The Nuclear Iran

What do you think?

  • The U.S. should take a more active role with Iran.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • The U.S. should have taken military action against Iran already.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • The U.S. should allow the United Nations to enfore the treaty.

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • The U.S. should not even concern themselves with Iran. They are no threat to the U.S.

    Votes: 4 44.4%

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The Man

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You have weak argument in support of killings by the Nato forces and their allies including Pakistan.
When a foreing occupier bombs a nation (in this case Afghanistan) indiscriminately or often killing more innocent people than enemies it causes fear, rage and hatred among their family members who almost totally belong to tribal clans. The Afghans are unlike Pakistanis ----but when they are harmed and are forced to flee they just have to cross the neighboring borders of Pakistan or Iranian for safety. There is a very long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and it's not within Pakistani means to stop refugees from entering. You know how bad the terrain is and terrible at fighting these tribal Afghans are. They speak entirely different language and have different dietary and living style than Pakistanis.
So when these refugees enter Pakistan with all their miseries and tales of death they succeed in winning other peoples sympathies such as the bordering Pathans of Pakistan. Both the Afghans and the Pathans are akin yet speak different languages but are equally martial and believe in vengeance.

When I say the war is counter-producitve I mean to say that it is spreading from Afghanistan to Pathans and now to South Pakistan with scattered supporters of Taliban in other areas of Pakistan. However the hub of Talibans is where the Nato forces are making drone attacks. Unless these attacks are stopped and indiscriminate killing put to an end and judicious measures adopted to convince the Afghans of your ''new order'' there is not going to be peace and the US would only overburden America with war debts or expenditure.

Pakistan is fighting against the Talibans too and not to speak of hundreds of innocent Pakistanis and security officials killed due to suicide bombing more than 40000 of its soldiers have been killed fighting them in their hideouts, in Pakistan.
It's no easy task but a priceless sacrifice by Pakistan in support for their cause.

It's more than 10 years of a failed war in Afghanistan and great waste of public money for something which the strong nations want. First they wanted Al Quaida and Osama but when it got over it it's now bent upon newer enemies, the Talibans. Negotiations with the Talibans might prove fruitful in bringing peace to the world. It is surprising that a super power like America with all its security and defensive checks should apprehend an attack from a poor illiterate belligerent tribal people like the Talibans and create harass among its people.

Iran is located nearer to Europe and you can imagine the devastation which Europe might face if America and its Allies attacked Iran.....with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and many other states of Central Asia and Middle East and even China and North Korea siding fully or partially with it .

You have weak argument in support of killings by the Nato forces and their allies including Pakistan.
When a foreing occupier bombs a nation (in this case Afghanistan) indiscriminately or often killing more innocent people than enemies it causes fear, rage and hatred among their family members who almost totally belong to tribal clans.
Rubbish...Taliban targets were selected civilian death were minimum.
The Afghans are unlike Pakistanis ----but when they are harmed and are forced to flee they just have to cross the neighboring borders of Pakistan or Iranian for safety.

Why not have had Pk troops guarding the border then....More rubbish....."Taliban harmed" sounds as if you feel sorry for them.
There is a very long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and it's not within Pakistani means to stop refugees from entering.
Why not?...the united states gave billions to do just that.
You know how bad the terrain is and terrible at fighting these tribal Afghans are.
Not so terrible the Taliban cant go across....but to rough to defend..Wow.
They speak entirely different language and have different dietary and living style than Pakistanis.
And we learn this from across the rough terrain?...No you learn it after the arrival LOL
So when these refugees enter Pakistan with all their miseries and tales of death they succeed in winning other peoples sympathies
Ah yes..Refugee Taliban..that spoke a different language LOL..Winning the hearts of Pk....Thank god for Pk hey...where else would the Taliban run hey.
Both the Afghans and the Pathans are akin yet speak different languages but are equally martial and believe in vengeance.

Oh need to speak just show them an American more communication needed.
When I say the war is counter-producitve I mean to say that it is spreading from Afghanistan to Pathans and now to South Pakistan with scattered supporters of Taliban in other areas of Pakistan.
That is merely an argument to maintain a safe haven.
Unless these attacks are stopped and indiscriminate killing put to an end and judicious measures adopted to convince the Afghans of your ''new order'' there is not going to be peace and the US would only overburden America with war debts or expenditure.

What indiscriminate killing ?..So you cry to stop the attacks of the you say they are indiscriminate?..But are worried about out economy ROFL.
Pakistan is fighting against the Talibans too and not to speak of hundreds of innocent Pakistanis and security officials killed due to suicide bombing more than 40000 of its soldiers have been killed fighting them in their hideouts, in Pakistan.
It's no easy task but a priceless sacrifice by Pakistan in support for their cause.

Thanks for the bogus numbers...they do however say though that there is a huge problem of the Taliban of which was my original claim..thank you kindly.

It's more than 10 years of a failed war in Afghanistan and great waste of public money for something which the strong nations want. First they wanted Al Quaida and Osama but when it got over it it's now bent upon newer enemies,

Perhaps if you guys hadnt his him all this time next to your military base..we would nt be over there with drones..again harboring terrorists is no longer tolerated by the US and its allies.

Negotiations with the Talibans might prove fruitful in bringing peace to the world. It is surprising that a super power like America with all its security and defensive checks should apprehend an attack from a poor illiterate belligerent tribal people like the Talibans and create harass among its people.

