The Nuclear Iran

What do you think?

  • The U.S. should take a more active role with Iran.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • The U.S. should have taken military action against Iran already.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • The U.S. should allow the United Nations to enfore the treaty.

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • The U.S. should not even concern themselves with Iran. They are no threat to the U.S.

    Votes: 4 44.4%

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Pakistan too is a nuclear state with India as its bitter enemy....she is not going to use it, I feel sure, but just has it for deterrence. no one can predict if Iran too would build nukes for defence or to nuke Israel. Just warring on the basis of conjectures and surmises is futile...what will happen will happen, no one will be able to stop it in the long run. So the best policy is to live and let live; end greed and lust for neighbor's property; live peacefully and harmoniously with all....and why can't this be attained through negotiations??

THIS is an excellent statement. I always wondered how anyone can justify preemptive war on the "belief that there is enough evidence to act with force." This is a dangerous foreign policy and got us into trouble with Iraq.

To me, it would be like the following analogy:

Neighbor A and neighbor B live next door to each other. Neighbor A is suspicious of neighbor B and believes that B is planning on attacking A at some point. Neighbor A then begins to collect information about B and believes that he/she has enough evidence to suggest that B is going to attack A. So, neighbor A kills neighbor B and then later finds out, that B had no such plan of attacking A.


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THIS is an excellent statement. I always wondered how anyone can justify preemptive war on the "belief that there is enough evidence to act with force." This is a dangerous foreign policy and got us into trouble with Iraq.

To me, it would be like the following analogy:

Neighbor A and neighbor B live next door to each other. Neighbor A is suspicious of neighbor B and believes that B is planning on attacking A at some point. Neighbor A then begins to collect information about B and believes that he/she has enough evidence to suggest that B is going to attack A. So, neighbor A kills neighbor B and then later finds out, that B had no such plan of attacking A.

a very good assessment of facts!


Sarcasm is me :)
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THIS is an excellent statement. I always wondered how anyone can justify preemptive war on the "belief that there is enough evidence to act with force." This is a dangerous foreign policy and got us into trouble with Iraq.

The same could have been said of the US and Russia during the Cold War.. In fact it was when Reagan was in power that we came the closest to a Nuclear attack..


Sarcasm is me :)
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In my mind North Korea is still the most dangerous as far as who could launch a Nuclear attack.. They have very little to lose and very much to gain.. And it would not be against the South either, that would just be a scare tactic to win them over..


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In my mind North Korea is still the most dangerous as far as who could launch a Nuclear attack.. They have very little to lose and very much to gain.. And it would not be against the South either, that would just be a scare tactic to win them over..

I could see North Korea as being a real nuclear threat ... hopefully, the threat of "mutual destruction" would be enough to sway them from taking any such action.


Sarcasm is me :)
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I could see North Korea as being a real nuclear threat ... hopefully, the threat of "mutual destruction" would be enough to sway them from taking any such action.

Well think of it this way..

No one is really watching all the electronics that are considered a thread for Nuclear use in that region.. ( Guidance products and such ) and can easily be brought into North Korea from South Korea, the second biggest Electronic economy after Japan for developing products.. There is no control.

China has Nuclear power, hence close by access to waste..

That scares the crap out of me..

All that stuff of really regulated in the Middle East. No one is watching Asia.. Crap man, that's scary..


Sarcasm is me :)
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It won't be mutual.. They want dominance.. Remember your history.. When Asia attacked the last time it was to control the world all or die..

Also as a side note..
If Nostradamus ( not that i put much faith in his prophecies ) is correct Asia not the Middle east will control the World..


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It won't be mutual.. They want dominance.. Remember your history.. When Asia attacked the last time it was to control the world all or die..

Also as a side note..
If Nostradamus ( not that i put much faith in his prophecies ) is correct Asia not the Middle east will control the World..

Totally ... but if North Korea was to launch a nuclear weapon towards anyone, it could be pretty much assured that a nuclear retaliation would occur. That is the most scary concept of nuclear war ... no one wins.

The Man

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I am against terrorism and terrorists but not against freedom fighters like the ones in Kashmir, Chechnya, Palestine and elsewhere including Afghanistan, Philipines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc ....if they are fighting for their rights or their land against foreign invaders and occupiers they are NOT terrorists but freedom fighters.

