TSA = Total Sexual Assaut?

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But the security we are being subjected to is here in the US. So how many Muslim terrorists are here in our country? How many have we stopped at the airport screening machine...?

So how will profiling help anyone here in the states? :dunno

why has no one pointed out that the reason they are doing this is because of #1 the shoe bomber and #2 the underware bomber from last christmas. correct me if i am wrong, but didnt those individuals fly INTO the US???
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that is not correct. in fact a child, a 3 year old child, was handled roughly

I was under the impression they had changed that after the incident. I could be wrong. I watched the Today show and spokeperson from the TSA (?) made mention that children under 12 were now exempt. So I have no hard core evidence, whatsoever. Mia was never handled in that manner.
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Having way too much fun
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Here's another link... 'Love Pats' eh? Kinda like 'College Pranks'..



This picture is a fake as a three dollar bill. I don't even know where to start.


One of the originals
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The line of work I am in. I have to have a full Pat down done to me everytime I enter the facility. I also do about 100 pat searches a day. I have found weapons, food, and cell phones, and drugs, as well as tobacco in some strage places. So maybe I am just used to this kind of thing. But I see nothing wrong with what TSA is doing. Thier job is security. If someone has nothing to hide, then they should have no problem proving it.


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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There's a very large, smelly elephant in the living room that almost no one ever is willing to acknowledge.

The point is, no one but Muslims have been ever implicated in any type of terrorism threats against the US since 911. ALL of the "security" measures in place since then are specfically in response to those threats. It's certainly not politically correct to say, but it is the truth. I do not believe that a good majority of Americans would say they feel safer because of the actions of the TSA. I DO believe a good majority of Americans are becoming increasingly appalled at the idea that they just have to "take" these ridiculous infringements under the cloak of "safety."

So yes, if you are an American, or someone who has been through the process of becoming a legitiimate resident alien (which does involve some security screening) then I believe you can be considered "Not a Threat" of terrorism on the grand scale that these TSA measures aim to prevent. I also believe that any foreign national traveling through our country should reasonably expect to be subject to somewhat different security protocols. And, GOD FORBID, if you fit the same ethnic criteria as those people - the ONLY people - who have plotted and executed terrorist plots against the US, then you can expect to be held to even tighter security measures.

As many of you have said "No one said it's fair, but it's necessary." Fair is not a requirement in my opinion, but logic and common sense are.

Do you not relize how many countries hate America.... Who would love nothing more to see you crumble and fall??? Cause there are many out there. After 9/11 who is not to say that an IDEA has been planted into these countries heads that you are the big bad wolf in the world (not saying you are just emphasizing) and need to be knocked down a peg or to, maybe next time it wont be a plane... It may be a train station, a mall, a school or i shudder to think a nuke. You are not entirely liked in the world and have enemies you most likely do not know about.

Like I said is your government going over board yeah a little but you are missing the point that they are trying to protect YOU and America. It is sickning how they give people i.e TSA's that much power I agree to a sense but you know what if it was not done I can almost bloody guarantee there would be people bitching about the fact that the national security is doing crap to keep you all safe. Its a double ended sword you do something people are pissed, you don't do what you could be doing people are pissed.

As for immigration after 9/11 it has been increasing difficult to immigrate here I jumped though hoops just to be able to move here after my boyfriend of 5yrs decided he wanted to move back to America from England and the only way I could be with him was to marry his stupid ass (obviously referring to my ex husband) it costs me thousands of dollars as well plus interviews with people who in all honesty didnt even seem to give a shit about what they were doing.... But you know what even though you have intensive back ground checks does not mean that someone may slip though the cracks.... This goes for not only America but any country as well....

I understand that your amendment has been broken but in all honesty how many of them really apply to each and every American anymore... Freedom of speech for instance many people are silenced by your government I am sure... And I feel sorry that you can not turn to your country to uphold these things that are put in place to keep it whats the saying "Land of the free and home of the brave" but as times change and threats increase measures need to be taken cause if they were not you never know what may happen.
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Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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Just because it might happen is not reason enough to justify treating everyone as if they have, either.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

That's the standard, making a good majority feel safer? I thought we'd done away with that kind of thinking back in the 1960's.

If they did not treat people as a threat and people caught wind of this you would be in a world more of trouble.... So lits ok to profile those who are not US citizens but its ok to let all US citizens pass with out a blink of an eye.. sorry but this makes me laugh slightly rather ignorant honestly.


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Do you not relize how many countries hate America.... Who would love nothing more to see you crumble and fall??? ...

1) the evil snowball throwing Canabians..every year they attack with snow
2) those uppity muckety muck pinkie weilding Blitains ...(they started a tea epidemic that we still havent cured)
3) those beach blanket bombers from Hamwai (they attacked us with obama simply because they have nothing that will launch coconuts and pineapples that far...we got off light,)
4) those lickrechuan loven tater eaten dirt farmers from iredland.....(once a year they attack and dye liquids green,..fortunately it hasn't been serious,...although there has been an increase of short people..coincidence?..i think not)

the list goes on and on ladies and gentleman...STRIKE BACK BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!!


