The Violent Oppression of Muslim Women - Warning, disturbing video

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I totally disagree this is a fake propaganda.There is no denying the depicted pictures/events on the video are true and actually happened and continue to happen in the Arab/Muslim world. Why do i know this?

I am a living proof/ survivor and am proud to say that. My dad was i thought blessed to have worked to engineer the early electrification of Saudi and Iran when I was young. Yup, he became the close friend of King Fahd/descendants

1) It was none to my knowledge that when I was in 1st grade ( 6-7y/o) The Prince wanted to marry me at that early age with the benefit that my whole family be treated like part of the Royale family. My dad declined and I didnt understand then. He kept that secret from me.

After I graduated Nursing went looking for a job and landed one in Jeddah- i grabbed the opportunity only to witness some of the brutalities Arab/Muslim men do to maltreat women. From rape to physical and verbal abuse just as depicted on the vid.

2) When at the shopping mall, I witnessed a beheading of a Jordanian lady who was raped and she was beheaded in front of many shoppers. Her head landed on my friend's foot area and blood splattered everywhere his white uniform. He went home with bloody pants/shoes and memory of the torture of that poor woman :(

3) When a woman doesn't wear the cover on her head with her Abaya- she would be taken by a Mutawa(police) and incarcerated. If no one bails out that poor lady, she is bought by a rich Arab man and sexually molested and her body thrown in the desert. I did experience being incarcerated overnite due to this with some fellow co-workers and have spoken to some women in prison. Fortunately for us- we were bailed out by the Administration of the Hospital we worked with.

4) When out shopping and a man is next to a woman unintentionally, when seen again by a Mutawa they will be asked to show marriage contracts- if none produced, both will be incarcerated and again same situation as # 3 happens to the woman while in prison.

5) We visited a prison for women c/o embassy officials: we were able to see how those overseas workers who opted to go home since they cant tolerate the maltreatment of women- remain to be incarcerated by the Arab government for months and sexually and physically abused and without rights even if under the said protection of an Embassy. Rules are so barbaric and inhumane. And the embassy officials have to work hard to have documents processed asap for the prisoners so they'll be out of that situation and can go home as they wished for :ninja

Thanks for sharing the video Retro :)

Whatever you have stated may fit a crime scene but it has nothing to do with religion!

Rape and fornication are treated as same in no surprise if a fornicating Muslim women is tried, found guilty and beheaded in a place where Sharia is the rule!! she should have known that and ignorance of law is no excuse!

Why did an Arab royalty like to marry you? Why did he get attracted to you at such young age?? Why didn't your father fail to report this to the King??? What was your Embassy doing there?? Why were you there..oh, wait, to make money!!

Arabs think themselves superior to others...that's right. They are very proud and arrogant people but I don't think they are cruel to women.....they are just fond of women because they want to share their wealth with them! They can afford luxury which no one can imagine but again that's their custom ......not religion. Had you charged them with their country's law, the Sharia, they would get their throats cut for violating their own laws!!

Physcal and verbal abuse is found more in the western culture than anywhere the hands of psychos. Does this mean Christians or Jews commit these crimes?? No, you just say it happens in the West. Similarly you could say that happened in Saudia.....why involve a religion with it??? That is what is called bigotry and prejudice!

With Retro, i guess some here have a shoulder to weep upon!!:)


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Retro, come out of the autistic world! haven't I been telling you rape and fornifications are forbidden and punishable by death in sharia???

and FYI Kohat is partially Taliban area upnorth. That women admittedly cheated on her husband and committed adultery and in tribal areas death penalty is normally awarded to adulterers..but this is not so in other parts of Pakistan.
So, better for you: When in Rome do as the Romans do!! Respect the law of the land or perish!


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Retro, come out of the autistic world! haven't I been telling you rape and fornifications are forbidden and punishable by death in sharia???

and FYI Kohat is partially Taliban area upnorth. That women admittedly cheated on her husband and committed adultery and in tribal areas death penalty is normally awarded to adulterers..but this is not so in other parts of Pakistan.
So, better for you: When in Rome do as the Romans do!! Respect the law of the land or perish!

