[video]http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=pictures+of+new+york+city+the+night+bin+lad en+was+killed&tnr=21&vid=a5c1cfc7c470551a9f01930b4 9d65925&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fi d%3DU.4772499732430959%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2 F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fvideos%2Fwatch%2F%3Fq%3Dpicture s%2Bof%2BNew%2BYork%2Bcity%2Bthe%2Bnight%2Bbin%2Bl aden%2Bwas%2Bkilled%26vid%3DD0A1C83DB3C4163B5C8AD0 A1C83DB3C4163B5C8A%26docid%3D4772499732430959&sigr =1503rfieo&newfp=1&tit=Crowd+Reaction+at+Ground+Ze ro%3B+Osama+Bin+Laden+Killed&back=http%3A%2F%2Fsea rch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3Dpictures%2Bof%2BNew%2BYork%2Bcity%2Bthe%2B night%2Bbin%2Bladen%2Bwas%2Bkilled&sigb=132dl28dk[/video]
Apprently you didn't watch much news after the it was announced Bin Laden was kille.
Thought this one was over the top, but shows you what you need to know about some American citizens.
The fact that you claim "we are a peaceful bunch" tells me you know nothing about the human race.
Just because we're American citizens doesn't mean we're immune to the frails of being human, and revert back to the Old Testament when it suits our needs.
People are people no matter where you go. You have all types, for better and worse.
Thing is, the American citizen isn't use to living in a third world country whose government makes their money selling oil to westerners, and whose life has been torn due to either hardline religious / non religious dictatorships. I have no doubt that if some foreign country came into our country and acted as a police force and killed some of your family, you'd be one of the first ones on the bandwagon for revenge the rest of your life.