Our beef is with AQ..the Taliban provides protection for AQ...snitch out the AQ and stop sheltering them..we will no longer have an issue with the Taliban.

Iran is located nearer to Europe and you can imagine the devastation which Europe might face if America and its Allies attacked Iran.....with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and many other states of Central Asia and Middle East and even China and North Korea siding fully or partially with it

Thank you you just backed my argument of "Fuck Iran" ...and to add they also tie back to terrorism.
Its bad enough that PK has advanced weapons,
The problem is that although PK or Iran officially may not make a decision to launch .....Both nations have a large population of radicals are unstable...its just a matter of time before something bad happens....All it takes is one fruit cake...when there is a plenty around.
If you guys or Iran cant keep terrorists from flocking to your countries then you are not responsible enough to have just a matter of time if not by force then by misjudging the character of those that have access.
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Rubbish...Taliban targets were selected civilian death were minimum.

Why not have had Pk troop guarding the border then....More rubbish....."Taliban harmed" sounds as if you feel sorry for them.

Why not?...the united states gave billions to do just that.

Not so terrible the Taliban cant go across....but to rough to defend..Wow.

And we learn this from across the rough terrain?...No you learn it after the arrival LOL

Ah yes..Refugee Taliban..that spoke a different language LOL..Winning the hearts of Pk....Thank god for Pk hey...where else would the Taliban run hey.

Oh need to speak just show them an American more communication needed.

That is merely an argument to maintain safe haven.

What indiscriminate killing ?..So you cry to stop the attacks of the you say they are indiscriminate?..But are worried about out economy ROFL.

Thanks for the bogus numbers...they do however say though that there is a huge problem of the Taliban of which was my original claim..thank you kindly.

Perhaps if you guys hadnt his him all this time next to your military base..we would nt be over there with drones..again harboring terrorists is no longer tolerated by the US and its allies.

Our beef is with AQ..the Taliban provides protection for AQ...snitch out the AQ and stop sheltering them..we no longer have issue with the Taliban.

Thank you you just backed my argument of "Fuck Iran" ...and to add they also tie back to terrorism.
Its bad enough that PK has advanced weapons,
The problem is that although PK or Iran officially may not make a decision to launch .....Both nations have a large population of radicals are unstable...its just a matter of time before something bad happens....All it takes is one fruit cake...when there is a plenty around.
If you guys or Iran cant keep terrorists from flocking to your countries then you are not responsible enough to have just a matter of time if not by force then by misjudging the character of those that have access.

It's useless to talk to you because you take it all personal. Bad.

The inhabitants of a country have the right to fight against their occupiers....and they are. Why don't the allies leave them alone and care about their own home??

Osama is dead so what's the fuss about???

How can the poor, illiterate and helpless Afghans invade you?? No way. It's only those who have been trained by you and are resourceful will dare do that again. No need to panic. Pakistani's love American and Canadian stuff..... but the row is over American policies!!

You don't pay Pakistan for nothing....there is no substitute for lives which Pakistanis have laid down fighting your proxy war not only now against the Talibans but also against the Soviets in the past. More than 1000 miles of border is not easy to protect with meagre funds....better send your own army to fend there rather than mistrustfully count on others. This way you would be able to save a lot of money and won't have to pay Pakistan anything.

But you are used to disbelieving everything and just want to nuke Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Stop fantasizing...and misleading views. Better for you to visit Afganistan or Pakistan rather than puke nonsense and scare the peaceful unawares! Seeing is believing, I tell ya!


Glorified Maniac
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True is there is NO truth in what you read as far as what Iran is really doing.
If you were the enemy how would you fight your foe in order to win?
Do what ever it takes to win.
They are not trying to be our friends and if they say they are its a trick
If I wanted control a person I would tell them what they wanted to hear. I pretend to be doing what they want me to do, until the time is right to make a move or just make my moves in stealth while appearing friendly.
It's not rocket science people.

to this I have some facts
I have met several people of Middle Eastern decent and this is my feed back.

a baby doctor
all he was supposed to do is make sure my son was fine out of the womb
he showed up in some weird outfit no big deal I don't care what style he has but it was at the hospital he should have been in scrubs and sanitary items
He looked at my son for literally 1 second and left.
My son had fluid in his lungs
I figured it out and used the device to get it out at the hospital instead of waiting for someone to act
cause I was pissed
that same doctor had appointments for my son afterwards at his business
when I went to those appointments the doctor was not there and it was a practitioner
I no longer used him after that. I would have not used him right after the first time but the X wanted to

next story
about a doctor
I had red lines (veins) running along the inside of my right arm to my arm pit it showed up suddenly and it was bright red
I was freaking
doctor looked at it for 1 second without touching me or talking to me and left the room
he told the nurse it was cause I was dirty I had an infection
He said I was dirty
I was pissed
later I found out it was cause I got scratched by a cat
why did he say I was dirty cause he doesn't like my race?
I think so.

next was a truck driver
this is going to be hard to explain
I was parked a pump at a gas station
I had my vehicle SUV with the hood past the pump station in order to get the nozzle to the gas cap easier
normal position
I went inside to pay it took about 10 minutes
came out and there was an 18 wheeler jack knifed in the gas pump area
he had the trailer completely over the hood of my vehicle within 4 inches of smashing my truck
because he didn't know how to get to the pump
it was not a gas station for 18 wheelers to begin with
anyway no big deal but I went over to his cab he was in the truck
and was going to try and help him cause it was obvious that he needed it
he came out of the cab yelling at me saying that he didn't hurt my truck and saying a bunch of stuff at me
he was being pissy about it
well that changed my tone I went from help the naive guy to I'm going to let him have it
Lets just say from there I spoke and he didnt and that was it

this was right about the time we lost ammunition mysteriously in the us during a flight
and that some trucks were traveling with it
I didn't think of this till after I left

