You are trying to justify the friggin Stimulus bullshit. Good for you I guess.
There is no evidence it did a god damn thing. You can claim it saved jobs but there is no proof. It is the same tactic the left uses to claim cuts will kill or starve granny and the kids. It was an absolute waste of frigging money.
Is this clear enough for you?
Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, {Says Gov’t Data}
And Reagan tripled the national debt in his term... Bush doubled it in his... What's your point?
Did you know that Obama put the Iraq war, Afghanistan war and medicare part D on the books? This was money that was spent before he came into office and kept off the books to make it look better to the people. Obama put this on the books and it made it look like the debt tripled overnight but that's not the case. It wasn't more debt added by Obama, it was nothing more than actually putting it on the books like it should have been since day one.