The Violent Oppression of Muslim Women - Warning, disturbing video

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To retain any credibility if a debate forum, you must look at something before declaring it propaganda.
Go teach this to someone else....I know my religion very well and don't want to know it from others, Muslims or non-Muslim propagandists!!

The local religious establishment condones such actions at a minimum by non-action. The statistics I've seen indicate that Africa and the Middle East have the highest rates of violence directed at women. This is not random street violence, this is culturally condoned and in some cases condoned by the government/religious establishment by authorities sentencing women or just looking the other way. I'm not an expert on this but if it is true, most reprehensible is the condoned act of honor killing and women being convicted of being raped, where the victim is held responsible or being hanged as an adulterer. The man should be up there swinging with the woman, but my impression is that this rarely happens, if ever.
Honor killing is NOT due to religious reasons. Fools must understand by now that it is a wing of cultural whim!

Then the Quran degrades women. From a modern view, there is no other way to look at if. My impression, no matter what the reason, sexual equality in the Middle East is rare to non existent.
What do you mean by ''sexual equality''?? Muslims are forbidden from lechery/debauchery...and for sure they are very ''possessive'' about their women!!
Women in Islam are not used as 'tools of sex'' alone, they enjoy full respect and honor as long as they follow the roadmap and abide by their religious obligations and the law of the land!!
Muslims can and will never never turn into a nation of illicitly produced people who don't even know the real names of their fathers and mothers!!

Look at the position of women in the West as compared to the Middle East. There just is no comparison. In the Middle East women's place is below men, period. Your kidding yourself or rationalizing to think any different. In the West, woman can really look to equality under the law. In the Middle East, women get second class treatment, on all levels, in all situations.
Bullshit! Women are treated equally. The first Muslim prime minister of Pakistan was a Muslim.
If Muslim woman were so ''oppressed'' how could she have reached the zenith of her political career??
Talk sense, dude, you are talking to a Muslim who knows better about his faith than you or any other bigoted rascal!
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No, I think we're good. You're blind to the atrocities committed in your country and others, all in the name is Islam. So rather than accept or refute what's said, in a factual logical manner, you instead choose to respond emotionally. In addition to your nonsensical rants, you also regularly try to deflect, or throw out straw men or red herrings in an attempt to distract people from what's really going on. Furthermore, when people don't agree with you, your response it to throw out ad hominem attacks, calling them bigots and racists. I've studied your religion, and quoted your holy book to you to prove that you're wrong, but you call me a racist because of it.

You're a troll of the lowest order, a disgrace to your religion, and you're neither wanted nor needed on this forum.


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0.14z /rapestatisticspage.html

  • In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes each month and 683,280 rapes each year.
  • 1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assulted in her lifetime.
  • The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
  • 1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
  • 83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.
  • 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
  • 1 in 12 males students surveyed had commited acts that met the legal definition of rape. Furthermore, 84% of the men who had commited such acts said what they had done was definitely not rape.
  • 75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquintance rape had been drinking or using drugs.
  • Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police.
Nowhere does it state the raped victims were Christians or Jews or someone else. Fair enough but why Cry Wolf when it comes to Muslim countries?????
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blah blah blah typical mazhur bullshit blah blah blah

Thanks for proving my point once again... you're incapable of rationally defending arguments levied against you, your beliefs, your religion, or your culture. Instead you bring up unrelated facts as a method of distracting from the fact that you're incapable of defending any of it. You're making my job so much easier for me.


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  • In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes each month and 683,280 rapes each year.
  • 1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assulted in her lifetime.
  • The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
  • 1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
  • 83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.
  • 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
  • 1 in 12 males students surveyed had commited acts that met the legal definition of rape. Furthermore, 84% of the men who had commited such acts said what they had done was definitely not rape.
  • 75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquintance rape had been drinking or using drugs.
  • Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police.
Nowhere does it state the raped victims were Christians or Jews or someone else. Fair enough but why Cry Wolf when it comes to Muslim countries?????

You forgot a couple of key statistics...

  • Number of cases where the victim of a rape was sent to jail in the US: 0
  • Number of cases where the victim of a rape was executed by her family who then went unpunished: 0
  • Number of cases where the victim was stoned to death in the street for being raped: 0


Well-Known Member
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You forgot a couple of key statistics...

  • Number of cases where the victim of a rape was sent to jail in the US: 0
  • Number of cases where the victim of a rape was executed by her family who then went unpunished: 0
  • Number of cases where the victim was stoned to death in the street for being raped: 0

I am for death penalty for rapist men!!

