Should people on welfare have to take mandatory drug tests?

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I kissed a leprechaun...
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Local... local alright.. Over the last 57 years I've lived in 4 provinces side by each with a spread of about 1600 miles so I guess that's local.

It's a very accurate way of me judging thing Peter unless of course I am the cause of the people I know going on welfare. Maybe I have some sort of silent unknown virus that causes hard working people to unknowingly turn into lazy assed welfare recipients. ya... that's it... it's my fault.

The day someone was able to do an accurate survey and get honest answers from welfare recipients will be the day you and I convert to Christianity and you know it.

Peter you need to come to grips about the difference between welfare and disability. Until then it's pointless to continue this conversation.

In the end isn't that what this tread was supposed to be about. It's gotten off track a long time ago.

Comments like that. And saying there should be no welfare is what took it off track.

People need to watch the way they make comments because some of the best people have fallen on hard times and need to use assistance, but of course shit talkers won't understand until they actually have to fall back on it themselves.

I'd rather see families remaining in a home because of assistance instead of on the streets and hungry. Kids don't belong there. So complain all you want about the system atleast I'm happy I don't see children all over the place sleeping outside because there is no assistance available.

Oh there's so many reasons I'm happy its available that's just one.


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Comments like that. And saying there should be no welfare is what took it off track.

People need to watch the way they make comments because some of the best people have fallen on hard times and need to use assistance, but of course shit talkers won't understand until they actually have to fall back on it themselves.

I'd rather see families remaining in a home because of assistance instead of on the streets and hungry. Kids don't belong there. So complain all you want about the system atleast I'm happy I don't see children all over the place sleeping outside because there is no assistance available.

Oh there's so many reasons I'm happy its available that's just one.

You bolded my statement without reading or understanding all of my comments and that paints me in a bad light as far as I'm concerned.

Anita I hope you don't think I'm against the welfare system cuz if you do you need to go back and read every post I've made in this thread. I fully understand the purpose of welfare and support it for those that are actually in need. To that end I have personal experience. My sperm donor was a drunk and left us high and dry beck in the 60's. ( he's on his death bed as I type and when he's dead and gone I'll be starting a thread about him / me which could prove to be quite interesting ) He left my mom and 4 kids with nothing. With mom being a " housewife " she had what was considered by society to be no marketable skills and if it wasn't for welfare who knows where we would be. I have stories that would make many peoples skin crawl and I wouldn't wish that life on any self respecting human.


Having way too much fun
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Just remember one thing... The myth of the welfare queen was manufactured by the republicans to scare the white folk.
That famous example that Reagan used was shown to be a lie, a scare tactic. As a matter of fact, the majority of public assistance recipients are white females, short term.

The vast majority of public assistance cases are short term by people who have fallen on hard times. Single mothers who need help feeding their children. To even hint that the entire system should be scrapped because there are those that would take advantage of it, is idiotic. And those who suggest this are the ones that bought into the whole welfare queen propaganda, exactly the effect that the republicans were looking for.

If we are going to scrap systems that are prone to abuse, then why don't we start with the legal system? It's abused every single day and costs you more in tax dollars... So where is the outcry to abolish our legal system? There isn't one because there hasn't been a misinformation campaign waged against it like there has been for public assistance. So quit buying into the crap and get your facts straight before you trash a system that has helped many needy families in a time of need.


Active Member
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Just remember one thing... The myth of the welfare queen was manufactured by the republicans to scare the white folk.
That famous example that Reagan used was shown to be a lie, a scare tactic. As a matter of fact, the majority of public assistance recipients are white females, short term.

The vast majority of public assistance cases are short term by people who have fallen on hard times. Single mothers who need help feeding their children. To even hint that the entire system should be scrapped because there are those that would take advantage of it, is idiotic. And those who suggest this are the ones that bought into the whole welfare queen propaganda, exactly the effect that the republicans were looking for.

If we are going to scrap systems that are prone to abuse, then why don't we start with the legal system? It's abused every single day and costs you more in tax dollars... So where is the outcry to abolish our legal system? There isn't one because there hasn't been a misinformation campaign waged against it like there has been for public assistance. So quit buying into the crap and get your facts straight before you trash a system that has helped many needy families in a time of need.

Tim...can you follow me around the forums? You always explain what I'm trying to explain a million times better. :24:


Sarcasm is me :)
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A group I saw on facebook that brought up alot of discussion. As the name of the thread implies, should they have to?

I think they should due to recent experiences I have had.

My ex gf's 2 friends both recently moved away to Toronto to attend school. They are living together and only one is actually attending the other one is there to "assist financially".

Well the one who is supposed to be assisting actually has never worked a day in her life and is currently on welfare and not looking for work at all. She sits on her ass and smokes weed all day and plays video games to pass the time. She receives 1300 a month to survive.

I worked crappy ass call center jobs in the past and was making less than that.

My new career has all the employees taking mandatory drug tests (not that I care because I don't do that crap anyways) to make sure we are all safe on the job.

