TSA = Total Sexual Assaut?

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cam elle toe

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If you would have read the link in my post you would probably have the answer. In any event I'll bring you up to speed.

A person has the right to opt out of the see-it-all machine but if you do opt out that gives them the authority to do a patdown.

Don't worry Cammy. Those machines will be in every airport in the whole wide world before too long.

Bah..link shmink:D

But thanks:thumbup...and the first part of my question?

Is it ALL flights or only O.S ones?
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Slightly Acidic
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There is absolutely nothing factual to back up the assertion that we are "safer" because of these illegal search measures. Nothing. And the fact that they are being performed on US Citizens on domestic flights makes it even more infuriating. There is no, and never has been, any evidence of threat against the US via air travel from other Americans. When our Government publicly details facts to say otherwise, I will accept that these are necessary measures. Until then, I will not fly commercially again until the TSA is forced to comply with the spirit of our Constitution.

Fortunately, I think that day will be coming. There are huge class-action lawsuits being drawn up as we speak. Let's not forget that in some cases TSA is NOT a Government agency, but a private company, and they are not exempt from liability for their actions.


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I'll take my chances.

Martians could invade also, but I'm not willing to allow myself to be strip-searched or groped in order to prevent that, either.

Get read to not fly then. You won't have a choice unless you have 11 grand to throw away. It's sad isn't it.


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I'll take my chances.

Martians could invade also, but I'm not willing to allow myself to be strip-searched or groped in order to prevent that, either.

My money is on the homegrown terrorist before the little green men any day. What a lovely day and age we live in.


Slightly Acidic
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Get read to not fly then. You won't have a choice unless you have 11 grand to throw away. It's sad isn't it.

I am quite confident that this will be a very short-lived part of US history. As much as I loathe lawsuits, my belief is that this is one that will be epic, and game-changing.

And speaking of lawsuits, the 11 grand you speak of is the threat of civil suit the TSA has decided to start throwing around to bully people into submitting to the touching. For that to have any weight, they would actually have to FILE such civil suits, and then WIN them. I won't hold my breath on either.
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I am quite confident that this will be a very short-lived part of US history. As much as I loathe lawsuits, my belief is that this is one that will be epic, and game-changing.

I hope you're right but for some reason I doubt it. Too many people are gunna get stinkin' rich on this one. They are as it is when it comes to " Homeland Security " and this is just another bit to add to the shit pile.

btw... it's a plague that's working it's way across the whole wide world.


Having way too much fun
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There is absolutely nothing factual to back up the assertion that we are "safer" because of these illegal search measures. Nothing. And the fact that they are being performed on US Citizens on domestic flights makes it even more infuriating. There is no, and never has been, any evidence of threat against the US via air travel from other Americans. When our Government publicly details facts to say otherwise, I will accept that these are necessary measures. Until then, I will not fly commercially again until the TSA is forced to comply with the spirit of our Constitution.

Fortunately, I think that day will be coming. There are huge class-action lawsuits being drawn up as we speak. Let's not forget that in some cases TSA is NOT a Government agency, but a private company, and they are not exempt from liability for their actions.

You are absolutely right. I heard them talking to a TSA agent today and they asked him why they need to do this pat down, he responded it was to look for that liquid explosive. They then asked him if the x-ray machines would pick it up if it was in your carry on, he said no.

So if I was a terrorist, I would just carry the explosives in my carry on until we got onto the plane, duh... We are not any safer.


La entrepierna de fuego
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Trust me Tash I know its illegal to make sexual contact with someoene who is not wanting it.... I can semi understand why you nephew got in trouble he made some what of a sexual advance towards a complete stranger his punishment however I do find ridiculous...... my problem is with the woman claiming she was so distraught by being patted down, and I'm going to bet she won't leave it at and someone is going to get sued over it. She is blowing the whole thing out of proportion... these processes are put in place for everyones safety including her own and it pisses me for those who have been sexully assulted its sickning and to me feels that she is making a mockery of real victums of assualt and abuse...

I agree w/ you there. ;)

Sorry I meant your nephews friend

LOL...thanks for clearing that up. ;)

I'll take my chances.

Martians could invade also, but I'm not willing to allow myself to be strip-searched or groped in order to prevent that, either.

Never seen martians fly a plane full of people into the World Trade Center...I'll take the groping...at least it's some action, LOL


Slightly Acidic
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Never seen martians fly a plane full of people into the World Trade Center...I'll take the groping...at least it's some action, LOL

I've never seen any Americans do that, either. :dunno

In my opinion, bad or pointless action is not better than no action.