Next is very common and happens often
if they are running a convince store
I go in and am at the cash register to buy something
they treat me with major disrespect
have a dirty look on their face
short tongued
and snatch my money and throw the change
last guy that did that to me I pushed everything that he had on his counter off on to the floor
cause I could really tell he was being a dick to me
it was obvious


Sarcasm is me :)
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True is there is NO truth in what you read as far as what Iran is really doing.
If you were the enemy how would you fight your foe in order to win?
Do what ever it takes to win.

Not to take sides but looking at this from a practical aspect and from what you said...

We should not believe anything than. Not what Iran says and not what the Western World says correct ?

Kinda hard to know what's happening if your not living in both places at the same time and truly hard to judge than.. IJS..


Glorified Maniac
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Not to take sides but looking at this from a practical aspect and from what you said...

We should not believe anything than. Not what Iran says and not what the Western World says correct ?

Kinda hard to know what's happening if your not living in both places at the same time and truly hard to judge than.. IJS..

Unfortunately yes your statement is very true.

Best thing to do is hear all sides and make a solid choice of what you believe

the best thing to believe is what you see and less of what you hear

and the history of what has been said and what actually has been done

The Man

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It's useless to talk to you because you take it all personal. Bad.

The inhabitants of a country have the right to fight against their occupiers....and they are. Why don't the allies leave them alone and care about their own home??

Osama is dead so what's the fuss about???

How can the poor, illiterate and helpless Afghans invade you?? No way. It's only those who have been trained by you and are resourceful will dare do that again. No need to panic. Pakistani's love American and Canadian stuff..... but the row is over American policies!!

You don't pay Pakistan for nothing....there is no substitute for lives which Pakistanis have laid down fighting your proxy war not only now against the Talibans but also against the Soviets in the past. More than 1000 miles of border is not easy to protect with meagre funds....better send your own army to fend there rather than mistrustfully count on others. This way you would be able to save a lot of money and won't have to pay Pakistan anything.

But you are used to disbelieving everything and just want to nuke Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Stop fantasizing...and misleading views. Better for you to visit Afganistan or Pakistan rather than puke nonsense and scare the peaceful unawares! Seeing is believing, I tell ya!

The inhabitants of a country have the right to fight against their occupiers....and they are. Why don't the allies leave them alone and care about their own home??
At said time Afg was under the control of the Taliban
The Taliban provided training and refuge for AQ.
Harboring terrorists is no longer permitted by US policy...Thanks to 9/11
Osama is dead so what's the fuss about???
The fuss he is was protected just outside of the military base in Pk....Hello drones...You guys need to take a clue.
Fuck the Taliban and fuck AQ..the world is sick of them
The talibans best bet it to snitch out all they know about AQ.
Should we just lay back and watch the growth of radical Islam?..It is growing very very rapidly.
We dont need nukes in the ME as then entire ME is quickly becoming very well as parts of Africa.
How can the poor, illiterate and helpless Afghans invade you?? No way. It's only those who have been trained by you and are resourceful will dare do that again. No need to panic. Pakistani's love American and Canadian stuff..... but the row is over American policies!!

Why would they want to?
And we can feel the pk love from here lol
But yet it appears as if the love for osama was greater than for that of the west :(

You don't pay Pakistan for nothing
Why should we pay at all?
And why the upset when we kill Taliban members?
there is no substitute for lives which Pakistanis have laid down fighting your proxy war not only now against the Talibans but also against the Soviets in the past
Pk has a great army...why such the trouble with the Taliban especially within their own borders? ...Should be easy fight No? can no lay blame on the rugged border lol
More than 1000 miles of border is not easy to protect with meagre funds
We give you billions

better send your own army to fend there rather than mistrustfully count on others. This way you would be able to save a lot of money and won't have to pay Pakistan anything.
No that would be considered an about we just send in un manned airplanes :D
But you are used to disbelieving everything and just want to nuke Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Stop fantasizing...and misleading views.

Not at all ..My goal is stop you guys from nuking each other and possibly the west..big difference.

Better for you to visit Afganistan or Pakistan rather than puke nonsense and scare the peaceful unawares! Seeing is believing, I tell ya!

Isnt it rather dangerous for a Non Muslim ......I think my pale skin might raise suspicions...and with all the taliban running about..I think I will pass


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At said time Afg was under the control of the Taliban
The Taliban provided training and refuge for AQ.
Harboring terrorists is no longer permitted by US policy...Thanks to 9/11

The fuss he is was protected just outside of the military base in Pk....Hello drones...You guys need to take a clue.
Fuck the Taliban and fuck AQ..the world is sick of them
The talibans best bet it to snitch out all they know about AQ.
Should we just lay back and watch the growth of radical Islam?..It is growing very very rapidly.
We dont need nukes in the ME as then entire ME is quickly becoming very well as parts of Africa.

Why would they want to?
And we can feel the pk love from here lol
But yet it appears as if the love for osama was greater than for that of the west :(

Why should we pay at all?
And why the upset when we kill Taliban members?