Where there is lack of rule of law, people are justified in taking law into their own hands!! Get out of your little cove and look around, the universe is too big for you to figure out!!


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I am for death penalty for rapist men!!

Where there is lack of rule of law, people are justified in taking law into their own hands!! Get out of your little cove and look around, the universe is too big for you to figure out!!

Well isn't the way you completely ignored what Sam said cute?


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Grow up, doll!

Guys are idiots, till they're what, 40 years old.
Wes Borland

Putting rapists to Death either by stoning, gassing, guillotining, hanging and electrocution amount to the same thing: Death.
When people can't find anything else to impart death penalty, stoning seems the best option! That's a lesson to Rapists... filthy, ugly men!

No one sends rape victims to jail....there is NO concept of sending women to jail for any offense in Islam!! They only have to provide sureties to the Sharia court and held back by her folk at home until the case is decided. It takes hardly much time to decide cases based on substantial evidence and witnesses in Sharia.
As I had been telling multiple times Pakistan follows the British system of law and justice.....(now don't tell me British justice system is bad!!)
Sharia is not enforced, except some exceptions in the constitution do exist, such as a non Muslim cannot be the President of the so-called Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Blasphemy laws, etc and that those rules were made through democratic consensus. It's the same as denying legal right to men to take more than one wife elsewhere....If someone doesn't believe in democracy he can ...well F*** off!

Honor killing is a cultural is termed crime in Pakistan but where doesn't crimes happen??
All this bullshit you post or uncle Sam posts is based on ignorance of difference between culture and religion!

You better take care of your culture.....nothing more you could do than rape a woman and send her into lifetime mental trauma and yet boast about not sending her to jail??? How would you know without a trial as to who raped who?? There have been cases in the US when mothers have been getting fucked by their sons and female teachers screwing their 14 year old students!! WTF!!
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Okay Maz... a question for you.

A woman is raped, it was obviously against her will. Is she an adulteress?
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Seizing Life ♥
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Hehehehe!! fake propaganda!!

I live among Muslims....about 800million around me and I can guess what are you upto.....and beyond the pale!

I totally disagree this is a fake propaganda.There is no denying the depicted pictures/events on the video are true and actually happened and continue to happen in the Arab/Muslim world. Why do i know this?

I am a living proof/ survivor and am proud to say that. My dad was i thought blessed to have worked to engineer the early electrification of Saudi and Iran when I was young. Yup, he became the close friend of King Fahd/descendants

1) It was none to my knowledge that when I was in 1st grade ( 6-7y/o) The Prince wanted to marry me at that early age with the benefit that my whole family be treated like part of the Royale family. My dad declined and I didnt understand then. He kept that secret from me.

After I graduated Nursing went looking for a job and landed one in Jeddah- i grabbed the opportunity only to witness some of the brutalities Arab/Muslim men do to maltreat women. From rape to physical and verbal abuse just as depicted on the vid.

2) When at the shopping mall, I witnessed a beheading of a Jordanian lady who was raped and she was beheaded in front of many shoppers. Her head landed on my friend's foot area and blood splattered everywhere his white uniform. He went home with bloody pants/shoes and memory of the torture of that poor woman :(

3) When a woman doesn't wear the cover on her head with her Abaya- she would be taken by a Mutawa(police) and incarcerated. If no one bails out that poor lady, she is bought by a rich Arab man and sexually molested and her body thrown in the desert. I did experience being incarcerated overnite due to this with some fellow co-workers and have spoken to some women in prison. Fortunately for us- we were bailed out by the Administration of the Hospital we worked with.

4) When out shopping and a man is next to a woman unintentionally, when seen again by a Mutawa they will be asked to show marriage contracts- if none produced, both will be incarcerated and again same situation as # 3 happens to the woman while in prison.

5) We visited a prison for women c/o embassy officials: we were able to see how those overseas workers who opted to go home since they cant tolerate the maltreatment of women- remain to be incarcerated by the Arab government for months and sexually and physically abused and without rights even if under the said protection of an Embassy. Rules are so barbaric and inhumane. And the embassy officials have to work hard to have documents processed asap for the prisoners so they'll be out of that situation and can go home as they wished for :ninja

Thanks for sharing the video Retro :)
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1) It was none to my knowledge that when I was in 1st grade ( 6-7y/o) The Prince wanted to marry me at that early age with the benefit that my whole family be treated like part of the Royale family. My dad declined and I didnt understand then. He kept that secret from me.

You'd be a Queen right now lol ;)