It sounds very funny that a super power should take over the task of UNO....and march against anyone it wants. Why aren't the issues settled in the Security council, the UNO?? Aren't they playing the role of League of Nations towing the line of sole super powers and its associates??? What about so many other developed countries who are least concerned about the US actions which are tantamount to damaging the sovereignty of any nation??? What bothers others if any nation wants its own system of government?? If democracy is desired by the West then why doesn't the West take notice of Empires and Emperors???

No where no one is on a ''missionary'' agenda. It's all about getting control over the resources of other nations and to acquire domination over the weaker.

There are various sects in Islam who believe in the same Quran but like many religions with their interpretation of their own. ...could be for political gains?? Muslims are not against the Jews but against illegal occupation of Israel on Palestinian land. If you know a bit of history you will note that the Muslims ruled Spain for more than 800 years and it were almost all Jews which they appointed as governors there. Also, during the Crusade Saladin was kinder to the Jews and Christians...this is all part of record. so it is false to say that Muslims are against Jews ,,,no,,,they are against no one but at the same time they don't want others to impose their whims on them too.

Supposing you held a free referendum in Afghanistan I am sure they will vote for the Talibans. Why?? Go wonder!!

As for Iran, yes, she may bomb Israel and its supporters/allied if they attacked her...that natural. Presently Israel is seen to threaten everyone in the region and savors a sour reputation. Israel must also try to resolve its disputes with the Arabs....why is the UNO and Security Council sleeping over it?? Simple, because the West is backing Israel and encouraging it to play rude and tough.

Why do you shirk from viewing the whole situation with an open and unbiased mind??
Why don't you debunk the fallacy of the war after you got your target ,Osama??
Good and Evil has existed since time immemorial and do you think Uncle Sam will be able to get over it through ceaseless warring??? I doubt it very much,

Pakistan too is a nuclear state with India as its bitter enemy....she is not going to use it, I feel sure, but just has it for deterrence. no one can predict if Iran too would build nukes for defence or to nuke Israel. Just warring on the basis of conjectures and surmises is futile...what will happen will happen, no one will be able to stop it in the long run. So the best policy is to live and let live; end greed and lust for neighbor's property; live peacefully and harmoniously with all....and why can't this be attained through negotiations??

I am against terrorism and terrorists but not against freedom fighters like the ones in Kashmir, Chechnya, Palestine and elsewhere including Afghanistan, Philipines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc ....if they are fighting for their rights or their land against foreign invaders and occupiers they are NOT terrorists but freedom fighters.

We are speaking of terrorists....freedoms fighters is a matter of context.
So how can you be against terrorist when you do not support out efforts against terrorism?
We clearly went after the taliban..and not the people...When the common person joins to fight with the taliban,,thy have become the Taliban themselves my friend.
The support of the people was actually pro USA for the most part...unless one lived far from the cities where the Taliban provided law in a lawless area.

It sounds very funny that a super power should take over the task of UNO....and march against anyone it wants. Why aren't the issues settled in the Security council, the UNO?? Aren't they playing the role of League of Nations towing the line of sole super powers and its associates??? What about so many other developed countries who are least concerned about the US actions which are tantamount to damaging the sovereignty of any nation??? What bothers others if any nation wants its own system of government?? If democracy is desired by the West then why doesn't the West take notice of Empires and Emperors???
It was tried many times...It was finally decided to take action...9/11 was only the triggering event...efforts and talks had been tried many resolution was made..the assaults continued..the strengths grew.

Many nations had already agreed prior to 9/11..all 9/11 did was reassure what we were already getting to do.

No where no one is on a ''missionary'' agenda. It's all about getting control over the resources of other nations and to acquire domination over the weaker.
Not at all..we have never gained from any natural resources after a war.

There are various sects in Islam who believe in the same Quran but like many religions with their interpretation of their own. ...could be for political gains?? Muslims are not against the Jews but against illegal occupation of Israel on Palestinian land. If you know a bit of history you will note that the Muslims ruled Spain for more than 800 years and it were almost all Jews which they appointed as governors there. Also, during the Crusade Saladin was kinder to the Jews and Christians...this is all part of record. so it is false to say that Muslims are against Jews ,,,no,,,they are against no one but at the same time they don't want others to impose their whims on them too.

Much of Islam denies the very existence of Israel on its maps and refers to it as an occupied area rather than Israel.
They despise Israel and want to overtake her for to Islam it is not Israel but land occupied by the enemy.
This is a teaching of hate...simple.
A Jew is the lowest form of life to much of Islam.
How did they illegally occupy the land?...they didnt..but have suffered attack after attack for decades.
Why..because they are jews..if they were arabs it would be non issue..simple.

