The Violent Oppression of Muslim Women - Warning, disturbing video

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i'm church of england.....vicars marry and have chikdren

male circumcizion doesn't even compare to the female kind....i'm circimcized and lead a very rich sex live,i doubt if a female victim could say the same

and yes mazhur,you insult when people post something you cant answer,all in all you're a vile indiviual

don't be under complex..if I am vile you are vicious!
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You can't comment with authority on any video you HAVE NOT SEEN. You have undermined your credibility regardless of how smart you think you are.

All the time you are repeating the same thing all over..

Does the religious establishment in the vicinity spend any time condemning such practices?

Why not???

Who's road map? Who decided a woman's obligations? Anyway you want to gloss it over, second class status is second class status.

Muslim husband doesn't live on his wife's income...nor dole. He is the leader of the house and in a matrimonial relationship such leadership has to be acknowledged sincerely and without compulsion. In some case women also lead....Muslims don't mind it as long as both of them follow the agreed ''roadmap'!!

So I am bigoted? She was the exception not the rule. Why do you think she was murdered?

that matter was decided by jurist after a trial and the story is now past and closed. MY adding anything to it won't revive the case nor help the rapist or the fornicating woman!

Yes, you are narrow minded and over-sentimental over things which you are not accustomed to...
You are only conditioned to see one side of the picture which suits your desires or what has been dinned into


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Why not India if the US???
Get out of your Islamophobia before you have the need to see a shrink!:(

Here we go with the Islamaphobia bullshit again. Disagreeing with your fucked up version of Islam doesn't make me afraid of it. I personally know Muslims that are fine upstanding people that would be disgusted by the shit that you say.

You are a real hate-monger and biased person....rhetoric being your forte.:thumbdown

I'm biased against people that aren't capable of having a discussion without attacking the person they're arguing with. I'm biased against people that refuse to use facts to back up their opinion, and rely on their own "rhetoric" to try and prove their point. I'm biased against people that can't respond to being proved wrong without resorting to ad hominems. I'm biased against people that use a copy/paste that is completely unrelated to the discussion at hand in order to distract from the fact that they've been proven utterly and completely wrong.

perhaps skyblue said it was a curse...
Virginity is a most precious asset of a woman, a symbol of chastity and honor, not be lost to any bastard but her husband, is a world view ...excluding the 'highly advanced countries'', I guess ! Read your Bible and learn!!
Nobody murders anyone except criminals ......the US being no exceptiion.

No mazHur, you said that virginity was a curse.

mazHur said:
If a boy can be circumcized in babyhood why not girls not be de-hymenized to clean them off their curse?? Answer!

With every single post you make, you make yourself into an even bigger joke here.


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that matter was decided by jurist after a trial and the story is now past and closed. MY adding anything to it won't revive the case nor help the rapist or the fornicating woman!

Yes, you are narrow minded and over-sentimental over things which you are not accustomed to...
You are only conditioned to see one side of the picture which suits your desires or what has been dinned into

There you go again, you just admitted that a woman that was raped deserved to die because she "fornicated". That's disgusting. The only "crime" she committed was being born in your disgusting backwards cesspool of a "country".

Minor Axis

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that matter was decided by jurist after a trial and the story is now past and closed. MY adding anything to it won't revive the case nor help the rapist or the fornicating woman!

Yes, you are narrow minded and over-sentimental over things which you are not accustomed to...
You are only conditioned to see one side of the picture which suits your desires or what has been dinned into

This coming from Mr. Open-Minded-My-Way-Or-The-High-Way. Lol.

The constructiveness of this thread disappeared about six pages ago. The rhetoric needs to be dialed way back. See ya in a worth while thread.


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This coming from Mr. Open-Minded-My-Way-Or-The-High-Way. Lol.

The constructiveness of this thread disappeared about six pages ago. The rhetoric needs to be dialed way back. See ya in a worth while thread.

again you show up with the same old bullshit, same regurgitation!!


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I'm shocked... more diversionary tactics.

Please show me where the government murdered a woman because she was raped. Then you'll have an argument. Please show me where female castration is an acceptable practice in the United States. Then you'll have an argument. Please show me where women are required to cover their bodies. Then you'll have an argument. Please show me where people are segregated by basis of sex in the United States (other than in mosques or restrooms). Then you'll have an argument.

