The Violent Oppression of Muslim Women - Warning, disturbing video

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I know the mods were told to take it easy for a while but calling somebody a "clit brain" is clearly name calling. In my mind about as insulting as one can get. I don't use the report button but rarely but just stating the obvious.

I've seen at least one mod mention that if someone who is an observer but not involved reports a post, they just leave it be until someone actually involved reports it. So maybe part of them keeping things lax is to turn a blind eye to anything unless someone feels genuinely insulted and reports it?

So if whoever got called a clit brain (guyzer?) didn't report it, maybe they're taking the view that it didn't bother him that much and therefore doesn't need to be dealt with.

That said, I'm pretty surprised Maz hasn't been banned considering the things he says. I feel sorry for whoever gets the job of trying to communicate a warning/suspension to him, good luck getting a reply that makes any sense.
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what your not getting mazhur is that the common american is like any other world wide,they strive to survive,struggle to hold down jobs,have kids to feed and really have little or no say in government decisions,they're no different to a russian,pakistani or kenyan in that respect......yet whole countries hate all americans because of a few that are in government

I understand what you say. Nobody hates the common American citizen, it's only your governmental policies which are the basis of all the trouble. America has becoming hyperactive in poking its nose in everybody's affairs which act is not appreciated by the majority in other places.

May I say that your governments keep you so much occupied in the mess of credit cards and taxes and benefits that many American are just made spend a droll life...revolving around those factors and sex.

In Pakistan situation is opposite. Direct tax payers are few...because of illiteracy and corruption in tax deptts and in fact at all levels people are made to pay taxes through Indirect taxation....and most of the revenue earned by our govt is through money sent home by expats.


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I've seen at least one mod mention that if someone who is an observer but not involved reports a post, they just leave it be until someone actually involved reports it. So maybe part of them keeping things lax is to turn a blind eye to anything unless someone feels genuinely insulted and reports it?

So if whoever got called a clit brain (guyzer?) didn't report it, maybe they're taking the view that it didn't bother him that much and therefore doesn't need to be dealt with.

That said, I'm pretty surprised Maz hasn't been banned considering the things he says. I feel sorry for whoever gets the job of trying to communicate a warning/suspension to him, good luck getting a reply that makes any sense.

I'm the "clit brain".

Since I'm one of those leading the charge against the MODs being too strict, I chose not to report it.

Besides... "clit brain"???? Shit, I was insulted worse when I was in kindergarten. :24:


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I'm going to ignore the rest to focus on this:

A living person relying on the book of dead for learning to breathe freely is surprising in itself!! Buddha was born in my country and you are looking for him in some pussy-land???Amazing!!:24:

Now.. I don't claim to be an outright Buddhist. A few concepts in it are a little too much for my Western mind. However, if I was- where do you get the right to mock MY religious beliefs? Anytime anybody comes near degrading Islam in any way, shape or form you get a burr up your ass the size of Colorado. Yet it is acceptable that you mock me for mine?

Care to elaborate how this is acceptable behavior, sir?

By the way... Siddhartha Gautama was born in modern-day Tibet. Just saying...

When did you tell me your religion was Buddhism??? Why would I mock at you when I too believe Buddha was a great man? and please note he was not born in Tibet but in India!! Google for more details if you do not believe me:)


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I know the mods were told to take it easy for a while but calling somebody a "clit brain" is clearly name calling. In my mind about as insulting as one can get. I don't use the report button but rarely but just stating the obvious.

Given the source I would think there should be some discussion amongst the mods about how to deal with that.

Maz is clearly trolling.

I am not's you who is. Look at the useful info I have been exchanging with many of you single-handedly in a rather ''hostile' environment....some trying to bash me in futile.

If you think I am trolling then you better had not come to my thread and leave me alone in peace!!

I am going to ask Oxford dictionary to add this new word ''clit head' alongwith 'dick head' for gender equity!!
it surprises me that some of you guys here talk so loose about sex and all but are trembling at the mention of a little 'clit'!! I couldn't believe it would hurt a few men so badly!


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Tibet was a part of India in those his nationality was Indian.

Matter of semantics. Not worth arguing about. So I'll grant you that his ethnicity was Indian, but his homeland was Tibet.

I'm going to step out of the way so that you can deal with the more prescient questions that other members have for you.



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Matter of semantics. Not worth arguing about. So I'll grant you that his ethnicity was Indian, but his homeland was Tibet.

I'm going to step out of the way so that you can deal with the more prescient questions that other members have for you.


Even Pakistan, Bangla desh etc were once part and parcel of India...

Though Buddha had great influence on the Indian monarchs of his time but it is very unfortunate that very few people have taken to Buddhism in India and even in Pakistan where there are many ancient Buddhist sites have been discoverd. for example the Stupa's in Taxila and Swat.

Minor Axis

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Hehehehe!! fake propaganda!!

Your position is that the things depicted in this video are untrue? So much for your neutrality towards a subject that hits close to home. To wave your hand and dismiss this a pure propaganda puts heavy doubt on your ability to debate purely based on the merit of an idea. It puts you into a position of blindly defending your religion and demeans your stature.

