Should the BNP Be Banned?

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All Else Failed

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Well if you're truly a person who values freedom on speech even when confronted by views that you do not agree with, I'd say it would be rather hypocritical for you to not want the BNP to have a voice. Everyone knows they're nutters, so its not like they're having any dangerous impact.
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Peter Parka

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Peter, when I said the muslim thing I obviously wasn't talking in terms of political parties, I was speaking about the preaching of hatred; the BNP and the extreme Muslims are very similar in this sense. They both work behind closed doors to spread hatred, and that's something that everybody knows. And for the record, there have been many cases of several preachers spreading racism against the west who HAVEN'T been stopped and detained. No wonder the people of this country are angry, no wonder the BNP are angry! Try and look at it from their point of view; an outsider storms in and starts preaching about how bad the country is, how evil, etc etc, and there it really is a difficult situation because everyone's so obsessed with political correctness that it's hard to decide what action to take. Also, you're forgetting the wealth of history that this country has and the pride many people retain for this country due to it's history, which further promotes resentment towards the "invaders". Yes, you're thinking about this on a very basic level, I think, which you shouldn't do, not with something like this.

Either way, this isn't an issue that will majorly effect you in your lifetime so don't worry. If you want to worry about anything, worry about the Chinese - they're slowly turning into the biggest danger :ninja

In that case the BNP are deluded and so are the people who vote for them. Extremist Muslims are a minority religion, not a race, most of them are British so playing the race card isn't even addressing the issue. The BNP have been playing the kick out the darkies card for years before this problem, anyway, and if people think that kicking out all non white immigrants is going to cause anything less that a complete economic breakdown of the country, they are very stupid.

Well if you're truly a person who values freedom on speech even when confronted by views that you do not agree with, I'd say it would be rather hypocritical for you to not want the BNP to have a voice. Everyone knows they're nutters, so its not like they're having any dangerous impact.

Freedom of speech is all very well but with that freedom should come responsibility. If people are going to cause problems by abusing this privledge, they should be held to account. I dont want to see situations like in the USA where you get those nutty Baptists protesting and being homophobic at soldiers funerals.

Peter Parka

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I haven't heard of the BNP causing any problems though

Then you haven't heard about the race riots they whipped up in the north nor the physical attacks that have happened shorty after the victim has spoken out about them. (The've never been proved to be BNP directly but you dont have to be a genious to suspect strongly a connection)
The BNP has several links to Neo Nazi terrorist organisations including Combat 18 and let them do the dirty work, just like Sinn Fein and the I.R.A. in Ireland.

Peter Parka

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Exactly! The BNP are addressing a religious based problem with a race based answer which the've been preaching before it was a problem so all they are doing in misleading people who dont think too well into believing that they are not racist but simply presenting a good line of action.

As for their definition of who they want out of the country, it gets very complicated seeing that Britain has been built on immigration since the Roman times and probably the only pure British people live in remote areas of Wales. I always find it funny how Nick Griffin always refuses to reveal his heritage, hmmm...

Peter Parka

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All they've done is succeed in changing their masks - behind the masks they haven't changed much from the brutal NF image they used to give out. But ultimately, it doesn't matter whether we know this or not. All individuals know is that the influx of immigration is destroying their lives and the only party who seems to be showing any backbone to actually stop it is the BNP. I am as anti-BNP as the next person but this is an actual fact - and the reason why they're getting so more votes.

Like I said, rather than being angry at the BNP, direct your anger to the people who've fuelled this sudden support for them - weak, left-wing Labour!!!!!!!!

No, that's what they hear from propaganda from the red tops and the BNP, the truth is much different.

I agree about being angry at the Labour party though I'd hardly call them left wing any more, I now vote conservative as they seem more caring of everyone, regardless of their situation. And trust me, Labour might be a load of shit but the BNP would destroy this country and make Gordon Brown look like Pitt the Younger when it comes to the economy, not a very good reason to vote for them.

Peter Parka

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I disagree entirely on what you responded to the words you bolded in my paragraph - in the area where I live, and plenty areas of london, the immigration really is causing a problem, like I said, to do with taxes and jobs.

Please can you tell me how many jobs you have lost out to an immigrant in and how much tax you have to pay to support these immigrants.
I find it funny when people moan out of one side of their mouth about the immigrants nicking our jobs while on the other side moan about the amount of benifits they clain, bit of a contradiction?


