Should the BNP Be Banned?

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It's a sad state of affairs. Whilst you and I know immigration has been going on for many a century, the most recent 'big' influx would have been the decades after World War II. That's when my dad came over during the post war labour shortages.

I too would love to see more jobs for British workers and I try my part, e.g. when buying something where a call centre would be attached for support/help - I ensure it's a British call centre.

I'm all for more work for British workers - but not surely by any means necessary. I'm not saying you're saying this - but what I'm saying is that we don't need another Enoch Powell 'rivers of blood' speech to be delivered.
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If you are seriously thinking that that is a question you should be asking, I have one for you: How do you think Britain will fair if they continue to follow such a ridiculous policy, when America has already gone through such things, and have to deal with crappy shit everyday (food, household items) as well as expensive necessities (gas (just an example, i know it is a little costly over there too), medicines, health visits and such)?

Seriously, if you do not understand the complexities of the business model, I suggest you rethink the "cheaper" option.

Of course 'you' in the above response may not be you specifically, but anyone in a business venture considering the cheaper solution. It may be cheaper now, but I can guarantee it will be much more expensive later (relocation costs, due to not enough demand in the current area) or the demand will be so low that the business will not be able to successfully operate.


"Sure, let us go for the cheaper option, because that will give us the most money now." This is the mindset of most businesses, to which most will not survive 10-20 years later. Why? Well, educated folks go where there is demand for their skills; sooner or later, the demographics will drive under-educated communities into an exponential decay, resulting in the loss of a great community of a variety of skills, replaced by a small spectrum of abilities, or wiped out completely.

You're preaching to the converted... perhaps you should make efforts to explain that '*cheaper* option' view to those who have outsourced and will continue to outsource labour where possible. Working in the banking industry, I've seen outsourcing go on and then come back in house for various reasons.

It's not me that you need to 'convert'. I was merely expressing the view of the ones you class as 'blinkered'. ;)

Lord Stanley

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Yet Enoch Powell is worshipped by many behind closed doors - and I entirely see why. It's just something you have to keep very hush-hush in this politically correct day and age.
probably becuase his speeches today would be deemed inflammatory

in his rivers of blood speech he foarecast that by 2000 10%of the UK population would be non white

acoording to the 2001 census approx 89% of the uk population was white

Powell was a sad, nasty little man who is best forgotten


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You're preaching to the converted... perhaps you should make efforts to explain that '*cheaper* option' view to those who have outsourced and will continue to outsource labour where possible. Working in the banking industry, I've seen outsourcing go on and then come back in house for various reasons.

It's not me that you need to 'convert'. I was merely expressing the view of the ones you class as 'blinkered'. ;)

its cool dood; just making sure your on our side. :ninja

Lord Stanley

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yeah i realised as i hit the submit the reply button that his numbers were close, the point i was trying to make is that 10 % is not a big number and the population of the UK really has little if anything to fear from migrants, the colour of someones skin, their ethnicity etc etc should have no bearing on their ability to work, if they provide cheap labour - it is only becasue the market allows for it

Lord Stanley

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But honestly, the colour of someone's skin, this is not a race issue, it's about control, the downfall of the economy and the breakdown of the society.
so the real crux of the issue is the access to fiscal resources, the political decision making that gives the population access to or denies access to tax revenue

i.e is giving an immigrant benefits denying anyone born and bred in the UK anything?

