To eat meat or not to.

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No, I can do without snow. I can throw ice at cars without snow. And why's that James? Really hot wherever you live?

No, it's not hot here in the winter. Last winter I drove by a temp sign and it said 2 degrees F... I told my coworkers "I just wish I could see a 3 in front of that two right now".


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Ohhh, haha. It mainly stays around....30-50 out here winter time, sometimes a bit below 30, never had a single-digit temp out here.


V.I.P User
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On that note, I also live in Florida. Just because we live in Florida doesn't mean it won't get cold as a bitch, or have you not lived here all your life like I have? Just about a week ago, I was freezing my ass off.

Fourth generation Floridian on my dad's side and second on my mom's. All my family was born in central Florida and then moved north. Yeah, it freezes sometimes but the only times I've ever been truly freezing was at my brother's soccer games and one band competition. Even then, my letter jacket and hoodie were enough. I don't know what part of the state you live in but here in St. Augustine, we had highs in the upper 80s and lows in the 70s. A bit cool but not enough to warrant a sweater for most people, though I always wear mine. I get cold in buildings easy.


Having way too much fun
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I came across a quote today that really summed up what I was trying to say in my earlier post concerning this topic.

The Western vegetarian at the moment is in a very privileged position. So long as not too many join him, he can afford to indulge his naïve dietary fads in a way that is denied to most of the people of this Earth. While he ponders on this fact, he might also apply himself to Kant's Categorical Imperative which may be rewritten:
What would be wrong for all, is wrong for one

Just thought I'd bring this thread back on topic.


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so it's wrong to eat healthy?
if people focused on growing crops instead of slaughtering animals there wud prolly be enuff food for more ppl than there is now. and then u wudnt be going to the doctor every 2 weeks for colds and digestive problems (since there are like a jillion sicknesses that start wit bad health)


Well-Known Member
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so it's wrong to eat healthy?
if people focused on growing crops instead of slaughtering animals there wud prolly be enuff food for more ppl than there is now. and then u wudnt be going to the doctor every 2 weeks for colds and digestive problems (since there are like a jillion sicknesses that start wit bad health)

I call bull. Everyone gets sick. Everyone goes to the doctor.


Having way too much fun
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There is nothing wrong with eating healthy. I support having a good diet with fruits, vegetable, grains, dairy, fish and meat.
The planet could not sustain an entirely vegetarian population. There just isn't enough land to accomodate the amount of crops needed to feed the earths population.
The human population of this planet is now approaching six billion and, even if every country on Earth enforced a strict and effective birth-control policy today, it is estimated that the total population will climb to fifteen billion before stabilising. The Earth's total land area is 179,941,270 square kilometres (69,479,518 square miles). A little simple mathematics tells us that at present, on average, one square kilometre has to support just over thirty-three people. If all of it were cultivated, that would certainly be possible.
The argument fails, however, because not all of it is available for arable cultivation. The main environmental factors which determine plant development and distribution are climate and soil type. We can discount the whole of the unproductive continent of Antarctica, so that reduces the total by 13,335,740 square kilometres immediately. We can also discount, at least as far as arable farming is concerned, all other ice-covered areas, tundra, mountains, deserts, heath and moor land, areas covered by rivers, salt marshes and lakes, cities, roads, and railways; and to a large extent semi-deserts, savannah, rain forest, low-lying meadow land and areas liable to regular flooding. We have now discounted most of the Earth's surface. In fact, only eleven percent of the land surface is farmed.
Most of the world's surface is not covered by land, but by the oceans and seas. At present, millions of tonnes of fish are caught or farmed each year. As well as not eating meat, many vegetarians don't eat fish. If vegetarianism really caught on and everybody on the planet stopped eating fish, the two-thirds of the population who are not starving at present would soon join the third who are.
You can read it all for yourself, if you care to bother

Better yet, read all of the articles


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so it's wrong to eat healthy?
if people focused on growing crops instead of slaughtering animals there wud prolly be enuff food for more ppl than there is now. and then u wudnt be going to the doctor every 2 weeks for colds and digestive problems (since there are like a jillion sicknesses that start wit bad health)

If you're going to try to get a point across, it might help your case if you actually tried to spell correctly. Just a thought.


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I call bull. Everyone gets sick. Everyone goes to the doctor.

i didnt say u wudnt get sick, and i bet those sick ppl prolly eat meat anyways

and you're going to knit pick on my spelling? wut did i spell wrong? wud? wudnt?

w0o0o0o0o0o0ow im sure spelling those correctly is gonna make all the mindless brutes criticizing what i say believe me and convert into a better way to live their lives

i think i read somewhere that the average american has like 5 pounds of beef in their intestines (not sure how accurate that is). can u say cancer? eat fruit, there is NOTHING bad in fruit, except the amount of sugar (which is what all other forms of energy are converted into anyways, jus through a less efficient process). its called glucose, pay attention in bio class.

there is no reason to eat meat unless u hav no choice (which is a no-brainer). if u live in america, there is no reason u shud eat meat. there is a plentiful supply of everything u need to maintain a proper lifestyle, even w/o vegetables!!


V.I.P User
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If you had five pounds of beef (or anything, really), I would think cancer is the least of your worries. It may be true that fruit doesn't have anything bad, but there's not much to them but fiber, glucose, and some minerials/vitamins that can be obtained in other ways. That's not to say you shouldn't eat it.

I'm not sure what you mean by there's no reason to eat meat unless you have no choice. Yes, you can live without it but that doesn't mean you have to. As long as you make healthy choices in what you eat and how much you eat, you'll be fine. Eatting meat has its advantages, just like not eatting meat does.

And it's pretty hard to maintain a proper lifestyle (or a lack of a better term) without vegetables. Ever heard of a fruitarian (I not sure if this is what you were talking about)? They eat only the fruits of plants. Fruitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Not exactly the healthiest diet.


Having way too much fun
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i think i read somewhere that the average american has like 5 pounds of beef in their intestines (not sure how accurate that is). can u say cancer? eat fruit, there is NOTHING bad in fruit, except the amount of sugar (which is what all other forms of energy are converted into anyways, jus through a less efficient process). its called glucose, pay attention in bio class.

there is no reason to eat meat unless u hav no choice (which is a no-brainer). if u live in america, there is no reason u shud eat meat. there is a plentiful supply of everything u need to maintain a proper lifestyle, even w/o vegetables!!

You are right, fruit is good for you, so are vegetables. But you can't get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs without animal products. Have you ever heard of B12? Tell me where you can get it besides animal products. You can't live without it. Vegans who do not supplement their diet with vitamin B12 will eventually get anaemia (a fatal condition) as well as severe nervous and digestive system damage. What about Vitamin A? Plants do contain beta-carotene, a substance that the body can convert into vitamin A if eaten with fat. A sweet potato (containing about 25,000 units of beta-carotene) will only convert into about 4,000 units of vitamin A (assuming you ate it with fat, are not diabetic, are not an infant, and do not have a thyroid or gall bladder problem).

I don't know how anyone can try to tell me with a straight face that humans were meant to be vegetarians. If we were meant to only eat fruits and berries, then why is it so fucking hard to get everything we need to survive without meat?

As far as eating meat and cancer. There is no scientific data that links eating a healthy diet containing animal products to cancer. Osteoporosis, kidney disease, heart disease and cancer are primarily 20th century occurrences, yet people have been eating meat and animal fat for many thousands of years. It just doesn't add up.......



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all those diseases u mentioned hav been around for a long time, just not diagnosed because it was illegal to dissect a human being and see how they died. and yes u do need b12, which is where a handy little animal (found just about anywhere) comes in, fish. i shud hav been more clear when i said animals, and thats my fault. livestock should not be eaten. the human body is not designed to eat beef and pork. fish and poultry yes, but not beef. especially not beef. there are natives all across the world hu eat nothing but fruits and fish, and live perfectly healthy lifestyles, and you know what? they dont have hospitals...

and another interesting point - herbivores obviously dont eat meat, how do they put on muscle and bone mass? hmmmm.....


V.I.P User
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Autopsies have been performed for over a 1000 years, just not continuously in one culture. They didn't always know what they were looking at and what should or shouldn't be there. I've never heard of the human body not being designed to eat beef or pork. If you think about it, it doesn't make sense. That means that every person that eats either (or, heaven forbade, both) would be sick somehow. And yes, natives don't have hospitals but they do have their own versions of doctors. Plus, in "primitive" societies (which aren't primitive from a social aspect and others), the life expectancy is short to being killed by animals or things like that. Some of the diseases mentioned take a long to develop. So it's hard to tell if they don't get them because their diet or if they die too soon.


Well-Known Member
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i didnt say u wudnt get sick, and i bet those sick ppl prolly eat meat anyways

and you're going to knit pick on my spelling? wut did i spell wrong? wud? wudnt?

w0o0o0o0o0o0ow im sure spelling those correctly is gonna make all the mindless brutes criticizing what i say believe me and convert into a better way to live their lives

i think i read somewhere that the average american has like 5 pounds of beef in their intestines (not sure how accurate that is). can u say cancer? eat fruit, there is NOTHING bad in fruit, except the amount of sugar (which is what all other forms of energy are converted into anyways, jus through a less efficient process). its called glucose, pay attention in bio class.

there is no reason to eat meat unless u hav no choice (which is a no-brainer). if u live in america, there is no reason u shud eat meat. there is a plentiful supply of everything u need to maintain a proper lifestyle, even w/o vegetables!!

So are you saying because I'm a meat eater I'm going to get cancer?? Vegans aren't gods gift to this earth. And I'm sure that there are diseases that they would get just like everyone else. Everyone has something wrong with them...or may have something wrong with them in the future.


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here is the idea:

eat what you want, as long as you dont tell others that what they are eating is wrong.

no biggie, no need for attacking one's spelling. hell, i do not captialize. i do not see anything wrong with it, and if you need me to capitalize your name for whatever reason, you can keep on wishin'.

so, in this meat-in-your-diet discussion, what about deer? are they good for ya?

all personal preferences aside, please, in your answer.


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Meat is good for you, sure, in moderation. Like anything. Too much fruit is bad for you, too much vegetables are bad for you, too much fish... too much anything really will be bad for you.

I choose not to eat meat, or fish, or dairy, or honey, or eggs. I am able to because of the culture I live in, and I am thankful for that. I do believe it is morally wrong to eat animals, including fish, or anything that came from that animal (I don't wear leather, use silk either, etc.). That is how I choose to live.

I understand that in some cultures there is nothing else to eat. Go ahead, eat your meat. My morals are different, my way of acting on them is different. Being vegetarian or vegan is perfectly healthy in the culture I live in, the time period I live in, etc. I don't care about world reform right now or whatever.

I'm vegan because when I was eleven, I got caught under a deck for an hour with a decaying animal. Then I threw up on my dinner. Haven't touched meat since. It can make me physically ill, even just the smell of it.

Do what you want, eat what you want. Don't tell me that the way I eat is wrong, because the way you eat might be just as wrong. We are all going to encounter health problems, but as long as you're eating healthily and in moderation (no matter what it is you do or don't eat), you'll be fine.

So, to answer the topic question, to eat meat or not to: go the fuck ahead. Just don't expect me to.


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From what ive learned vegitarians tend to be the healthier of the two, they don't eat meat but they consume such things as milk and eggs. Vegans don't eat anything that comes from animals.

I personally don't care what people eat, but if people get on me for eatting meat then thats their own problem. I'm sick of people that get on others for what they choose to do.

There are certain vitamins you need to get from animal products that other foods don't provide. I try to eat a balanced diet, that includes meat and fruits and veggies. I don't eat much beef but concentrate more on chicken or fish as my meat group.