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LOL this is quite laughable, and very stupid. You're turning round to a person of mixed ethnicity and saying she voted for the BNP? :24: Think before you speak. If the BNP get to power I'll be one of the first to go so I'm not exactly likely to vote for them, am I?

I never said you did...

I said, 'You SOUND like you voted for them'. A lot different to saying that you did.

Secondly, it's not my fault if I'm realistic, hence why I said what I said - the BNP are gaining support because the current government has allowed the immigration to overflow, therefore causing anger and resentment among people here; they're losing jobs, homes, taxes are going towards them and they don't agree with it. If the government were properly controlling the borders then this wouldn't be happening. I understand 100% why decent human brings are suddenly looking towards an extremist party such as the BNP but it doesn't mean I support the BNP - it just means I can see the bigger picture.

I don't think it's about immigration that people voted for the BNP. Come on, the BNP only got like 0.7% in the 2005 general election, I wouldn't attribute their sudden success to their policy platform.

And it's precisely the fact that I can see the bigger picture which is why I know that this whole "The BNP are going to rule!" thing is taken way out of proportion. Honestly, there is nothing to worry about - the only thing that should be the concern is controlling the borders. The left-wingers are very weak when it comes to this and they can't see the hatred that they're helping to spread within the country - they're as much to blame, if not more, than the BNP. If people in this country can't see this, and they continue to whine about the BNP and support Labour, then they deserve what they get. But I know that no family member or friend or future generation relative of mine is going to suffer due to the close-minded stupidity of others, which is why I would do anything I can to ensure it doesn't happen.

Practice what you preach.


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Have you read about that night when the Nazis slaughtered a load of their top ranking guys, some for being gay, two were actually caught in bed together. Was a severe embarresment for them.

Any party with a shift in policy could be good for our country. Unfortunately, the BNP would need a huge turnaround. Even forgetting their racist terrorism, their policies are a joke. Their economic policies don't add up to even my simple mind on economics and would make Gordon Brown look like the greatest economist who ever lived. Not to mention their ridiculous policies of bringing back the death penalty - but only for people who deserve it! (wtf) and wanting to stop our kids learning German and French language in school and only letting them learn the dead language of Welsh. Not forgetting how them pulling us out of trade with Europe and the rest of the world would see us ending up resembling Somalia or something.

Totally agree with you on the policies front of the argument with the BNP, my stepdad voted for them in the recent elcetion. in my eyes the BNP is modernday Naziism, no good would come if they got any sort of power in the UK. Yes, if they did shift policies (drasticly) they might have some slight chance in gaining power.

((((We're all entitled to our opinions on things, but being as welsh is my first language, saying its dead sparked a nerve, roughly 25% of the population speak the language, which has grown from less than half that in the last few decades(no thanks to the english that came into the country and BANNED us from speaking the language, as they have done in other countries accross the world throughout history)...))))

anyway, there is no perfect political party, not one person is only one thing, i have left and right oppinions depending on the subject. Their views on removing us from the EC would push this country back a fair few notches, but would advocate their views on a white/british britain.

All in all, everyone is entitled to their views on anything, freedom of speech and all that jazz, but yeah basicly they should ban those radicals!! :)

(excuse the slightly erratic nature of the reply, always the same with politics)

~Mr Knight


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Freedom of speech is all very well but with that freedom should come responsibility. If people are going to cause problems by abusing this privledge, they should be held to account. I dont want to see situations like in the USA where you get those nutty Baptists protesting and being homophobic at soldiers funerals.
Expressing opinios is okay so long as they are the correct opinions?


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As has been mentioned already by a couple of folks, this set of islands has been built on immigration. 'indigenous whites only' is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to rid the population of non-whites. I'd love to see how exactly they define 'indigenous' given that the original settlers likely travelled over when we were joined to the European mainland.

'voluntary repatriation' too. Hmmm.

As for being banned, probably not. Better for the party to have an overt outlet than covert shenanigans.


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Exactly! The BNP are addressing a religious based problem with a race based answer which the've been preaching before it was a problem so all they are doing in misleading people who dont think too well into believing that they are not racist but simply presenting a good line of action.