The fact is though, none of those things happen in America or in any civilized country.


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I'm shocked... more diversionary tactics.

Please show me where the government murdered a woman because she was raped. Then you'll have an argument. Please show me where female castration is an acceptable practice in the United States. Then you'll have an argument. Please show me where women are required to cover their bodies. Then you'll have an argument. Please show me where people are segregated by basis of sex in the United States (other than in mosques or restrooms). Then you'll have an argument.

The fact is though, none of those things happen in America or in any civilized country.

YOUR culture is not a paradigm for the rest of the world. Only YOU do not exist on the face of the earth!
All those illth you mention in fact exist in the US but you don't know....ask some erudite lady or man to enlighten you how America works!!

Now don't say you do not believe his more of his vids at the right of his vid.


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YOUR culture is not a paradigm for the rest of the world. Only YOU do not exist on the face of the earth!
All those illth you mention in fact exist in the US but you don't know....ask some erudite lady or man to enlighten you how America works!!

Now don't say you do not believe his more of his vids at the right of his vid.

I asked for proof and you give me a Chomsky video? Oh, that must be because there isn't any proof of any of those things. Unlike the atrocious treatment of women I've mentioned that happen in your country and other Muslim nations.

Try again.


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No. Nobody is interested in another completely unrelated copy/paste from some random website attacking America as a diversionary tactic.

Provide verifiable facts.


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INTENTIONAL JOB DISCRIMINATION IN METROPOLITAN AMERICA Chapter 14 – Discrimination Against Women – A More Detailed Analysis 176 CHAPTER 14 DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN - A MORE DETAILED ANALYSIS C HAPTER 14 DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN - A MORE DETAILED ANALYSIS............................176 §1. Improvement in Job Opport unities for Wome n Since 1964...................................................................... 178 §2. Intentional Discriminati on Against Wome n in 1999........................................................................... ......181 §3. Discriminating Establishmen ts and Affect ed Workers......................................................................... .....181 §4. The Probability that a Woman Will Face Discriminatio n When Seeking an Employ ment Opportunity in an Occupation because of Sex –- The “Gla ss Ceiling”............................................................................... .181 §5. Continued concentration of Women in office and cleric al positions.......................................................18 4 §6. Background of this Study................................................................................................... .......................185 §7. Intentional Discrimi nation................................................................................................. .......................187 A. HARD CORE DI SCRIMINATORS.................................................................................................... ................188 • 240,908 WOMEN WORKERS.......................................................................................................... ...188 B. CLEARLY VISIB LE DISCRIMINATORS.............................................................................................. ...........189 • 324,924 WOMEN WORKERS.......................................................................................................... ...189 C. PRESUMED DI SCRIMINA TORS..................................................................................................... .................190 • 62,563 WOMEN WORKERS........................................................................................................... ....190 D. “AT RISK” DISCRIMINATORS.................................................................................................... ....................191 • WOMEN WORKERS.................................................................................................................. .........191 E. SUMMARY OF VISIBLE JOB DISCRI MINATION AGAINST WOMEN W OKERS ....................................192 Hard Core...................................................................................................................... ................................192 §8. The Incidence of Discrimination against Women by Industries – Cr aters in the Playing Field...............193 §9. Analysis of ranking by numbe r of affected Women wo rkers.................................................................... .196 §10. Proportions of comparis ons showing discrimination......................................................................... ....197 §11. Endnotes.................................................................................................................. ................................200 his Chapter contains a more deta iled analysis of discrimination against women than did Chapter 9, which compared discrimination against women with discrimination ag ainst minorities. The pattern of restriction on opportunities for women came with the settlement of America, inherited from an age when raw physical strength determined the shape of the culture, backed by centuries of tradition. Our initial quest was for independence for men; as colonists claimed the rights of Englishmen. Abigail Adam’s injunction to John as he went off to shape the ne w nation, to “remember the ladies,” was ignored, until 1787, when the Northwest Or dinance declared that daughters could inherit equally with sons when a parent died intestate. Women identified their situation with slaves by 1848, supported abolition and the Civil War, but were consciously le ft out of the protective statutes passed after the war. The right to vote was won in 1920, but a ttempts to secure an Equal Rights for Women amendment to th e Constitution failed in the 1970’s. T

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