The Violent Oppression of Muslim Women - Warning, disturbing video

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I did in Rome what the Romans do!! :thumbup

Try stoning me if you can!!

So basically, as long as you aren't in a Muslim country, you can do whatever you want? You're obviously a devout follower of your religion. :24:
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Having way too much fun
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So basically, as long as you aren't in a Muslim country, you can do whatever you want? You're obvious a devout follower of your religion. :24:

I would submit that this is more of a result of coming from a sexually repressed country. It also explains why more porn is viewed in Muslim countries than any other.


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I would submit that this is more of a result of coming from a sexually repressed country. It also explains why more porn is viewed in Muslim countries than any other.

i'm working on this now, america will overcome once again! back in 10.


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Don't you think that undeniably what you mentioned happens all over the world BUT have you by any chance thought the percentage of it happening in your country? Or maybe the percentage are not shown eh per records ? As women who are raped, killed and molested are not reported and bodies are just thrown in the desert. I've seen it and it happens and no matter how you try to disprove otherwise- NO one will believe you:ninja

Where did I disapprove of crime??
Crime is there in Pakistan but less than the US... this doesn't mean any religion is responsible for that.

Crime is less where is their is rule of law...mind it Pakistan is a war-ridden country with people fed up with the US imposing their war upon them and coalition killing in the name of a hoax called the War on Terror!!

:ninja Which is obviously what's going on in your country, unfortunately :eek Do you really actually believe all your words here that women in your country are respected- think again. IF you fear your Allah, i think lying is one of the 10 commandments that you are going against now with this denial you are portraying :ninja

Women are duly respected in my country except among some tribes which have their own tribal laws!
Even our government is afraid to stop them..... What a shame that a super power like the US with all its resources and allies has badly failed in its war against terror and has done little to crush a handful of tribesmen fighting against them with sticks!! Today only they knocked down a coalition plane with a stone!!

Why don't you tell your coalition to get out of here and catch the actual criminals who bombed on 9/11 rather than waste every American's tax money in fulfilling the futile dream of Bush jr who had visions of crusade and God talking to him? Hid gaad told him Iraq had WMD but nothing came out, where are they???

Read articles by your learned think tanks and intellectuals about yourself before raising your finger on others...
and for that you will either have to subscribe with money or google for free!
go ahead....feel the weather all around!


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Oh, you mean girls should have their hymens ripped off in childhood???

Vagina's are NOT only for procreation....they are multi-purpose vestibules to dip in and out!!

even in nature immature females dont mate,except in one species of vole,the fact that 'god' made pro-creation pleasurable is a bonus,but then the females still choose who hey mate with.....they're not traded like joints of meat...and in evolution the vagina was meant for procreation.....and after seeing that video its rich that you accuse me of ripping hymens out in childhood,you really should look on your own doorstep for that


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I would submit that this is more of a result of coming from a sexually repressed country. It also explains why more porn is viewed in Muslim countries than any other.

Where did i say I am a ''devout' Muslim???
there is no sexual repression in my country where you are allowed to take as many as 4 wives at a time!
Where there is a legal way why go wrong side???? God will not forgive the wrong doers...self-deception is not good for digestion!


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even in nature immature females dont mate,except in one species of vole,the fact

and even mature females also don't mate unless in a rut or during pregnancy! do you follow this rule in humans??:thumbdown

that 'god' made pro-creation pleasurable is a bonus,

IF there was no pleasure in sex nobody would like to fuck for the sake of procreating only. Why do men fuck women during PMS when they know they have passed ''procreation stage''??? grow up, man!

but then the females still choose who hey mate with.....they're not traded like joints of meat...and in evolution the vagina was meant for procreation.....

yes, females have the right to ''marry' with whoever they's only the trait of animal that they have sex with whoever they liked during rut only!! FGS don't compare humans with animals...

and after seeing that video its rich that you accuse me of ripping hymens out in childhood,you really should look on your own doorstep for that

You said virginity was a curse or something.....and I asked why not have their hymens ripped after birth to get off that ''curse''....why do you want girls to carry that ''curse'' until 18 or so??? it all falls back upon your own statement..........for being judgmental!!


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So what you are saying is, you only believe in Allah and the Quran when you are in your country?

aren't you asking me a very personal question? should you??

Having fun with inviting evil is not evil...sometimes you have to play dead!


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aren't you asking me a very personal question? should you??

Having fun with inviting evil is not evil...sometimes you have to play dead!

No i don't think so. You openly talked about paying for sex when you were traveling. Sex outside of a marriage, you then justified that by saying 'when in Rome'

Therefore I think it is fair to ask if you only believe and follow your religion when you are in your country.


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aren't you asking me a very personal question? should you??

