Unless they are overtaken or taken by surprise. You mean teachers would actually carry the weapon on them at all times? I'm stunned at the suggestion. Some high schools are really rough and they find guns in lockers and on kids. I cannot imagine any school administrator who would think a teacher walking around with a weapon on them in such a circumstance would be a good idea.
I don't know where you live, but odds being what they are, you're around armed people every day, you just don't know it. Most states now have CCW laws that large numbers of individuals have taken advantage of.
People fighting against such CCW laws have continually made the argument that "blood would run through the streets like the wild west" if otherwise responsible adults are allowed to carry the means to protect themselves. However, a funny thing has happened in every instance, namely nothing. No blood running through the streets, no "OK Corral" shootouts and in many instances, violent crime rates have declined.
What makes a school any different? If a teacher is not responsible and upstanding enough to carry a weapon in defense of the children in their charge, they're not responsible enough to have children in their charge period.
If responsible adults being armed in schools is just such a terrible idea then you have to make the argument that have police there is a bad idea as well. More police officers are killed with their own weapon than any other so with you're argument, police are more of a liabilty than a help in school.
As I said above, I wouldn't want my kids in a school where firearms are being carried by teachers. Accidents happen. I don't think we should create the circumstances for a tragedy by introducing guns into schools.
So you feel its better to ensure the circumstances for a tragedy by ensuring the responsbile adults have no way of defending the dhildren in their care except lock the door and hope?
For someone intent on doing harm, your rules mean exactly dick and "gun free zone" just means "defenseless vicitim zone".
The shooters at both Columbine and Vt went room, to room, to room, completely unopposed. One single armed person in cover could have severely curtailed their killing and saved many lives. Instead, people had to depend upon and wait on the police who showed up a dollar short and a day late...
Replace the word "might" with probably and thats closer to it.
Doubtful. Altercations between armed assailants and CCW holders are not unknown and its rare for anyone other than the two parties directly involved to get injured much less killed. Typically the one that gets the worst of it is not the CCW holder either.