Unless this friend is lying I believe that's a bullshit system and I don't like the idea of my tax dollars going towards helping people who just smoke weed all day and have no ambition. I know other people aswell who sell drugs and use their welfare checks as secondary income.

I don't mind paying taxes for families or individuals who actually need assistance but helping stoners pisses me off.


The OP was clearly about testing for drugs ALL people on welfare, not just the ones that you assume are lazy bums.

OK Peter, if your going to be an ASS about this OP.. Here it is.. Where does it say ALL people ?

It might imply all people, but where does it say ALL people ?:D

Not only that but it says.. " I don't mind paying taxes for families or individuals who actually need assistance " :thumbup

Any more you want to add ?


Well-Known Member
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Just remember one thing... The myth of the welfare queen was manufactured by the republicans to scare the white folk.
That famous example that Reagan used was shown to be a lie, a scare tactic. As a matter of fact, the majority of public assistance recipients are white females, short term.

The vast majority of public assistance cases are short term by people who have fallen on hard times. Single mothers who need help feeding their children. To even hint that the entire system should be scrapped because there are those that would take advantage of it, is idiotic. And those who suggest this are the ones that bought into the whole welfare queen propaganda, exactly the effect that the republicans were looking for.

If we are going to scrap systems that are prone to abuse, then why don't we start with the legal system? It's abused every single day and costs you more in tax dollars... So where is the outcry to abolish our legal system? There isn't one because there hasn't been a misinformation campaign waged against it like there has been for public assistance. So quit buying into the crap and get your facts straight before you trash a system that has helped many needy families in a time of need.
The myth of the welfare queen was manufactured by the people who live next door & couldn't be arsed to get to know their neighbor. Gossip's more fun. You give Republicans too much credit.

Welfare's a state-run program and should stay that way. The federal gov't should be out of it completely ... I mean really completely, no subsidies or anything.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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OK Peter, if your going to be an ASS about this OP.. Here it is.. Where does it say ALL people ?

It might imply all people, but where does it say ALL people ?:D

Not only that but it says.. " I don't mind paying taxes for families or individuals who actually need assistance " :thumbup

Any more you want to add ?

I guess you forgot to read the title of this thread.:smiley24:


New Member
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People need to watch the way they make comments because some of the best people have fallen on hard times and need to use assistance, but of course shit talkers won't understand until they actually have to fall back on it themselves.

As I tread "lightly" (as if I understand the concept of moderation haha) in this wonderful debate, I will say, unequivocally - without a doubt "YES!" Anyone applying for welfare MUST take a drug test. If they fail there'd be options to help from everything with mandatory participation in rehab, prosecution, etc. Welfare, although I'm sure is not a proud moment for many people who utilize it (they go with necessity to survive right?), should be only used as a last ditch effort to prevent starvation (NOT SUSTAIN a quality of life - tax payers are making sacrifices out of their pocket, those signing up for welfare must also make sacrifices as well). Why is that such a "terrible" concept? Anita-Yes there are good people who fall on tough times, especially now in this economy. As a nation we must protect our citizens. However, in this Obama-age-of-entitlement, we must also reduce taxes (a concept our current frivolously-spending administration will never get) in order to pull ourselves out of this recession. When the private sector is taxed less, their businesses expand, employing more and those employees bring home more money. When this occurs more money to give to churches and other organizations that can help those falling on tough times.

So let me be clear here THERE SHOULD BE PLACES/MEANS for outstanding citizens to get help, period. However, the first stop - are the churches and other organizations funded by the private sector - NOT the government. Next, if there are too many people for those organizations to support, those in need will likely have to go to the government - then the government must protect the tax payers from those who abuse the system. By abuse, in this instance I mean those who TAKE THEMSELVES OUT OF THE WORKFORCE by using drugs. If found to be on drugs, the applicant must either work towards cleaning themselves up, or they are denied.

Simple concept, I'm not being cold-hearted and saying turn welfare recipients into Soylent Green. I understand that many are temporary which is using the system how it is intended. I believe there are necessary steps to ensure that tax payers hard earned money is not being thrown away on things they're not supposed to...

Here are some other issues with our welfare system... just a few out of the past month or so.


Well-Known Member
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I think quoting Faux News for anything is an admission of losing a debate... might as well be quoting the National Enquirer...


The cake is a metaphor
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As I tread "lightly" (as if I understand the concept of moderation haha) in this wonderful debate, I will say, unequivocally - without a doubt "YES!" Anyone applying for welfare MUST take a drug test. If they fail there'd be options to help from everything with mandatory participation in rehab, prosecution, etc.

Just because somebody has traces of drugs in their system doesn't make them an addict or a danger to society. Adding the cost of rehab and court onto the state bill doesn't help anyone.


Well-Known Member
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And you got to be careful about what the traces of drugs are before people are deinied welfare. As Mythbusters proved, Poppy seeds can result in a false positive for opiate drugs.


Well-Known Member
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Not at all. But you are right about Fox = bullshit, they have showed that over and over

yeah, plenty of places have shown that... like MediaMatters and that have absolutely no agenda whatsoever, right? Both are funded in large part by George Soros as well, who has no agenda either.

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