Pk has a great army...why such the trouble with the Taliban especially within their own borders? ...Should be easy fight No? can no lay blame on the rugged border lol

We give you billions

No that would be considered an about we just send in un manned airplanes :D

Not at all ..My goal is stop you guys from nuking each other and possibly the west..big difference.

Isnt it rather dangerous for a Non Muslim ......I think my pale skin might raise suspicions...and with all the taliban running about..I think I will pass

Yours is a childish gibbering. War and warring are not good for humanity. If they were good Holocaust wouldn't have occurred to traumatize memories.

How do you envision the day when your enemies too will be able to acquire unmanned drones and attack you??
How would you feel if someone attacked you as it did on 9/11?? Talk sense ...Arabs were involved in 9/11 and not the Talibans who did not belong to Al Qaida but were their supporters, yes. They had their own plan of govt their own land!! Are you going to foce everyone weaker to tow your line?? Why??? That's exactly what Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin tried to do and they got it. you lost your war in VietNam, you have apparently lost it in Afghanistan tooo...
you can keep your billion to yerself if you ended the war.....or do it on your own..and I will see how longer your economy will be able to pull along. It's just silly thing to talk about war and warring..let's talk about ways to bring about peace.

Leave Pakistan alone.....people of Pakistan are against America only because of its unfair policies and double-standards. Why doesn't the US take on Saudia from where Al Qaida was born and all those who bombed 9/11 were Arabs!!
No, you won't touch the Saudi's because they are rich and give you oil and good business!

Pakistan and Afghanistan are poor force your demands on them. But for how long?? Every dog has its day...isn't it??

Saudi's are Radical Muslims but why don't you I mean the US and its allies touch it?? Double standards. .

Drones don't kill their targets ..more often they kill innocent people around. Google for stats's one target obtained, 20 innocent killed. Yet you call it humanity??


Glorified Maniac
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for the sake of argument let's say everyone wants peace (what ever that is, is different for everyone)
if you are experiencing some kind of peace after what ever it took in the past to get it
and you see that there is a potential set of events that might occur that will take SOME of your peace away
if you still want peace you will prevent or reduce those said events
if you see that there is a potential set of events that might occur that will take ALL of your peace away for a long time
you are going to seek out the origination of those events and try to stop it
if you are unsuccessful you will demolish the origination
or you will sit back and hope for the best and then when you are the race that is decided on to be exterminated
you'll be able to thank yourself

The Man

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Yours is a childish gibbering. War and warring are not good for humanity. If they were good Holocaust wouldn't have occurred to traumatize memories.

How do you envision the day when your enemies too will be able to acquire unmanned drones and attack you??
How would you feel if someone attacked you as it did on 9/11?? Talk sense ...Arabs were involved in 9/11 and not the Talibans who did not belong to Al Qaida but were their supporters, yes. They had their own plan of govt their own land!! Are you going to foce everyone weaker to tow your line?? Why??? That's exactly what Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin tried to do and they got it. you lost your war in VietNam, you have apparently lost it in Afghanistan tooo...
you can keep your billion to yerself if you ended the war.....or do it on your own..and I will see how longer your economy will be able to pull along. It's just silly thing to talk about war and warring..let's talk about ways to bring about peace.

Leave Pakistan alone.....people of Pakistan are against America only because of its unfair policies and double-standards. Why doesn't the US take on Saudia from where Al Qaida was born and all those who bombed 9/11 were Arabs!!
No, you won't touch the Saudi's because they are rich and give you oil and good business!

Pakistan and Afghanistan are poor force your demands on them. But for how long?? Every dog has its day...isn't it??

Saudi's are Radical Muslims but why don't you I mean the US and its allies touch it?? Double standards. .

Drones don't kill their targets ..more often they kill innocent people around. Google for stats's one target obtained, 20 innocent killed. Yet you call it humanity??

Yours is a childish gibbering. War and warring are not good for humanity. If they were good Holocaust wouldn't have occurred to traumatize memories.
We dont need another Holocaust thats the point of the ME not having nukes,

How do you envision the day when your enemies too will be able to acquire unmanned drones and attack you??
Not my vision bro.
As we can see the Mid east does not need advanced weapons ...Why would they want to?
Perhaps because we have been getting involved in the Mideast...And they dont like it
But more importantly....we cant let them acquire as revenge will be on the mind ...thus the bases for fighting there today.
Talk sense ...Arabs were involved in 9/11 and not the Talibans who did not belong to Al Qaida but were their supporters, yes

AQ belonged to the Taliban as a result of being protected and training provided by the Taliban..that makes em supporters.
Although there may be some scattered cells of AQ...the best attack is the host..The taliban.
They had their own plan of govt their own land!
The land belonged to the people of afg..the Taliban came in and took it over..and quickly began chopping off heads and skinning people alive.
I call that a problem.
Are you going to foce everyone weaker to tow your line??
If they are terrorist yes.
Why??? That's exactly what Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin tried to do and they got it. you lost your war in VietNam, you have apparently lost it in Afghanistan tooo..

That is what AQ and the Taliban are doing...Vietnam was a police action to an internal problem within Vietnam.,,hardly a comparison.

you can keep your billion to yerself if you ended the war.....or do it on your own..and I will see how longer your economy will be able to pull along. It's just silly thing to talk about war and warring..let's talk about ways to bring about peace.
A billion is chump change here...but in your economy is alot..enough to guard the border if so desired...Dont worry you wont bankrupt us.
They key to peace is to turn on the Taliban..rather than provide refuge...We want AQ.

