Was Jesus a victim of self aggrandizing suicide?

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Peter Parka

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because protestants are more than likely of British origin. Catholics didn't join the IRA because of religion, it was because they wanted their country back. The aim of the IRA was to reunite Ireland not convert the North to Catholicism.

I realise that but you just cannot deny religion is a huge, unseperable part of that. Do you honestly think that the I.R.A. would let in a Prot?

Greatest I am

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In one school of thought Jesus was the final human sacrifice. All the human and animal sacrifices before him didn't count because apparently they were inferior to Jesus. In another school of thought Jesus' death was incidental. His purpose was to show us the way to God. I'll let you guess which is the old school and which is the new.

Seems strange that God would say---just one more blood sacrifice and I will be appeased. Just make sure it is my son. No one else will do.

As to your second scenario, Jesus had way to much unworkable rhetoric to be a good guide to God.
We tend to forget that he said nothing about freeing slaves, the emancipation of women or the immoral denigration and discrimination of Gays without just cause.


Greatest I am

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Death is not the end. Jesus did die, but He rose again.

A bit of R & R. How sweet for an immortal God.

Thanks for ignoring the immorality of God the father being too big a coward to step up himself and sending a boy to do a man's job.

Perhaps that is why the death of Jesus did not change anything except to Christians who like you, believe in fantasy, miracles and magic.


Sparkey Duck

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I haven't clicked on that vid yet, but my initial thoughts are that he is going to talk about how certain metals react with sulphides!


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I think there is a difference between understanding religious faith and understanding why someone would make faith their method of navigating life. The latter, I'm sure, is harder for some people to understand. The former is simple as pie.

Greatest I am

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Just because He doesn't stop it, doesn't mean He approves. If God intervened every time we sinned and if we were never able to do wrong, then we would just be robots or automatons doing what God wants. Man created war, not God.

Stopping it is one issue.
In the case of God and Noah. God was the one doing the crime against humanity.

His War cry was----drown the children and babies first. Their crying is sooo annoying.


Greatest I am

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I think there is a difference between understanding religious faith and understanding why someone would make faith their method of navigating life. The latter, I'm sure, is harder for some people to understand. The former is simple as pie.

That blends well with my little saying that faith without facts is for fools.

Faith based on something is justifiable to a point. But faith based on nothing but hear say, to develop a moral sense from, is foolish.

We have logic and reason for a reason and to not use them is a waste of a good mind.


Pet Sounds

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I do recall some of your ramblings and preaching that I ignored.

If you have actual questions or comments I can speak to, then lets hear them.

From your wipe the floor comment, it seems that you think you won whatever issue you have in mind and asking for further from me, says that all you want is to continue your own self aggrandizement.
Any that continue to rub someone's nose in their lose, if you are right about my lose, is just doing it for the pleasure of seeing the other in pain.
Thanks for showing your Christian values.

How pathetic.

I think you ignored the junk science and logical fallacies I exposed in your argument. You presented a shitty, parroted argument, which I tore to shreds piece by piece with real logic and science. Then you act like there is nothing to talk about. What, you couldn't find a Youtube video to refute me? The video you posted was unfactual, unscientific, and fallacious, and I have pointed out how specifically. Defend your garbage argument you fucking coward. You want to attack religious people all the time with your logic and science, then let's do it. I'm right here. I love making people like you feel as fucking stupid and shallow as you really are.

Though I don't expect an actual decent argument from what I have seen from you. I'm still trying to get over your pathetic "argument" about entropy proving the universe is perfect because it is doing what is in its nature to do. Everything in the universe does what is in it's nature to do you fucking retard. It is a fucking tautology.

Pet Sounds

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lol. ok that last post was a little harsh and the mods warned me about it.

On topic, the sacrifice of Jesus represents the same thing all human sacrifice does.

We all benefit from human sacrifice. The present is built on the sufferings and sacrifices of the past. We are all martyrs in a sense. People sacrificed for you, and you will eventually sacrifice for others. That is the true circle of life.

