I do not disagree with you on this. I wish the FBI, NSA, CIA, et al would obtain the warrants.
My point is that it's been happening for a loooooong time and there is no need to bash Bush over it because you're liberal. And Bush isn't doing it. It's happening on his watch, and the agencies involved are working with tacit approval of this administration's policies, but what I'm saying is Clinton did it, Reagan did it, Carter did it, Kennedy did it. THEY ALL DID IT!! And if you TRULY think Bush is the first one, that's partisan thinking.
And they'll keep doing it. Romney would do it, Obama would do it, Hillary would do it, Guliani would do it, even that saint Kucinch would do it.
To some degree, it's going to happen. My pervading point is that if you think the US Gov't, un-partisan, doesn't do secret stuff that is in violation of the Constitution but in our better interests arguably, you're nuts. So lay off Bush.