Leave Pakistan alone.....people of Pakistan are against America only because of its unfair policies and double-standards. Why doesn't the US take on Saudia from where Al Qaida was born and all those who bombed 9/11 were Arabs!!

As the Taliban was hiding and training AQ in or organization happened in Afg..They did recruit from SA however for the mission...SA did not sponsor 9/11
Afg sponsored 9/11 as the taliban was the govt in afg..and sheltered the AQ.
Make no mistake about it..we are after the AQ...hiding behind the Taliban no longer works ..Hiding in Pk no longer works

No, you won't touch the Saudi's because they are rich and give you oil and good business!

Pakistan and Afghanistan are poor force your demands on them. But for how long?? Every dog has its day...isn't it??

Saudi's are Radical Muslims but why don't you I mean the US and its allies touch it?? Double standards. .

Already explained

Drones don't kill their targets ..more often they kill innocent people around. Google for stats's one target obtained, 20 innocent killed. Yet you call it humanity?

Perhaps a few may get killed yes.

The sad thing is we have no when we gather intelligence for the Pk army to do it{or say they will}..They are tipped off and no one is there upon arrival
Thus why its drone missions now.
We dont tell you guys there is no one to trust.


Well-Known Member
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We dont need another Holocaust thats the point of the ME not having nukes,

Holocaust was not caused by the ME....
If you can have nukes why can't others???

Not my vision bro.
As we can see the Mid east does not need advanced weapons ...Why would they want to?
Perhaps because we have been getting involved in the Mideast...And they dont like it
But more importantly....we cant let them acquire as revenge will be on the mind ...thus the bases for fighting there today

Well, even if it is not your vision, it is in fact an open actuality, a futuristic assumption, a clear reality, a message of history.

All problems would end if one stopped poking its nose on someone else's business. But this is not possible ....history of nations tells us.. Hitler told us...Holocaust is a gruesome example. One question:: Why is the US and its allies and not China, Russia, Japan, Australia, etc or others worried about the Talibans or radical Muslims?? What is the point in America taking over the whole burden of being the watchman of the world??? Do you think the American policy is going to pay in future??? I think not.
Bro, this war is all there for 'political gains'' and ''control over resources belonging to others'', an attempt to enslave weaker nations. The US and its Allies are trying to make a mess of this world!! They have already avenged 9/11 by killing the culprits, they must now learn to live and let live others peacefully without poking their noses everywhere! Not to mention, they would ultimately pay the price and make their own people suffe

AQ belonged to the Taliban as a result of being protected and training provided by the Taliban..that makes em supporters.
Although there may be some scattered cells of AQ...the best attack is the host..The taliban.

The land belonged to the people of afg..the Taliban came in and took it over..and quickly began chopping off heads and skinning people alive.
I call that a problem.

Al Qaida and Talibans are two different entities, the former being Arabs the latter Afghans. These same guys whom you now call the Talibans or terrorists were infact
..''mujahideens'' of yore you so proudly hailed of. (check out for Hillary Clintons apologetic speeches about them)

Talibans are a tribal people, professing the same kinda Islam which Saudi's do. You want to eliminate the Talibs but live with the Saudi's....?? sound so pathetic and insincere!!

If they are terrorist yes.
Nations have committed great atrocities which they call 'sacrifices' in the name of freedom. would you then call them ''terrorists"??? Are freedom fighters terrorists?? Is a nation a 'terrorist nation' if it fights against its invaders??? Would you sit pretty if someone attacked you??
You certainly do not have a clear concept of a 'terrorist' nor any idea about 'freedom fighters!'

That is what AQ and the Taliban are doing...Vietnam was a police action to an internal problem within Vietnam.,,hardly a comparison.

come on , don't try to deceive yerself! America has hardly won any war and they are losing this one too!

A billion is chump change here...but in your economy is alot..enough to guard the border if so desired...Dont worry you wont bankrupt us.
They key to peace is to turn on the Taliban..rather than provide refuge...We want AQ.

What a puerile argumen!! you talk like that French Princess who advised her hungry dying countrymen to eat cake instead of bread if the latter was not available!! Too Narcisstic and fascist it seems!!
You mean anyone can 'pay' someone to kill ''another by dint of his ''money''??''???
soooo Horrible that sounds!

As the Taliban was hiding and training AQ in or organization happened in Afg..They did recruit from SA however for the mission...SA did not sponsor 9/11
Afg sponsored 9/11 as the taliban was the govt in afg..and sheltered the AQ.
Make no mistake about it..we are after the AQ...hiding behind the Taliban no longer works ..Hiding in Pk no longer works

You don't seem to be reading my posts attentively..I already told ya this war is counter productive and Taliban ideology is spreading out in other places tooo!! This clearly means that your war has failed and in fact given more strength and determination to your enemies to fight you!
Already explained

Perhaps a few may get killed yes.

The killing of ONE innocent man is equal to killing of a whole humanity!!
The sad thing is we have no when we gather intelligence for the Pk army to do it{or say they will}..They are tipped off and no one is there upon arrival
Thus why its drone missions now.
We dont tell you guys there is no one to trust.

This war stands no's complete failure, catastrophic not for this region but yours as well! Better talk about peace rather than brag about money, power and domination!! Hitler also did that and mind it Iran is a different nation than either Pakistan or Afghanistan. I have no doubts that they will nuke Europe if you invaded them!