As far at he video, it turned my stomach. While it can be argued that the anti-female attitudes are just as much cultural as they are religious, in certain Middle Eastern countries, the established religion, Islam reinforces these attitudes and actively pursues the status quo of women as second class citizens. I'll add that this is not a wholesale condemnation of Islam around the world. I believe you can be Islamic and treat women as equals.
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Your position is that the things depicted in this video are untrue? So much for your neutrality towards a subject that hits close to home. To wave your hand and dismiss this a pure propaganda puts heavy doubt on your ability to debate purely based on the merit of an idea. It puts you into a position of blindly defending your religion and demeans your stature.

As far at he video, it turned my stomach. While it can be argued that the anti-female attitudes are just as much cultural as they are religious, in certain Middle Eastern countries, the established religion, Islam reinforces these attitudes and actively pursues the status quo of women as second class citizens. I'll add that this is not a wholesale condemnation of Islam around the world. I believe you can be Islamic and treat women as equals.

Could you please post the link to the video as I haven't even seen it due to Retro being on my ignore list??

However, without even seeing it I could sense what the vid was about from the title of this thread alone and.....the 'reputation' of its OP!!

Islam commands that women should be treated as Equal' and respected under all circumstances. But this doesn't happen in practice among some Muslims due to cultural overlapping for which there is no justification to malign the religion itself.

The Quran clearly says that men are 'a degree above women' because they are solely liable to maintain
their wives and children. This does not mean that Muslims deny any other 'equality' rights to women. It also doesn't mean that a woman cannot be a degree higher than a man if she undertakes the liability attributed to her husband. Thus ''equality' is a reciprocal matter in Islam and there is nothing wrong with it!

Crimes are not restricted to Muslims, even Christians and Hindus commit crimes.....this does not mean that Christianity or Hinduism is to be blamed for individual infractions of the divine law.


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Could you please post the link to the video as I haven't even seen it due to Retro being on my ignore list??

However, without even seeing it I could sense what the vid was about from the title of this thread alone and.....the 'reputation' of its OP!!

Wait... wait... wait...

You've been arguing for 90 posts against a video you HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN???????


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Wait... wait... wait...

You've been arguing for 90 posts against a video you HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN???????


That's fucking hilarious... what a troll. I know he reads my posts anyway though, since he's responded directly to things that I've said. Just more proof that he's a troll.

Oh, and I have a pretty damn good reputation if I do say so myself... I speak my mind and back my opinions up with facts more times than note.

Minor Axis

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Could you please post the link to the video as I haven't even seen it due to Retro being on my ignore list??


However, without even seeing it I could sense what the vid was about from the title of this thread alone and.....the 'reputation' of its OP!!

To retain any credibility if a debate forum, you must look at something before declaring it propaganda.

Islam commands that women should be treated as Equal' and respected under all circumstances. But this doesn't happen in practice among some Muslims due to cultural overlapping for which there is no justification to malign the religion itself.

The local religious establishment condones such actions at a minimum by non-action. The statistics I've seen indicate that Africa and the Middle East have the highest rates of violence directed at women. This is not random street violence, this is culturally condoned and in some cases condoned by the government/religious establishment by authorities sentencing women or just looking the other way. I'm not an expert on this but if it is true, most reprehensible is the condoned act of honor killing and women being convicted of being raped, where the victim is held responsible or being hanged as an adulterer. The man should be up there swinging with the woman, but my impression is that this rarely happens, if ever.

The Quran clearly says that men are 'a degree above women' because they are solely liable to maintain their wives and children. This does not mean that Muslims deny any other 'equality' rights to women. It also doesn't mean that a woman cannot be a degree higher than a man if she undertakes the liability attributed to her husband. Thus ''equality' is a reciprocal matter in Islam and there is nothing wrong with it!

Then the Quran degrades women. From a modern view, there is no other way to look at if. My impression, no matter what the reason, sexual equality in the Middle East is rare to non existent.

Crimes are not restricted to Muslims, even Christians and Hindus commit crimes.....this does not mean that Christianity or Hinduism is to be blamed for individual infractions of the divine law.

Look at the position of women in the West as compared to the Middle East. There just is no comparison. In the Middle East women's place is below men, period. Your kidding yourself or rationalizing to think any different. In the West, woman can really look to equality under the law. In the Middle East, women get second class treatment, on all levels, in all situations.

Minor Axis

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I hope you meant instead of.

When I said this I was referring to infidelity. If you have two adulterers and the law is death for such acts, then they should both be swinging. This is not to say that I believe death for adultery is reasonable on any level. It's 10th century which is only about 1000 years behind the times. ;)

If we are talking rape, my impression is that if a woman is raped there is a high probability it will be considered her fault because somehow she must of lured the man. Hah. They get women coming and going, by "having" her and then "blaming" her. Men got it made is some parts of this planet. This is a sarcastic statement. :thumbdown