yeah for some reason that martial arts stuff stays with youWell I guess it does help that I'm 6'4" 210 lbs and studied Okinawan Isshinryu for several year... It's been quite a while since I went, but it's amazing what you retain. All in all, I'd much rather have a weapon in hand.
And you're right GP, there is nothing that prepares you to fire in a stressful life and death situation. I would just hope that shooting thousands of rounds through my gun would help train my muscle movements making as close to second nature as possible. Plus the fact that I'm on my home turf, he would be just as scared and I have a greater incentive (protecting my family) than he does. So in that 1 in a million chance that I am ever faced with this situation, I hope that I have most of my bases covered.
I also have a blinding 150 lumens flashlight with my gun, so they would also need to overcome not being able to see.
I keep my gun loaded next to my bed in a digital lock box that can be opened with a 4 digit code... pretty damn fast actually. You should look into them Jason, they are under $100 and they are safe and fast.
i was in it from 3rd grade till i graduated high school
many different styles because i was taking it on an airforce base so
the instructors got sent off or retired and new ones came in
kio shin kia (Okinawan rare) , Kempo, Ju Jitsu, Judo, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, Shotokan
I need to get a handgun