Well-Known Member
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Here maz.

Iran doesn't need nukes because they hate Jews more that Hitler did. They have openly said they would use nukes to wipe Israel off of the planet.


Active Member
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Here maz.

Iran doesn't need nukes because they hate Jews more that Hitler did. They have openly said they would use nukes to wipe Israel off of the planet.

... I wonder if they REALLY would though ... they would have to know what the consequences of such an action would be.

The Man

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Holocaust was not caused by the ME....
If you can have nukes why can't others???


Well, even if it is not your vision, it is in fact an open actuality, a futuristic assumption, a clear reality, a message of history.

All problems would end if one stopped poking its nose on someone else's business. But this is not possible ....history of nations tells us.. Hitler told us...Holocaust is a gruesome example. One question:: Why is the US and its allies and not China, Russia, Japan, Australia, etc or others worried about the Talibans or radical Muslims?? What is the point in America taking over the whole burden of being the watchman of the world??? Do you think the American policy is going to pay in future??? I think not.
Bro, this war is all there for 'political gains'' and ''control over resources belonging to others'', an attempt to enslave weaker nations. The US and its Allies are trying to make a mess of this world!! They have already avenged 9/11 by killing the culprits, they must now learn to live and let live others peacefully without poking their noses everywhere! Not to mention, they would ultimately pay the price and make their own people suffe.

Al Qaida and Talibans are two different entities, the former being Arabs the latter Afghans. These same guys whom you now call the Talibans or terrorists were infact
..''mujahideens'' of yore you so proudly hailed of. (check out for Hillary Clintons apologetic speeches about them)

Talibans are a tribal people, professing the same kinda Islam which Saudi's do. You want to eliminate the Talibs but live with the Saudi's....?? sound so pathetic and insincere!!

Nations have committed great atrocities which they call 'sacrifices' in the name of freedom. would you then call them ''terrorists"??? Are freedom fighters terrorists?? Is a nation a 'terrorist nation' if it fights against its invaders??? Would you sit pretty if someone attacked you??
You certainly do not have a clear concept of a 'terrorist' nor any idea about 'freedom fighters!'

come on , don't try to deceive yerself! America has hardly won any war and they are losing this one too!

What a puerile argumen!! you talk like that French Princess who advised her hungry dying countrymen to eat cake instead of bread if the latter was not available!! Too Narcisstic and fascist it seems!!
You mean anyone can 'pay' someone to kill ''another by dint of his ''money''??''???
soooo Horrible that sounds!

You don't seem to be reading my posts attentively..I already told ya this war is counter productive and Taliban ideology is spreading out in other places tooo!! This clearly means that your war has failed and in fact given more strength and determination to your enemies to fight you!
Already explained

The killing of ONE innocent man is equal to killing of a whole humanity!!

This war stands no's complete failure, catastrophic not for this region but yours as well! Better talk about peace rather than brag about money, power and domination!! Hitler also did that and mind it Iran is a different nation than either Pakistan or Afghanistan. I have no doubts that they will nuke Europe if you invaded them!

Holocaust was not caused by the ME....
If you can have nukes why can't others???

No one has stated other wise.
We having them is beside the point as we are not in the ME in an unstable area.

All problems would end if one stopped poking its nose on someone else's business. But this is not possible ....history of nations tells us.. Hitler told us...Holocaust is a gruesome example. One question:: Why is the US and its allies and not China, Russia, Japan, Australia, etc or others worried about the Talibans or radical Muslims?? What is the point in America taking over the whole burden of being the watchman of the world??? Do you think the American policy is going to pay in future??? I think not.
Bro, this war is all there for 'political gains'' and ''control over resources belonging to others'', an attempt to enslave weaker nations. The US and its Allies are trying to make a mess of this world!! They have already avenged 9/11 by killing the culprits, they must now learn to live and let live others peacefully without poking their noses everywhere! Not to mention, they would ultimately pay the price and make their own people suffe

Our nose is there because the terrorists are there...that makes it our business..Dont blame us...Blame the terrorists..or lack of ability to control them.

Blame it on oil if you like LOL.
Al Qaida and Talibans are two different entities, the former being Arabs the latter Afghans. These same guys whom you now call the Talibans or terrorists were infact
..''mujahideens'' of yore you so proudly hailed of. (check out for Hillary Clintons apologetic speeches about them)

Taliban are internal terrorists ...skinning people alive...becomes issue for those that live by modern time and not in the stone age my friend

Talibans are a tribal people, professing the same kinda Islam which Saudi's do. You want to eliminate the Talibs but live with the Saudi's....?? sound so pathetic and insincere!!

When they sponsor attacks on the US then Yes.

Nations have committed great atrocities which they call 'sacrifices' in the name of freedom. would you then call them ''terrorists"??? Are freedom fighters terrorists?? Is a nation a 'terrorist nation' if it fights against its invaders??? Would you sit pretty if someone attacked you??
You certainly do not have a clear concept of a 'terrorist' nor any idea about 'freedom fighters!'

You seem to accept terrorism and consider it wrong to fight against terrorism..that is where the problem lies.
Radical Islam really hasnt become a problem until the last few decades...Religious wars were over for the most part...However radical islam is one the rise..govts have been overthrown etc by radical Islam...there is alot of ass to whip yet.terrorist and freedom fighter are not so easily interchanged

come on , don't try to deceive yerself! America has hardly won any war and they are losing this one too!
That is because Pk opened its borders to the enemy....shame shame ...we are not losing...Werent you just complaining of casualties from drones.
It is not a war per say...its just an ongoing activity...If we wanted to kick your ass we would...instead we just do little drones attacks on the bad know...lighten your forces in case we do have to whip some ass.