Is there only a limited amount of money in the welfare bank and are immigrants getting more than the rest of you?

immigration did not cause the downfall of the economy but it is often the immigrants who get the brunt of peoples frustrations, when times are tough there has to be a scapegoat

if everyone in the UK had access to great wages, full employment, immigration would not be an issue

blame the govt for sure but not their immigration policies, blame their economic mis-management and their coporate ass kissing


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so the real crux of the issue is the access to fiscal resources, the political decision making that gives the population access to or denies access to tax revenue

i.e is giving an immigrant benefits denying anyone born and bred in the UK anything?
Is there only a limited amount of money in the welfare bank and are immigrants getting more than the rest of you?

immigration did not cause the downfall of the economy but it is often the immigrants who get the brunt of peoples frustrations, when times are tough there has to be a scapegoat

if everyone in the UK had access to great wages, full employment, immigration would not be an issue

blame the govt for sure but not their immigration policies, blame their economic mis-management and their coporate ass kissing

a couple of years back the car company i had worked at for 18 years closed us and moved our production to that meant i found myself unemployed for the first time in 28 YEARS......when i went to sign on i couldn't even remember what i had to do......i was told i had to sign on every other friday...but....i wasn't entitled to any benefits for 3 MONTHS......that was because i had some redundancy money go into the bank,money i worked that was going to be a nice little nest egg for when i'm older

my point here is in britain we're getting thousands of illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers arrive every week.....most have nothing,only the clothes on their backs...they get a roof over they're heads immediately.....they get clothed immediately......and they get money immediately.......i,ve paid into this system since was 17,i'm 48 now....yet i'm not entitled to anything...yet someone who's payed nothing gets it all...they get it all off the back of the hard working tax payer,the people who are now struggling in a hard econimic climate.....yet still they're allowed to come

is it any wonder that people are turning to extreme groups?

Lord Stanley

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a couple of years back the car company i had worked at for 18 years closed us and moved our production to that meant i found myself unemployed for the first time in 28 YEARS......when i went to sign on i couldn't even remember what i had to do......i was told i had to sign on every other friday...but....i wasn't entitled to any benefits for 3 MONTHS......that was because i had some redundancy money go into the bank,money i worked that was going to be a nice little nest egg for when i'm older

my point here is in britain we're getting thousands of illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers arrive every week.....most have nothing,only the clothes on their backs...they get a roof over they're heads immediately.....they get clothed immediately......and they get money immediately.......i,ve paid into this system since was 17,i'm 48 now....yet i'm not entitled to anything...yet someone who's payed nothing gets it all...they get it all off the back of the hard working tax payer,the people who are now struggling in a hard econimic climate.....yet still they're allowed to come

is it any wonder that people are turning to extreme groups?
it is your government benefit rules that made you wait 3 months

it is your govts lack of investment in domestic industry that saw the closure and move of the work to slovakia

i still maintain that if the UK govt sought to protect UK based jobs none of the above would have happened - oh the euro migrants would still have arrived, still had access to immediate benefits, things is you would not have noticed


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we would have noticed....on any given saturday,in any give town or city,you can see gangs of kosovans/iraqi's etc roaming around in top of the range clothes,new leather jackets,the latests nikes etc.....they have the latest phones....its all paid for by us........and i find it a bit uncomfortable that they always seem to cogregate near a cash machine(yes,crime has gone up)

Peter Parka

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Something about blaming immigrants, Muslims and political correctness for our countries problems dosen't seem much different to blaming Jews and Communists and that's something I find quite disturbing.

Peter Parka

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I sincerely hope no one is taking the crap that he's spouting seriously :24: My eyes were literally popping out of my head when I read these words. The Olympics???? Who cares about the olympics?? You need to get your priorities right. Secondly, are you implying that the reason we got the olympics is because immigrants built Wembly due to cheap labour???? :24::24:

You dont care that getting the Olympics is going to regenerate the East End, provide lots of jobs and be a massive boost to tourism in this country? Alrighty then.
I never said we got the Olympics due to cheap labour.