As for their definition of who they want out of the country, it gets very complicated seeing that Britain has been built on immigration since the Roman times and probably the only pure British people live in remote areas of Wales. I always find it funny how Nick Griffin always refuses to reveal his heritage, hmmm...

as far as i'm aware griffin is a northern name,yorkshire the chances are his heritage is nordic


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Please can you tell me how many jobs you have lost out to an immigrant in and how much tax you have to pay to support these immigrants.
I find it funny when people moan out of one side of their mouth about the immigrants nicking our jobs while on the other side moan about the amount of benifits they clain, bit of a contradiction?

its a fact mate......the poles and slovakians etc will work for less than the problem is,if one british lorry driver asks for £20 an hour the pole asks for £12.....which means that the british driver is unemployed....meaning that he cant pay his mortgage and if you multiply that by thousands the outcome is the crumbling housing market we see from experience because i work with poles and slovakians and they're quite open about it,many send the money back home to families....which actually weakens the british economy resulting in the mess we see now

and when gordon brown said a while ago that migrant workers will help britain get back on its feet he actually meant that they'll work for less meaning that we have to,in doing so lowering our standard of living


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I work with a pole, she works at the same rate as everyone else, but holds down two jobs. One of which is cleaning the pub i work in at 7am every day then coming back in the evening to wash our dishes. Who in britain would want to do that?! The money she earns, i think, goes back to her polish family.

You cant really BAN the bnp, our freedom of speech prohibits that. Our political system also allows people to form whatever party they wish with whatever policies they want.

There is no room for such radicals in the modern west, in my oppinion.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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its a fact mate......the poles and slovakians etc will work for less than the problem is,if one british lorry driver asks for £20 an hour the pole asks for £12.....which means that the british driver is unemployed....meaning that he cant pay his mortgage and if you multiply that by thousands the outcome is the crumbling housing market we see from experience because i work with poles and slovakians and they're quite open about it,many send the money back home to families....which actually weakens the british economy resulting in the mess we see now

and when gordon brown said a while ago that migrant workers will help britain get back on its feet he actually meant that they'll work for less meaning that we have to,in doing so lowering our standard of living

Lets look at the big picture though, if it wasn't for these immigrant workers, Wembley Stadium wouldn't be complete and we would never have had a chance of hosting the Olympics in 2012.
Now why I do agree with what you're saying about immigrants working for less, it may be a problem but not nearly a big of a problem as the tabloids will have you believe. Our greed in the boom and bust of labour government (didn't they learn anything from Maggie???) is the biggest reason by far for our economic problems.
Also, lets face it, a lot of school leavers cant get jobs, not because of hard working immigrants but because the'd rather hang round street corners, mugging old people and getting pissed on white lightning, broken britain. Maybe they could learn something about hard work from some of these immigrants, working their guts out for very good reasons.


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Whilst I understand your concerns of British workers vs immigrant workers, how would you solve the plain and simple fact that employers or businesses will go for the cheapest possible option that gets them what they want?

You can stress quality over cost but if the immigrant worker can do an acceptable (to the employer) job for less than the British worker, do you really think the employer is going to care one iota that it's a Brit or immigrant?

Solving that particular puzzle is the key.


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Whilst I understand your concerns of British workers vs immigrant workers, how would you solve the plain and simple fact that employers or businesses will go for the cheapest possible option that gets them what they want?

You can stress quality over cost but if the immigrant worker can do an acceptable (to the employer) job for less than the British worker, do you really think the employer is going to care one iota that it's a Brit or immigrant?

Solving that particular puzzle is the key.

If you are seriously thinking that that is a question you should be asking, I have one for you: How do you think Britain will fair if they continue to follow such a ridiculous policy, when America has already gone through such things, and have to deal with crappy shit everyday (food, household items) as well as expensive necessities (gas (just an example, i know it is a little costly over there too), medicines, health visits and such)?

Seriously, if you do not understand the complexities of the business model, I suggest you rethink the "cheaper" option.

Of course 'you' in the above response may not be you specifically, but anyone in a business venture considering the cheaper solution. It may be cheaper now, but I can guarantee it will be much more expensive later (relocation costs, due to not enough demand in the current area) or the demand will be so low that the business will not be able to successfully operate.


"Sure, let us go for the cheaper option, because that will give us the most money now." This is the mindset of most businesses, to which most will not survive 10-20 years later. Why? Well, educated folks go where there is demand for their skills; sooner or later, the demographics will drive under-educated communities into an exponential decay, resulting in the loss of a great community of a variety of skills, replaced by a small spectrum of abilities, or wiped out completely.