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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1) the evil snowball throwing Canabians..every year they attack with snow
2) those uppity muckety muck pinkie weilding Blitains ...(they started a tea epidemic that we still havent cured)
3) those beach blanket bombers from Hamwai (they attacked us with obama simply because they have nothing that will launch coconuts and pineapples that far...we got off light,)
4) those lickrechuan loven tater eaten dirt farmers from iredland.....(once a year they attack and dye liquids green,..fortunately it hasn't been serious,...although there has been an increase of short people..coincidence?..i think not)

the list goes on and on ladies and gentleman...STRIKE BACK BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!!

Your such an ass.... a funny one but still an ass!!!!


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The line of work I am in. I have to have a full Pat down done to me everytime I enter the facility. I also do about 100 pat searches a day. I have found weapons, food, and cell phones, and drugs, as well as tobacco in some strage places. So maybe I am just used to this kind of thing. But I see nothing wrong with what TSA is doing. Thier job is security. If someone has nothing to hide, then they should have no problem proving it.
This has got to be THE most fucked up statement that otherwise sane people make with a straight face. Most people make it without thought, because the slightest effort would reveal how dumb it is. Would you still say the same if the police just decided to enter houses at random to search for potential bomb-making paraphernalia? How about full strip & cavity searches? I mean, if you've got nothing to hide, you shouldn't have a problem proving it, right?


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If they did not treat people as a threat and people caught wind of this you would be in a world more of trouble.... So lits ok to profile those who are not US citizens but its ok to let all US citizens pass with out a blink of an eye.. sorry but this makes me laugh slightly rather ignorant honestly.
Then laugh in your own ignorance, because I didn't mention anything about profiling non-US citizens.


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Here's the problem, it's not a violation of your 4th amendment rights. The reason being, you are not forced to get the screening. You can say no and not fly, it's your choice. Being able to fly is not a right so when you choose to fly, you are accepting the security measures that go along with it. How would this be any different that going to see the president? If you are going to have a one on one meeting with the president, you fully expect to be searched.

So even though I don't think what the TSA is doing is right, I don't think it's a violation of our constitutional rights. We have given away too many of our freedoms in the name of the war on terror. I really wish that more people would understand what Franklin was talking about when it came to security.
Yeh, I see your point & totally agree with the last paragraph. I don't think TSA should even exist. They're not providing any security at all to the public airport, only to the private airlines. The airlines should be handling their own security.


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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Then laugh in your own ignorance, because I didn't mention anything about profiling non-US citizens.

Did you just not quote the 4th amendment to me?? Does this apply to the rest of the world?? I think not dear, it applies to Americans. If I misunderstood then I apologies but quoting that right after your comment makes it seem that way dear.


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Did you just not quote the 4th amendment to me?? Does this apply to the rest of the world?? I think not dear, it applies to Americans. If I misunderstood then I apologies but quoting that right after your comment makes it seem that way dear.
Why would I advocate searching all non-US citizens to you and advocate doing away with TSA altogether at the same time? That's rhetorical. I accept your apology.


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Evidence to support that claim?

Some of the shit that you say is absolutely priceless Kimmy. Now, do me a favor and go read this lists of terrorist attacks and then come back up your statement.

The US Govt defines terrorism as:

“Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives.

A prime example is Afghanistan.

After 9/11 the US started to bomb Afghanistan. They announced to the Afghani people that we will continue to bomb unless you hand over people we suspect of committing crimes, though we won't supply any evidence on it whatsoever.

That fits the FBI description of terrorism perfectly. The only difference between that, and say something like a hijacking of a plane in demand for releasing political prisoners, is the scale.

They went a step further a few weeks after the bombing started, saying to the Afghani people, that is they don't change their leadership, the bombing will continue until you change your leadership. This was announced by the British Defense Secretary.

The US has been conducting this type of practice around the globe for a century. The Middle East, South America, Cuba etc etc have all been subjected to US International Terrorism.

The death toll in Iraq, an illegal war to further political objectives, is thought to be approaching 1.5 million people. 9/11 looks pretty small in comparison. (source: Reuters, January 7, 2008 & http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq)


In 1986, the United States was found guilty by the World Court of “unlawful use of violence” (international terrorism) for its actions in Nicaragua.

There are just too many examples and hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by US international terrorism.

So the top three terrorist organisations are:

1) The US Govt (Christian)
2) The UK Govt (Secular)
3) The Israeli Govt (Jewish)

The Islamists don't even come close.
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In Memoriam - RIP
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Airport security staff face prosecution:


It appears some have indeed finally had enough of this crap. Good.

hehehehehehehehehe..... Roxi informed me the DM is more of a tabloid. So I went and looked. Here's another from BBC:


Funny, tabloids sometimes get it right too. ;)

Here's a link to the DM part about Sanfords airport opting out of TSA:

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