Having fun with inviting evil is not evil...sometimes you have to play dead!

So basically, you don't want to answer because it will further ruin your already worthless credibility.


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No i don't think so. You openly talked about paying for sex when you were traveling. Sex outside of a marriage, you then justified that by saying 'when in Rome'

Therefore I think it is fair to ask if you only believe and follow your religion when you are in your country.

okay, listen

Islam applied 2 duties on Muslims or humans

1..fulfill duties towards God which he is Almighty and empowered to forgive.

2...fulfill duties towards fellow human beings and animals....these are more important that even God cannot forgive them unless the person you hurt does!!

So, if I had a little fun with a few enticing blonds, brown and blacks what wrong did i do??? I never said I payed them....some of them came to me on their own:thumbup and as a real Man I just couldn't feel like ''disappointing'' them!

I also interviewed some American women and was shocked and disgusted at their pain and agony due to socio-economical factors. One girl who drove a yellow cab and would take me to office from Huntington to Manhattan almost every alternate day told me such a gruesome tale of her miserable life that I almost felt like crying!!
Another young girl, about 18, as beautiful as the moon told me she was forced into prostitution (at 42nd Street) ...She was shut up in a cage with several muscular bastards on the watch....i couldn't talk to her more but I guessed that she wanted me to help her and free from her ugly 'brethren'...I still remember her and feel so sorry that I couldn't help her...maybe I might have had married her!

I roamed about the red lite area of New York, Paris and Tokyo just to check out the condition of women in those places...oh my god!! it was much worse than Pakistan if not worst!

Just go to Hongkong, Thailand or Phillipines and find for yourself how the esteem of women is held below than a piece of furniture!!


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You said virginity was a curse or something.....and I asked why not have their hymens ripped after birth to get off that ''curse''....why do you want girls to carry that ''curse'' until 18 or so??? it all falls back upon your own statement..........for being judgmental!!



OK, this was fun for a while- but I'm done now.

You need help. This is not an insult, but a clear statement of fact. You need help.


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you just get the fuck off...mind your own credibility!

I have plenty of credibility around here, and elsewhere. Ask just about anyone here. I speak my mind, back things up with fact, and am willing to accept when I'm wrong.

You, on the other hand, blatantly disregard what you don't want to hear, deflect or flat out ignore things that prove you to be wrong, and portray an incredibly vile world view. Raped women deserve to die, young girls deserve to endure "female circumcision", religious intolerance is acceptable, and you only have to follow what you preach when you're in a Muslim country.

You're a disgrace to the religion you claim to follow, that much is patently evident. You have zero credibility or respect here, and it would probably be best if you just left. You're a joke.


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okay, listen

Islam applied 2 duties on Muslims or humans

1..fulfill duties towards God which he is Almighty and empowered to forgive.

2...fulfill duties towards fellow human beings and animals....these are more important that even God cannot forgive them unless the person you hurt does!!

So, if I had a little fun with a few enticing blonds, brown and blacks what wrong did i do??? I never said I payed them....some of them came to me on their own:thumbup and as a real Man I just couldn't feel like ''disappointing'' them!

I also interviewed some American women and was shocked and disgusted at their pain and agony due to socio-economical factors. One girl who drove a yellow cab and would take me to office from Huntington to Manhattan almost every alternate day told me such a gruesome tale of her miserable life that I almost felt like crying!!
Another young girl, about 18, as beautiful as the moon told me she was forced into prostitution (at 42nd Street) ...She was shut up in a cage with several muscular bastards on the watch....i couldn't talk to her more but I guessed that she wanted me to help her and free from her ugly 'brethren'...I still remember her and feel so sorry that I couldn't help her...maybe I might have had married her!

I roamed about the red lite area of New York, Paris and Tokyo just to check out the condition of women in those places...oh my god!! it was much worse than Pakistan if not worst!

Just go to Hongkong, Thailand or Phillipines and find for yourself how the esteem of women is held below than a piece of furniture!!

blah blah blah what you say really has NO impact. You seem to just manipulate the 'rules' to fit your own agenda.

Of course there are people in bad situations in our countries but what sets us apart from your backwards ways is that we recognize we are not perfect and are constantly fighting to improve and progress.

I am done with this, you really are impossible and this is just going to go around and around.


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blah blah blah what you say really has NO impact. You seem to just manipulate the 'rules' to fit your own agenda.

Of course there are people in bad situations in our countries but what sets us apart from your backwards ways is that we recognize we are not perfect and are constantly fighting to improve and progress.

I am done with this, you really are impossible and this is just going to go around and around.

WTF where did i say I was perfect???

most folks here try to force-feed their unilateral or irrelevant opinions or beliefs on me..that is terrible and simply bullying!