So raped women are adulteresses in your view? I thought you just said they weren't. Make up your mind.

Also, using "autistic" as an insult is highly offensive to a number of people around here who either suffer from autism or have family members that do. I highly suggest that you edit that out or simply refrain from using it as a slur again.


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So raped women are adulteresses in your view? I thought you just said they weren't. Make up your mind.

Also, using "autistic" as an insult is highly offensive to a number of people around here who either suffer from autism or have family members that do. I highly suggest that you edit that out or simply refrain from using it as a slur again.

do not interpret the word was used in a metaphorical sense, for childishness!!

Rape by force is what I was referring to. If Rape with consent is committed then only women become liable for punishment. This is to prevent bastard generation ( neat ''pedigree!!'') in our society for which neither the society, nor the law nor the state nor religion favor.


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do not interpret the word was used in a metaphorical sense, for childishness!!

Rape by force is what I was referring to. If Rape with consent is committed then only women become liable for punishment. This is to prevent bastard generation ( neat ''pedigree!!'') in our society for which neither the society, nor the law nor the state nor religion favor.

Wait... there's such a thing as rape with consent? In what sick and twisted fantasy world do you live in?

noun, verb, raped, rap·ing.
–noun act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
2.the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

So you're claiming that this women allowed her brother in law to rape her, and therefore she was guilty of adultery? That's sick. :thumbdown

Additionally, you're claiming that if it's "rape with consent" (whatever the fuck that means), only the woman should be punished? But I thought that all forms of adultery were punishable by death in Sharia. Which is it? Should the man be punished for raping her? Or should the woman be punished as well for being raped? You and your culture of oppression towards women disgust me.

It'll be a happy day when your vile and disgusting views are removed from this forum. I can handle someone disagreeing with me or having a differing opinion, but you absolutely disgust me. You're defending rape, and the murder of an innocent women who did nothing wrong except having been born in your backwards cesspool of a country. You're a disgrace to the religion you claim to follow as far as I'm concerned.


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do not interpret the word was used in a metaphorical sense, for childishness!!

It doesn't change the fact that your usage of that word in the context that you did is highly offensive and unacceptable. Furthermore, you've exacerbated the situation by equating autism to being a child. Stop while you're only partially behind, would 'ya? Oh wait, on second thought... just keep going. Perhaps this will be what finally gets you banned.
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It doesn't change the fact that your usage of that word in the context that you did is highly offensive and unacceptable. Furthermore, you've exacerbated the situation by equating autism to being a child. Stop while you're only partially behind, would 'ya? Oh wait, on second thought... just keep going. Perhaps this will be what finally gets you banned.

A leopard never loses his spots. they say. I can note that by your malafide intentions and ulterior motives.

Why are you so narrow-minded and averse to letting people live in peace? Why can't you just go away with your foolish and provocative baggage??


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Wait... there's such a thing as rape with consent? In what sick and twisted fantasy world do you live in?

noun, verb, raped, rap·ing.
–noun act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
2.the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

So you're claiming that this women allowed her brother in law to rape her, and therefore she was guilty of adultery? That's sick. :thumbdown

Additionally, you're claiming that if it's "rape with consent" (whatever the fuck that means), only the woman should be punished? But I thought that all forms of adultery were punishable by death in Sharia. Which is it? Should the man be punished for raping her? Or should the woman be punished as well for being raped? You and your culture of oppression towards women disgust me.

It'll be a happy day when your vile and disgusting views are removed from this forum. I can handle someone disagreeing with me or having a differing opinion, but you absolutely disgust me. You're defending rape, and the murder of an innocent women who did nothing wrong except having been born in your backwards cesspool of a country. You're a disgrace to the religion you claim to follow as far as I'm concerned.

Rape is rape....with or without consent. In simple English it is called Fornication...there is NO alternate word for the word ZINA which is bad sex in all form.

Take an Arabic lesson from Kimmy who might perhaps tell you what I mean!


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Rape is rape....with or without consent. In simple English it is called Fornication...there is NO alternate word for the word ZINA which is bad sex in all form.

Take an Arabic lesson from Kimmy who might perhaps tell you what I mean!

