follows it with divine gratitude (shukr). And this thanksgiving attracts divine blessings for him.

Make the quality of truthfulness obligatory upon you, for truthfulness leads people to right path, and right path leads to the Garden of Eternal Bliss (Jannah). When a human being always speaks the truth and makes truthfulness his or her own character - the persons name is recorded among the blessed names of the Siddique (truthful, righteous, sincere).




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Hadith #20.

Destroyed are those slaves of money and luxury - for he only gets satisfied in having those and get dissatisfied when not having those.

Hadith #21.
Do not imitate those people who says, if people be good to us, we will be good to them in return; and if they are bad to us, we will take revenge for it; rather strengthen your heart in such way that you be your best when people are good, and if they are bad to you, you will still remain with your goodness towards them.

Hadith #22.
One day close companion of the Messenger, Hazrat Umar was seating in the speaker's place of the Mosque and he address the people saying, "O people, be humble because I have heard that Rasulullah, peace be upon him saying: the person who embody humbleness for the sake of Allah, Allah grants him high honor, as a result he (or she) becomes lesser in his own eyes but greater in people's eyes."

Hadith# 23.
The Holy Messenger has transmitted: "Give me guarantee for six things, I will become a guarantor of Paradise for you."
1) When you speak, you shall speak the truth
2) When you promise anything, you shall fulfill it
3) When you preserve anything (keepsafe, trust) for others, you must return it
4) Protect your private part of the body-temple from misuse
5) Protect your gaze from misuse
6) Keep away your hands from wrongful actions.

Hadith #24.
When a human being awakes in the morning, all of his body parts humbly address the tongue saying, "Please be mindful and fear Allah about us. We all are under you. If you remain sound, we remain sound; if you become crooked, our state also becomes the same."

Hadith #25.
Every Path (Deen) has its virtuous characteristic. For Islam this is Haya (characteristics of self-respecting shyness / politeness).

Hadith #26.
In terms of mutual loving-kindness, love and affection you will see the mu'min (faithful believers) act like a single body. Just as in fever or insomnia when one part of the body suffers, the whole body feel it (similarly the suffering of one certain section of mu'min affects all hearts who truly understand the unity of humanity).

Hadith# 27.
Those who are kind, the Most Merciful Allah is kind to them. Be merciful towards all the sentient beings on the face of earth, the Owner of Heaven will be merciful towards you.

Hadith# 28.
As the children of Adam grow older, two of his characters gain youthfulness. One is the lust after wealth and another is the want of long-life.

Hadith# 29.
Truly enlightened is that person who is enlightened about his nafs (self, psyche) and one who keep preparing for the eternal next life; and in reality that person is ignorantly fool who follow only the desire of his lower-self and at the same time keep hope of reward from Allah.

Hadith# 30.
In reality he who can defeat the opponent in a wrestling match is not mighty, rather he who has command and control over the self when aroused with anger - is really a mighty one.

Hadith# 31.
Keep away from lies, because lies keep people in evil deeds and evil deeds reach people to its evil destination, the reality that burns without respite. When a person become habituated in lying, to the Divine Book of Life his (or her) name is recorded as a liar.

Hadith# 32.
Save yourself from envy. This is because the energy of envy consumes the rewards of goodness in such a way, just as fire consumes its fuel.

Hadith# 33.
Generosity is nearer to Allah and nearer to the Garden of Bliss, nearer to the Heart of Human Being and keeps one away from the Wretched Destination of Fire. Miserliness (bukhl) is away from Allah, away from the Garden and nearer to the Wretched Destination of Fire.

Hadith# 34.
One who prays only to be seen by people is committing associationism (shirk), one who fasts only to be seen by people is committing associationism and one who give charity only to be seen by people is committing associationism (to orient the consciousness of divinity reality towards anything other than God Who is One without a second, ekmobaditiyom)

Hadith# 35.
Three habits bring liberation and three habits bring destruction.
The liberating habits are:
1) To be mindful and fear Allah both openly and in private
2) To speak the truth and just in every state, be it in elation and in frustration.
3) To be modest in spending both in time of prosperity and in time of adversity.

The destructive habits are:
1) To meet demands of the impulses of the lower self (nafs).
2) Miserliness
3) Self-boasting arrogance which is the worst.

Hadith# 36.
One who carry pride even an amount equivalent of a mustard seed in one's heart, (unless he receive the equalizing punishment of it), shall not enter the Garden of Divine Nearness in Paradise.

Hadith# 37.
Two days in every week, Monday and Thursday - the Book of Deeds of a Human Being is presented to God. Then Allah forgives the Mu'min (faithful believer), but the servant who keep enmity with his fellow brothers are not forgiven and declared, leave their case until they make peace between themselves.

Hadith# 38.
The amount of havoc that two hungry wolves can cause if set loose in a flock of sheep is nothing compared to the destruction that the greed for material gain and hankering after power brings to one's Deen (religious and spiritual embodiment).

Hadith# 39.
Intoxicants are the gatherer of mindless evil, lust after women is trap of the Opponent and excessive desire of the worldliness (dunya) is the root cause of every crime.