Toes in the water...
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I'd like to change my answer.

There is absolutely no need to be using your fingers to feel any outlines of any personal places on my body. What was wrong with the backs of the hands method?

And I ain't walking through one of those full body scanners either. The only person who gets that much of an idea of what I look like with no clothes on is the man I married, thank you very much.


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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There is absolutely nothing factual to back up the assertion that we are "safer" because of these illegal search measures. Nothing. And the fact that they are being performed on US Citizens on domestic flights makes it even more infuriating. There is no, and never has been, any evidence of threat against the US via air travel from other Americans. When our Government publicly details facts to say otherwise, I will accept that these are necessary measures. Until then, I will not fly commercially again until the TSA is forced to comply with the spirit of our Constitution.

Fortunately, I think that day will be coming. There are huge class-action lawsuits being drawn up as we speak. Let's not forget that in some cases TSA is NOT a Government agency, but a private company, and they are not exempt from liability for their actions.

So it is even more infuriating that an American was patted down.... Just because you are an American does not mean that you love and honor you country... So if I had a problem with being patted down and the fact I am not American I am a permanent resident is less infuriating to you is this correct?? (not making a dig asking a simple question)

Also like I said before just because you were born and raised in a country means NOTHING, recently in the UK a group of protesters most from what I understand were born and raised in England made a complete insult to our war hero's in a protest against our D Day burning a symbol we have held dear to our hearts for longer than anyone on this board... What if they took that step further like the University student also English stabbing one of our MPs.. Just cause there has been no threat from a American on a Domestic flight does not mean that it would not happen... Maybe your goverment is going overboard with your airport protocol but if it makes a good majority of the Americans feel safer about flying then I do not see the big deal in it..


Slightly Acidic
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There's a very large, smelly elephant in the living room that almost no one ever is willing to acknowledge.

The point is, no one but Muslims have been ever implicated in any type of terrorism threats against the US since 911. ALL of the "security" measures in place since then are specfically in response to those threats. It's certainly not politically correct to say, but it is the truth. I do not believe that a good majority of Americans would say they feel safer because of the actions of the TSA. I DO believe a good majority of Americans are becoming increasingly appalled at the idea that they just have to "take" these ridiculous infringements under the cloak of "safety."

So yes, if you are an American, or someone who has been through the process of becoming a legitiimate resident alien (which does involve some security screening) then I believe you can be considered "Not a Threat" of terrorism on the grand scale that these TSA measures aim to prevent. I also believe that any foreign national traveling through our country should reasonably expect to be subject to somewhat different security protocols. And, GOD FORBID, if you fit the same ethnic criteria as those people - the ONLY people - who have plotted and executed terrorist plots against the US, then you can expect to be held to even tighter security measures.

As many of you have said "No one said it's fair, but it's necessary." Fair is not a requirement in my opinion, but logic and common sense are.


Having way too much fun
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There's a very large, smelly elephant in the living room that almost no one ever is willing to acknowledge.

The point is, no one but Muslims have been ever implicated in any type of terrorism threats against the US since 911. ALL of the "security" measures in place since then are specfically in response to those threats. It's certainly not politically correct to say, but it is the truth. I do not believe that a good majority of Americans would say they feel safer because of the actions of the TSA. I DO believe a good majority of Americans are becoming increasingly appalled at the idea that they just have to "take" these ridiculous infringements under the cloak of "safety."

So yes, if you are an American, or someone who has been through the process of becoming a legitiimate resident alien (which does involve some security screening) then I believe you can be considered "Not a Threat" of terrorism on the grand scale that these TSA measures aim to prevent. I also believe that any foreign national traveling through our country should reasonably expect to be subject to somewhat different security protocols. And, GOD FORBID, if you fit the same ethnic criteria as those people - the ONLY people - who have plotted and executed terrorist plots against the US, then you can expect to be held to even tighter security measures.

As many of you have said "No one said it's fair, but it's necessary." Fair is not a requirement in my opinion, but logic and common sense are.

The problem with "profiling" is that you open doors that weren't open before. If the people who want to bring down a plane know that white girls in their twenties don't get screened, then that's who they'll get to carry a bomb. You are forgetting that you can be any color shape or size Muslim. It's not a nationality it's a religion. There are white American kids that have been radicalized, wouldn't they be the perfect mule for a bomb if you are only looking at middle eastern men?
Forget about the PC thing or what is correct. Look at it strictly from a security standpoint, you need to check EVERYONE randomly or you are advertising what type of people can just walk through...