As for Iran, yes, she may bomb Israel and its supporters/allied if they attacked her...that natural. Presently Israel is seen to threaten everyone in the region and savors a sour reputation. Israel must also try to resolve its disputes with the Arabs....why is the UNO and Security Council sleeping over it?? Simple, because the West is backing Israel and encouraging it to play rude and tough.
They have already stayed they would attack her with gain of nukes.
As far as Israel being a threat...leave her alone...they are just jews...people like me and you.
Israel is not the aggressor..they only defend...Israel needs to defend right now as we speak {I am serious}

Why do you shirk from viewing the whole situation with an open and unbiased mind??
Why don't you debunk the fallacy of the war after you got your target ,Osama??
Good and Evil has existed since time immemorial and do you think Uncle Sam will be able to get over it through ceaseless warring??? I doubt it very much,

Osama was only one...that does not halt the continued effort to stamp out terrorism...nothing closed minded about that.
Yes good and evil have existed a long time...however that is no reason to let evil begin to grow again,
Radical islam is spreading very fast...Many religions were violent at one time...then they tamed down.
But now for some reason radical Islam is rocketing up...the world cannot tolerate this.
We do not need to start living as we did hundreds of years ago....but continue on a course of peace.


Sarcasm is me :)
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Totally ... but if North Korea was to launch a nuclear weapon towards anyone, it could be pretty much assured that a nuclear retaliation would occur. That is the most scary concept of nuclear war ... no one wins.

Yah but what's it got to lose ?

High tech.. It has none..

Automotive industry, Got none..

Agriculture.. WOW you gonna kill a bunch of chickens..

Plus they are strategically placed that if they get hit the South get wiped out as well.. What a great position to be in..

I'm telling you these guys are in prime territory..


Sarcasm is me :)
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Its just a matter of time.

No did you not read your own link.. Their own people are revolting.. The internet is doing our job for us..

Never do what the people of the country SHOULD do for themselves.. All you do is create another dictator with more power..


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Yah but what's it got to lose ?

High tech.. It has none..

Automotive industry, Got none..

Agriculture.. WOW you gonna kill a bunch of chickens..

Plus they are strategically placed that if they get hit the South get wiped out as well.. What a great position to be in..

I'm telling you these guys are in prime territory..

They definitely have a good position for sure ... I was thinking more along the lines of a nuclear retaliation in which their population would be wiped out. Since current nuclear missiles (at least for the United States) has multiple war heads, these can scatter over a large area causing multiple nuclear detonations across the country (and then multiply that by how many missiles are launched) ... it would mean the end of North Korea and probably even worse for the entire world.

The Man

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No did you not read your own link.. Their own people are revolting.. The internet is doing our job for us..

Never do what the people of the country SHOULD do for themselves.. All you do is create another dictator with more power..
I stated it is a matter of time ..its really only to be interpreted one way.
If you want to argue otherwise then go link clearly shows an upset going on with islam.
Perhaps you should read the entire article and not a pay to much attention to a single paragraph.
And if you have been paying attention.
Terrorists are all over Pk and also escaped into Iran.
Radical islam is on the rise not the fall....thus only a matter of time
Hell ask mazhur if you dont believe me.

But anyway you have just argued that we are safe with them having nukes in lieu of their own statements :clap


Sarcasm is me :)
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They definitely have a good position for sure ... I was thinking more along the lines of a nuclear retaliation in which their population would be wiped out. Since current nuclear missiles (at least for the United States) has multiple war heads, these can scatter over a large area causing multiple nuclear detonations across the country (and then multiply that by how many missiles are launched) ... it would mean the end of North Korea and probably even worse for the entire world.

Yah but you can cripple the US by going after other nations that are far much easier targets and not the master one.. Eventaully yopu will need to play ball with them..

Japan ( much hated by both Koreas )
China ( main cities )
Taiwan ( again main markets )

You never want to destroy what you would want to grab and enjoy..

China is ill capable of hitting North Korea without affecting itself.. Dual edge sword for them..

Like I said, with North Korea showing the ability to reach further and further with rockets it can now safely hit Japan.. The US is not really what it wants as that would be its new consumer market.. Can't destroy everything you need to build your country..