Hadith# 40.
One day the Messenger was teaching the adab (etiquette) of the Path saying: "Backbite (gibayt) is worse than committing adultery." The companions were astonished and asked why is it so? The Messenger of Wisdom replied, "When someone commit adultery and follows by true repentance, his or her repentance is accepted and his wrong doings are absolved by Allah. But one who commits backbiting is not forgiven until the person against whom he or she commits backbiting forgives."

(References: Shovab Shomporke Chollish Hadith (Forthy Hadith concerning Character), compiled by Mawlana Meherban Ali Borotuvee, translation in Bengali by Mawlana M. Abdul Halim, Emdadiya Library, Chowkbazar, Dhaka )

(Most of the ahadith on this collection are taken from the famous collection of Meshkat Sharif and for Bengal translation edition "Shariyat and Tasawwuf" and "Ma'ariful Hadith" have been consulted. )

Minor Axis

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Since this thread has been revivied.

Hi brothers;

what do you know about islam?

The lexical meaning of Islam is submission, and adherence to the commands of Allah without objection. This is the true essence of Islam. By obeying Allah and observing His commands, the Muslim would be in harmony with the universe in which he lives, for everything in this universe abides by the commands of Allah.
It is an established fact that everything in this universe follows certain rule, and an unalterable law to which it submits; the sun, the moon, the stars, the night, the day, the land, the trees, and the beasts; all submit to a rule which Allah, the Creator, has designated for all these things. Even man himself, when you consider his physical construction, and biological compounds, his need for water and nutrition, heat, air, light, rest, or sleep you would find him submitting to a law under which he has no choice, just like other creatures.

A common problem with human created relgions. Why would a God want this from us?


Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. This universe, every single atom of it, manifests and leads us to the realization of a Loving, Merciful and All-powerful Creator. Without a Creator, nothing can exist. Every single soul knows that he is existing and that his existence is dependent upon a Creator he knows for sure that he cannot create him self. Therefore it is his duty to know his master, the Creator.

Why not by chance?


Man is a unique creature. God establishes man as His representative or deputy to govern over all other creatures in this world. He is endowed with the faculty of REASON, which sets him apart from all other animals. Together with this faculty to discriminate and discern, man is given the freedom (free-will) to choose for himself a way of life worthy of his position as God's representative or to fall lower than the lowest of all animals or creations. Man is born pure and sinless and is given the choice to do righteous deeds or indulge in sins.

Why is man unique? Why not intelligent creatures on other worlds?


From the beginning of mankind, our Creator sent prophets to convey His REVELATION and to invite human beings to the path of true PEACE and OBEDIENCE to the ONE TRUE GOD.
This is ISLAM. This message is conveyed towards successive generations of man through the different prophets, all inviting mankind to the same path. However all the earlier messages or revelations from God were distorted by people of later generations.
As a result, pure Revelation from our Creator was adulterated and polluted with myths, superstitions, idol worship and irrational philosophical ideologies. The religion of God in a sense was lost in a plethora of religions. Human history is a testament of man's drift between light and darkness, but God out of His Abundant Love for mankind has not forsaken us. Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all His prophets, like Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, David, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Them). But the message that was revealed to prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form.
Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."

How do we know the original word was true?

What does 'Islam' mean? Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people; Islam is both a religion and the complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness. The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Mohammadanism' is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.

Islam is not Just for Arabs. The Truth of Islam is meant for all people regardless of race, nationality or linguistic background. Taking a look at the Muslim World, from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Malaysia to Afghanistan is enough to prove that Islam is a Universal message for all of mankind --- not to mention the fact that significant numbers of Europeans and Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are coming into Islam

If God really wants to talk to the human race, then I suggest there are better ways to communicate then by prophets. How can we tell the difference between prophets and profits? ;)


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May I try a hand on this??:)
Since this thread has been revivied.

Believe it or not, but that's all due to miracle of "Islam" so that more and more people can understand it :hehe:

[/FONT]A common problem with human created relgions. Why would a God want this from us?

Islam is not a religion created by man. If you think it is then produce at least One Chapter which is the same as the Quran.
(FYI no one till date could do that)

He wants that from you because you HIS creation of the superlative degree ....

Why not by chance?

Law of God is fixed. HE doesn't believe in chance or probabilities, so to say.

Why is man unique? Why not intelligent creatures on other worlds?

ONLY man has been gifted with intellect and thus the burden of responsibility too rests on him squarely.
Nothing in this universe is comparable to Human intellect.

How do we know the original word was true?

Truth is self-manifesting. Even if someone tries he cannot change the Truth....and you can ascertain it with your perceptive and cognitive powers if you see through it through its signs and manifestations.

If God really wants to talk to the human race, then I suggest there are better ways to communicate then by prophets. How can we tell the difference between prophets and profits?

What better ways are there?? HE chooses what HE thinks right. HE is not going to do what you like or dislike.

Apart from etymological differences, the main difference between the two is that the latter wickedly builds the Cross for his gain while the former would smilingly get stuck onto it for the benefit of humanity.