What a puerile argumen!! you talk like that French Princess who advised her hungry dying countrymen to eat cake instead of bread if the latter was not available!! Too Narcisstic and fascist it seems!!
You mean anyone can 'pay' someone to kill ''another by dint of his ''money''??''???
soooo Horrible that sounds!

Translator anyone ?

You don't seem to be reading my posts attentively..I already told ya this war is counter productive and Taliban ideology is spreading out in other places tooo!! This clearly means that your war has failed and in fact given more strength and determination to your enemies to fight you!
Already explained

I have already stated it has spread...thus why the US taking action..there is nothing counterproductive about taking out freaks.
If you want to blame it on ideology...then that brings it to the kuran ...are you saying the kuran is a false doctrine?
The killing of ONE innocent man is equal to killing of a whole humanity!!
Thank you...then we will apply that to 9/11 as well

This war stands no's complete failure, catastrophic not for this region but yours as well! Better talk about peace rather than brag about money, power and domination!! Hitler also did that and mind it Iran is a different nation than either Pakistan or Afghanistan. I have no doubts that they will nuke Europe if you invaded them!

This is not a war is merely a mission of reducing terrorists.. we have no problems with the people.
Join in....kill em...make em run do something.
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The Man

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Here maz.

Iran doesn't need nukes because they hate Jews more that Hitler did. They have openly said they would use nukes to wipe Israel off of the planet.

... I wonder if they REALLY would though ... they would have to know what the consequences of such an action would be.

They already pre dug thousands of graves over a year ago and made the announcement that interference would be deadly .

Does than mean they will wipe out the jews?

The question is that a nation that states they will wipe out the Jews isnt being very responsible.
Hot heads...same with the grave pre digging.
I dont trust em
If not now..not in the future...who is to say who the leader will be there in 10 years from now?

The nations across the pond over there have been becoming more unstable all the time.


The Arab Spring (Arabic: الثورات العربية‎ al-Thūrāt al-ʻArabiyy; literally the Arabic Rebellions or the Arab Revolutions) is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world that began on Saturday, 18 December 2010. To date, rulers have been forced from power in Tunisia,[1] Egypt,[2] Libya,[3] and Yemen;[4] civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain[5] and Syria;[6] major protests have broken out in Algeria,[7] Iraq,[8] Jordan,[9] Kuwait,[10] Morocco,[11] and Oman;[12] and minor protests have occurred in Lebanon,[13] Mauritania, Saudi Arabia,[14] Sudan,[15] and Western Sahara.[16] Clashes at the borders of Israel in May 2011,[17] as well as protests by the Arab minority in Iranian Khuzestan,[18] have also been inspired by the regional Arab Spring, and a rebellion in Malian Azawad and the country's coup d'état have been described as fallout from the Arab Spring.[19]

The protests have shared techniques of mostly civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches, rallies, as well as the use of social media to organize, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of state attempts at repression and Internet censorship.[20]

Many demonstrations have met violent responses from authorities,[21][22][23] as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators. These attacks have been answered with violence from protestors in some cases.[24][25][26] A major slogan of the demonstrators in the Arab world has been Ash-shaʻb yurīd isqāṭ an-niẓām ("the people want to bring down the regime").[27]

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Active Member
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They already pre dug thousands of graves over a year ago and made the announcement that interference would be deadly .

Does than mean they will wipe out the jews?

The question is that a nation that say they will wipe out the Jews isnt being very responsible.
Hot heads...same with the grave pre digging.
I dont trust em
If not now..not in the future...who is to say who the leader will be there in 10 years from now?

The nations across the pond over there have been becoming more unstable all the time.


The Arab Spring (Arabic: الثورات العربية‎ al-Thūrāt al-ʻArabiyy; literally the Arabic Rebellions or the Arab Revolutions) is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world that began on Saturday, 18 December 2010. To date, rulers have been forced from power in Tunisia,[1] Egypt,[2] Libya,[3] and Yemen;[4] civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain[5] and Syria;[6] major protests have broken out in Algeria,[7] Iraq,[8] Jordan,[9] Kuwait,[10] Morocco,[11] and Oman;[12] and minor protests have occurred in Lebanon,[13] Mauritania, Saudi Arabia,[14] Sudan,[15] and Western Sahara.[16] Clashes at the borders of Israel in May 2011,[17] as well as protests by the Arab minority in Iranian Khuzestan,[18] have also been inspired by the regional Arab Spring, and a rebellion in Malian Azawad and the country's coup d'état have been described as fallout from the Arab Spring.[19]

The protests have shared techniques of mostly civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches, rallies, as well as the use of social media to organize, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of state attempts at repression and Internet censorship.[20]

Many demonstrations have met violent responses from authorities,[21][22][23] as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators. These attacks have been answered with violence from protestors in some cases.[24][25][26] A major slogan of the demonstrators in the Arab world has been Ash-shaʻb yurīd isqāṭ an-niẓām ("the people want to bring down the regime").[27]


I agree that they are definitely fanatical, for sure.

I just wonder if the one's who are really governing Iran would use a nuclear weapon against anyone. They must know that it would mean the end of the nation of Iran (which I would bet would be pretty much their only concern) along with the all the other absolutely horrible chain of events that it would cause.