There is no such thing as consensual rape. The two are mutually exclusive, unless of course you're talking about statutory rape, which is an entirely different concept altogether.

Just so we're clear... if a woman is raped, she is guilty of adultery and therefore should be killed. That's what you're saying now, right?


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Rape is rape....with or without consent. In simple English it is called Fornication...there is NO alternate word for the word ZINA which is bad sex in all form.

Take an Arabic lesson from Kimmy who might perhaps tell you what I mean!
Do you in Pakistan know arabic ?!
I thought it was urdo or something like that .


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There is no such thing as consensual rape. The two are mutually exclusive, unless of course you're talking about statutory rape, which is an entirely different concept altogether.

Just so we're clear... if a woman is raped, she is guilty of adultery and therefore should be killed. That's what you're saying now, right?

I said there is no alternate word in English for the Arabic ZINA.....
you are just being silly....Rape is by force, Premarital sex can be consensual.
Get the bug out of your head and try to understand .....

watch the videos I have posted for your enlightenment rather than keep trolling on the thread with childish


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Do you in Pakistan know arabic ?!
I thought it was urdo or something like that .

I live in Karachi...
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan..
Urdu is a mixture of many languages, including Arabic. I can understand many Arabic, Persian or French nouns as well as understand more than half a dozen other local languages, ancl the lingo of the Sikhs or Hindi's!

I am super excellent at Urdu!!;)
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New Member
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I live in Karachi...
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan..
Urdu is a mixture of many languages, including Arabic. I can understand many Arabic, Persian or French nouns as well as understand more than half a dozen other local languages, ancl the lingo of the Sikhs or Hindi's!

I am super excellent at Urdu!!;)
Are All pakistanis like you or you got special education ?:surrender


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Are All pakistanis like you or you got special education ?:surrender
Education is very expensive for majority to afford. However, trend for education is growing in cities but is low among the 70% or so of the poor. Most kids study to obtain degrees so that they can find better jobs with good pay. Those who go to study abroad are least inclined to return back home because they earn 100 times more than if they worked in Pakistan. People are going for professional degrees which do have some job potential and for the skilled, well, they can find job anytime!

I studied at the elite Karachi Grammar School, a missionary school run under the auspices of Cambridge University. If you remember 70's till mid 80's was teleprinter age (at least in Pakistan) and even in America Commodore 64/128 were on sale. Because all my business was on telex I had to use 'shorthand' while communicating with my customers abroad. My English got worse when I had to deal with the Japanese for straight 11 years!! With the US and EU customers there was simply official correspondence and there was no way to chat with them as we do today on the internet (it was too expensive and odd in those days) except when we met once a year or talked over the fone in a blue moon!

I remember buying a Commodore 64 for my son in 1986 from Manhattan! He became expert with age but me.....oh! I hated computers and was almost nil at them! It was only about 5 years back that I ever sat on a computer out of my schoolmates formed a group and somehow caught me on the net asking me to join them. I gave them my daughter's email ID but when I began receiving messages from them I couldn't respond to them without the help of my child. I didn't like the idea of bothering my daughter time and again for my own problem . Moreover, in doing that I could not save my ''privacy'....

Consequently I bought a computer for myself but didn't know anything about using it. Honestly speaking I was taught to operate computers by my kids....and fortunately I picked up in a few months!

Still I am not good at computer and typing....I seldom re-read my drafts ( don't like to traverse the once trodden path!!:) and that's why my English may sound to some ''out of idiom', poor syntax or sometimes incoherent!! But nevermind there are always good people around who forgive such follies by me!!;)

Education is good for learning grammar and composition and a bit of theoretical knowledge concerning
the subject studied. But I don't call it learning. To learn you have to go beyond books and internet, travel, meet people and gentlemanly interact with them! I try my best to do that but find myself still a student, a tiny drop in the vast ocean of knowledge!!

Basically I am an in fisheries and Industrial refrigeration and innovative technological discoveries ( for the process industries))..currently I have nothing to do ...except take ''hard beating'' from some of unhappy folks here!!:))

I hope this should suffice for can PM me anytime if you have any question:)