You are mixing up so many things rather than stick to the point.
I can perceive how ill at ease you are with the so-called Islamohobia!! Stop it if you can, try controlling people's minds if you have failed and you will fail because nobody has been able to change mind with war.
Israel is a separate issue. Muslims are not against Jews but ofcourse they hate Israel for highhandedness and illegal occupation of Arab territory,
Palestine has never been claimed by Muslims as their exclusive holy land. In fact If you read history you will note that even Saladin after winning Jerusalem allowed Jews, Christians and Muslims to have their way in that land. That land doesn't belong to Israel--it is jointly sacred to Muslims, Jews and Christians, hence ought to be a neutral kinda place for all these faiths. But it isn't so because of the US backing and suppression of Palestinians.
Terrorist were those who bombed on 9/11....I don't think those fighting in their homes
against the invaders and occupiers are terrorists. would you liked to be called a ''terrorist'' if you fought against someone invading your house , property or honor??
The crux of this talk is that ''Power corrupts but too much power corrupts absolutely''...
Let us view all this talk about warring with an open-mind and its repercussions which are never going to benefit anybody. In truth you are fighing a war against nobody..just an abstract thing like ''terrorism'' is much like fighinng againt a shadow target to destroy the world peace and make more enemies. This seems to be the reason why so many other world powers haven't sided with the US and are planning on their own. One such example is North Korea.....they could prove more dreadful than the Afghans if touched.....they even challenged the US for a fight but the US just passed.
War is warring is destroys world economies and peace.
Islam as a religion is said to be the fasted growing religion in the US....just try to figure out the reason rather than call them names.