Who will be "in charge" of Iran 10 years from now? That is a VERY good question and point. It could go either way for sure.

The whole thing is a very dangerous balancing act.

I just hope cooler heads prevail all around.

The Man

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I agree that they are definitely fanatical, for sure.

I just wonder if the one's who are really governing Iran would use a nuclear weapon against anyone. They must know that it would mean the end of the nation of Iran (which I would bet would be pretty much their only concern) along with the all the other absolutely horrible chain of events that it would cause.

Who will be "in charge" of Iran 10 years from now? That is a VERY good question and point. It could go either way for sure.

The whole thing is a very dangerous balancing act.

I just hope cooler heads prevail all around.

Thats just it..Pk and Iran have their share of terrorists running around.
Even if the normal folk dont plan on using it..its just a matter of time before a freak gains access..if not by force then by being allowed with just dont know who you can trust.
They could care less about the consequences ..these people put on suicide vests to get the 72 virgins lol
I expect a nuke could be worth 10 thousand virgins and a baked potato


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No one has stated other wise.
We having them is beside the point as we are no in the ME in an unstable area.

Our nose is there because the terrorists are there...that makes it our business..Dont blame us...Blame the terrorists..or lack of ability to control them.

Blame it on oil if you like LOL.

Taliban are internal terrorists ...skinning people alive...becomes issue for those that live by modern time and not in the stone age my friend

When they sponsor attacks on the US then Yes.

You seem to accept terrorism and consider it wrong to fight against terrorism..that is where the problem lies.
Radical Islam really hasnt become a problem until the last few decades...Religious wars were over for the most part...However radical islam is one the rise..govts have been overthrown etc by radical Islam...there is alot of ass to whip yet.terrorist and freedom fighter are not so easily interchanged

That is because Pk opened its borders to the enemy....shame shame ...we are not losing...Werent you just complaining of casualties from drones.
It is not a war per say...its just an ongoing activity...If we wanted to kick your ass we would...instead we just do little drones attacks on the bad know...lighten your forces in case we do have to whip some ass.

Translator anyone ?

I have already stated it has spread...thus why the US taking action..there is nothing counterproductive about taking out freaks.
If you want to blame it on ideology...then that brings it to the kuran ...are you saying the kuran is a false doctrine?

Thank you...then we will apply that to 9/11 as well

This is not a war is merely a mission of reducing terrorists.. we have no problems with the people.
Join in....kill em...make em run do something.

I am against terrorism and terrorists but not against freedom fighters like the ones in Kashmir, Chechnya, Palestine and elsewhere including Afghanistan, Philipines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc ....if they are fighting for their rights or their land against foreign invaders and occupiers they are NOT terrorists but freedom fighters.

It sounds very funny that a super power should take over the task of UNO....and march against anyone it wants. Why aren't the issues settled in the Security council, the UNO?? Aren't they playing the role of League of Nations towing the line of sole super powers and its associates??? What about so many other developed countries who are least concerned about the US actions which are tantamount to damaging the sovereignty of any nation??? What bothers others if any nation wants its own system of government?? If democracy is desired by the West then why doesn't the West take notice of Empires and Emperors???

No where no one is on a ''missionary'' agenda. It's all about getting control over the resources of other nations and to acquire domination over the weaker.

There are various sects in Islam who believe in the same Quran but like many religions with their interpretation of their own. ...could be for political gains?? Muslims are not against the Jews but against illegal occupation of Israel on Palestinian land. If you know a bit of history you will note that the Muslims ruled Spain for more than 800 years and it were almost all Jews which they appointed as governors there. Also, during the Crusade Saladin was kinder to the Jews and Christians...this is all part of record. so it is false to say that Muslims are against Jews ,,,no,,,they are against no one but at the same time they don't want others to impose their whims on them too.

Supposing you held a free referendum in Afghanistan I am sure they will vote for the Talibans. Why?? Go wonder!!

As for Iran, yes, she may bomb Israel and its supporters/allied if they attacked her...that natural. Presently Israel is seen to threaten everyone in the region and savors a sour reputation. Israel must also try to resolve its disputes with the Arabs....why is the UNO and Security Council sleeping over it?? Simple, because the West is backing Israel and encouraging it to play rude and tough.

Why do you shirk from viewing the whole situation with an open and unbiased mind??
Why don't you debunk the fallacy of the war after you got your target ,Osama??
Good and Evil has existed since time immemorial and do you think Uncle Sam will be able to get over it through ceaseless warring??? I doubt it very much,

Pakistan too is a nuclear state with India as its bitter enemy....she is not going to use it, I feel sure, but just has it for deterrence. no one can predict if Iran too would build nukes for defence or to nuke Israel. Just warring on the basis of conjectures and surmises is futile...what will happen will happen, no one will be able to stop it in the long run. So the best policy is to live and let live; end greed and lust for neighbor's property; live peacefully and harmoniously with all....and why can't this be attained through negotiations??


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Thats just it..Pk and Iran have their share of terrorists running around.
Even if the normal folk dont plan on using it..its just a matter of time before a freak gains access..if not by force then by being allowed with just dont know who you can trust.
They could care less about the consequences ..these people put on suicide vests to get the virgins lol
I expect a nuke could be worth 10 thousand virgins and a baked potato

LOL. Yeah, the radical extremist who gains control of a WMD is by far the worst case scenario.