The story of Jesus is the story of all of humanity. Reduced to a single event. What is life? It is sacrifice and suffering. So the sacrified is made the hero. Because we all sacrifice our lives for something. Usually the next generation. This obviously isn't just exclusive to humans, all species do it. But they do it without thought. Humans require meaning. They need to be lashed and prodded. The fact that our whole existence is just to keep the species going isn't good enough for most people. They need meaning. They need a reason to press on. As a great President once said:

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

So how do you solve this? You take what life actually is-suffering and sacrifice, and make that the meaning. Religion gives meaning to life, gives them meaning to persist, and meaning to persistence, and wisely immediately honed in on making suffering a virtue because that's what life is. So it can appeal to everyone. Because everyone suffers. So the sufferer and sacrificer is the ultimate hero and giver. Anyone can be a hero. Simply living and raising your family is now heroic.

All good things come from suffering and sacrifice throughout human history. We wouldn't be here without our predecessors. They have made life pretty comfortable for us. We are standing on the shoulders of giants.

Resurrection is a universal myth and it all has the same meaning. In some of the American Indian tribes corn origin stories for example. Where did corn come from? Well, it is an elaborate myth that boils down to some Indian hero dying and from his remains literally sprung the first corn stalk. His death and sacrifice gave them corn. He had to die to them give them something eternal. That is how everything comes. Through sacrifice. Through martyrdom. Through the hardship of all the humanity that has come before you. In this case it was corn. Jesus was the same, he had to die to give his people something for eternity. We all have to suffer to give something to eternity.

This notion is summed up well in the last paragraph of the Martyrdom of Man, which is a good book on philosophy and evolution. I think it was actually the second book ever written on evolution after Origin of Species.

I give to universal history a strange but true title--The Martyrdom of Man. In each generation the human race has been tortured that their children might profit by their woes. Our own prosperity is founded on the agonies of the past. Is it therefore unjust that we also should suffer for the benefit of those who are to come?

Let that quote sink in and the death of Jesus will make more sense.


Back Again... but reformed...
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He normally insults me when he gets found out, now he just ignores me :24:

It's rare for someone to land on my ignore list. It's only happened maybe twice in all my years on forums... one happened to be a person that post a lot of non-sensical bullshit. He was eventually banned.

Joe the meek

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Perhaps that is why the death of Jesus did not change anything except to Christians who like you, believe in fantasy, miracles and magic.
Ironically enough, I find your belittling attitude as comforting as some "Christian" preachers I come across on TV.

A bit of R & R. How sweet for an immortal God.
Please, if you want to show your intelligence on the Bible, I find it hard to believe that the best you could come up with is "R&R" pertaining to Jesus not dying.

Thanks for ignoring the immorality of God the father being too big a coward to step up himself and sending a boy to do a man's job.
I rarely find the God I've come to know as being immoral, but men on the other hand are a different story.

Perhaps you're one of those who believe that God should take care of us and be held accountable for our own actions? LOL

Just remember this, we are promised NOTHING in this life. That's a fact be it you believe in a God or you don't.

That blends well with my little saying that faith without facts is for fools.
I'm not sure how to get this across to your superior intelligence, but "facts" have little to do with faith.

Now that said, do I balance my checkbook or work on 3 phase equipment on faith? Hell no! I usually base my every day life on facts as to what I can or can't do. However, remember above when I pointed out that we are promised nothing in this life? Heck, we aren't even promised tomorrow. I look at my faith in part as how I should treat my fellow human beings. Perhaps you could argue that we shouldn't need a faith of some type in Jesus Christ to treat our fellow brothers in kindness, but for myself, lets just say it helps keep me from going to jail:24: But then again, that's just me.
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Back Again... but reformed...
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Ironically enough, I find your belittling attitude as comforting as some "Christian" preachers I come across on TV.

Please, if you want to show your intelligence on the Bible, I find it hard to believe that the best you could come up with is "R&R" pertaining to Jesus not dying.

I rarely find the God I've come to know as being immoral, but men on the other hand are a different story.

Perhaps you're one of those who believe that God should take care of us and be held accountable for our actions? LOL

Just remember this, we are promised NOTHING in this life. That's a fact be it you believe in a God or you don't.

Good to see ya Joe! :waving::yahoo: