Tired of illegal immigrants?

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Good Lord! I was making it simple because no one seemed to understand my point, NOT because I think running a country is simple.

Nevermind, this is fruitless.
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ok....just a few points i think are worth pointing out

mexico is bordering american....its not as though they are trekking half way around the world to get there

mexicans are through heritage spanish....if a million spaniards wanted to re-locate to america no-one would kick up to much fuss

amerca is called the 'new world' for a reason......when it was discovered many nationalities relocated there......america is multi-cultural.....it isn't white,black or oriental.....its a mixed pot

as for assimilating into a culture.....give people the means and in most cases that what they try to do

and a question......just to fuel the fire

when are the true americans getting they're land back?....i mean the native americans

All Else Failed

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One last attempt at trying to explain this perspective.
I don't know why I am bothering but I am so anyways:

Look at it on a simple and small scale.

Let's say that someone came to live with you and your family of 4. The person that is coming to live with you would assimilate to how your house runs. You would not change your whole household for them. You would be helpful to your guest. You would be somewhat accommodating. And you'd learn some new things from your guest. On the short - your guest would either assimilate so that the household could continue to run in a smooth manner for all involved OR problems would arise and the guest would be asked to leave.

You can apply this scenario to the new employee at a place of employment as well.

Anyway - that's all. That is as simple as I can put it.

You're seriously equating an entire nation that is infinitely more complex in nature to a household? I know you're trying to make a point on the small scale, but its a unrealizable one that doesn't even apply.

I still want to hear what you want to do with the millions of illegals here already.

Your missing my point by taking it to the extreme. What you've stated here is not what I am implying or saying - at least not in the context in which you've spit it back at me as.

And you failed to see your double mindedness as well. You told people in this thread to just accept 'such n such', not just the people in power that should be thrown out on their necks. Blah, never mind. Too much effort in trying to explain it to you.
no see you're completely missing my point and confusing it with double mindedness.


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Why do people always bring up the native Americans when discussing Illegals?

That was then, this is now, with laws. All over the world, for centuries, countries have been taking over other countries and territories. Why don't we then have everyone in the world sit down at a big table and sort out who is the RIGHTFUL, LEGAL inhabitant of a territory or country?

You can't, so now we have an established country, the United States, and we have laws. One law is that you cannot reside here Illegally, but the U.S. government, for decades, has ignored that law. Why? Because corporations, whom politicians depend on for money, etc, wanted cheaper labor and more profit in their Swiss bank accounts.

I say it's time for another revolution of the Legal U.S. citizens to rise up and take this country back from corrupt politicians and corporate execs.

All Else Failed

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Well, you are.

Why do people always bring up the native Americans when discussing Illegals?

That was then, this is now, with laws. All over the world, for centuries, countries have been taking over other countries and territories. Why don't we then have everyone in the world sit down at a big table and sort out who is the RIGHTFUL, LEGAL inhabitant of a territory or country?

You can't, so now we have an established country, the United States, and we have laws. One law is that you cannot reside here Illegally, but the U.S. government, for decades, has ignored that law. Why? Because corporations, whom politicians depend on for money, etc, wanted cheaper labor and more profit in their Swiss bank accounts.

I say it's time for another revolution of the Legal U.S. citizens to rise up and take this country back from corrupt politicians and corporate execs.

We bring them up because what we did when we came her was worse than what the illegals could ever do. Its completely hypocritical. When people argue "well why can't they just assimilate to our culture!" could also be used against them, why didn't the settlers assimilate to Indian culture? it was their land, after all. They were here first.

Again, you guys have to understand that there is a simple solution: Make the immigration process reasonable.


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Make the immigration process reasonable.
Has someone stated that they are against making the process more reasonable, user friendly, economical, etc.? I must have missed that.

Seems like a lot of assuming going on and not a lot of reading. Half the time you are arguing something that you assume someone is saying when that isn't even their point.

All Else Failed

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Has someone stated that they are against making the process more reasonable, user friendly, economical, etc.? I must have missed that.

Seems like a lot of assuming going on and not a lot of reading. Half the time you are arguing something that you assume someone is saying when that isn't even their point.
The immigration process *IS* unreasonable, and inaccessible to poorer Mexicans. You can look it up for yourself if you choose to. No one has to say anything about wanting to keep it that way, people that do not act are talking through their inaction.


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The immigration process *IS* unreasonable, and inaccessible to poorer Mexicans. You can look it up for yourself if you choose to. No one has to say anything about wanting to keep it that way, people that do not act are talking through their inaction.


Great job maker her point dude. :clap

He's over the deap end Gracie. You tried. :)


Having way too much fun
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Jesus, can't the three of you guys debate without jumping each other?

Back on topic... as much as I like that something is being done here, I think they stopped short of a compassionate change. I do agree with coming down hard on the companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants, I think that if you are going to cut off all sources of legal income to those who are not residents, you MUST provide some means to either make the people who are here legal quickly or you need to support them. You cannot just cut them off completely and ignore the fact that they ARE here. It is not only morally wrong to deny a family the right to feed themselves, it's just plain wrong. You can argue the fact that they are here illegally all you want, but that doesn't address the fact that they ARE here. So now what? If you remove their ability to legally feed their family, they will either turn to crime to support their family or they will starve. The likely hood that they will have the means to relocate back to their country of origin is not likely.

So what do we do with 12,000,000 people who are not here legally? The logistics alone of trying to round up these people and exporting them is beyond comprehension. It has been estimated at around $1,000 per person to find them, collect them and transport them out of the country. Then what do we do with their family members that ARE here legally and we just shipped out their only means of support? Do we break up families for the sake of our peace of mind?

So since rounding them all up and shipping them all out doesn't sound very feasible or ethical, what do we do with them?

All Else Failed

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Jesus, can't the three of you guys debate without jumping each other?

Back on topic... as much as I like that something is being done here, I think they stopped short of a compassionate change. I do agree with coming down hard on the companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants, I think that if you are going to cut off all sources of legal income to those who are not residents, you MUST provide some means to either make the people who are here legal quickly or you need to support them. You cannot just cut them off completely and ignore the fact that they ARE here. It is not only morally wrong to deny a family the right to feed themselves, it's just plain wrong. You can argue the fact that they are here illegally all you want, but that doesn't address the fact that they ARE here. So now what? If you remove their ability to legally feed their family, they will either turn to crime to support their family or they will starve. The likely hood that they will have the means to relocate back to their country of origin is not likely.

So what do we do with 12,000,000 people who are not here legally? The logistics alone of trying to round up these people and exporting them is beyond comprehension. It has been estimated at around $1,000 per person to find them, collect them and transport them out of the country. Then what do we do with their family members that ARE here legally and we just shipped out their only means of support? Do we break up families for the sake of our peace of mind?

So since rounding them all up and shipping them all out doesn't sound very feasible or ethical, what do we do with them?
Completely agree. Good points. :clap

So since rounding them all up and shipping them all out doesn't sound very feasible or ethical, what do we do with them?

I've been asking that quesiton time and time again in this thread, and no one has answered. I know why.