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its not racism peter,and its nothing like communists and jews..the situation we have here now is one of economics and realisation that britain is a small landmass,it cant take any more in the way of immigration,so it needs to be stopped.....

i ask a question many pensioners do you know who have to turn the heating off in winter because of the cost?....the money could be better spent on these people who have worked or fought for this me its actually criminal the way things are working out


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it is your government benefit rules that made you wait 3 months

it is your govts lack of investment in domestic industry that saw the closure and move of the work to slovakia

i still maintain that if the UK govt sought to protect UK based jobs none of the above would have happened - oh the euro migrants would still have arrived, still had access to immediate benefits, things is you would not have noticed
the government gave them £15 million to upgrade the paint shop.....which they gave back

the slovakian wage was £3 an hour


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we would have noticed....on any given saturday,in any give town or city,you can see gangs of kosovans/iraqi's etc roaming around in top of the range clothes,new leather jackets,the latests nikes etc.....they have the latest phones....its all paid for by us........and i find it a bit uncomfortable that they always seem to cogregate near a cash machine(yes,crime has gone up)

I also see white rednecks/chavs/bogans (whatever you want to call them) out on a Saturday night, but no-one really mentions them for some reason.

It's always the gangs of immigrants that get a dishonourable mention here, funny how people seem to disregard the 'dodgy' members of their own race lurking on the streets at night and hone in on those who look different to them.

Also, crime hasn't gone up either. Look at the yearly crime reports released by the Home Office. The crime rate is actually falling in the UK. But generally, people just ignore that fact.

I agree with Peter. The problem of immigration is hyped up by the media, who find it easy to take advantage of people's ignorant generalisations of immigrants as bludgers who contribute nothing to society and piggyback off the welfare system and take our jobs. Nothing but sensationalist BS, the media has a set of news 'values' that characterise reporting trends...

Simplification of the issue of immigration, and reducing the issue to basic dichotomies (Hard working white middle class male, laid off because the company that employed him found an immigrant to do it for cheaper/ they're taking all our benefits etc.). These dichotomies generally control the debate, it's funny how most people heavily against immigration say exactly the same thing. Stories are dramatised to heighten impact - Daily Heil articles. It's really not as big of a problem as the media says it is, and certainly won't lead to the breakdown of society or any of that jazz.


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I also see white rednecks/chavs/bogans (whatever you want to call them) out on a Saturday night, but no-one really mentions them for some reason.
It's always the gangs of immigrants that get a dishonourable mention here, funny how people seem to disregard the 'dodgy' members of their own race lurking on the streets at night and hone in on those who look different to them.

Also, crime hasn't gone up either. Look at the yearly crime reports released by the Home Office. The crime rate is actually falling in the UK. But generally, people just ignore that fact.
I agree with Peter. The problem of immigration is hyped up by the media, who find it easy to take advantage of people's ignorant generalisations of immigrants as bludgers who contribute nothing to society and piggyback off the welfare system and take our jobs. Nothing but sensationalist BS, the media has a set of news 'values' that characterise reporting trends...

Simplification of the issue of immigration, and reducing the issue to basic dichotomies (Hard working white middle class male, laid off because the company that employed him found an immigrant to do it for cheaper/ they're taking all our benefits etc.). These dichotomies generally control the debate, it's funny how most people heavily against immigration say exactly the same thing. Stories are dramatised to heighten impact - Daily Heil articles. It's really not as big of a problem as the media says it is, and certainly won't lead to the breakdown of society or any of that jazz.

chavs are detested and ridiculed over here

its also been said in reports that a vast amount of crimes never get reported


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LOL @ the words I bolded - my point in the 'Stormfront' thread proven.

Why is no one mentioning chavs or rednecks or the like? Because this ISN'T a thread regarding them, it's a thread regarding immigration and such - the BNP have nothing against chavs or lowlives. If you like, I'll happily make a thread entitled 'Chavs' and then we can have a good old bitch about them - just so you don't get confused about 'racism' or 'prejudice' or any of that, as you clearly are. It's just I think we wanted to stick on topic in this particular thread.

i do,fucking piss head scruffy umemployable layabouts


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chavs are detested and ridiculed over here

its also been said in reports that a vast amount of crimes never get reported

Yeah, I know that.

If I recall correctly, the Home Office reports uses both recorded crime statistics by the police, and victimisation surveys on the general public, to gather a picture of the rate of crime in the country.

So it's still an accurate picture of the level of crime in the community :)