Should people on welfare have to take mandatory drug tests?

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Peter Parka

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As I tread "lightly" (as if I understand the concept of moderation haha) in this wonderful debate, I will say, unequivocally - without a doubt "YES!" Anyone applying for welfare MUST take a drug test. If they fail there'd be options to help from everything with mandatory participation in rehab, prosecution, etc. Welfare, although I'm sure is not a proud moment for many people who utilize it (they go with necessity to survive right?), should be only used as a last ditch effort to prevent starvation (NOT SUSTAIN a quality of life - tax payers are making sacrifices out of their pocket, those signing up for welfare must also make sacrifices as well). Why is that such a "terrible" concept? Anita-Yes there are good people who fall on tough times, especially now in this economy. As a nation we must protect our citizens. However, in this Obama-age-of-entitlement, we must also reduce taxes (a concept our current frivolously-spending administration will never get) in order to pull ourselves out of this recession. When the private sector is taxed less, their businesses expand, employing more and those employees bring home more money. When this occurs more money to give to churches and other organizations that can help those falling on tough times.

So let me be clear here THERE SHOULD BE PLACES/MEANS for outstanding citizens to get help, period. However, the first stop - are the churches and other organizations funded by the private sector - NOT the government. Next, if there are too many people for those organizations to support, those in need will likely have to go to the government - then the government must protect the tax payers from those who abuse the system. By abuse, in this instance I mean those who TAKE THEMSELVES OUT OF THE WORKFORCE by using drugs. If found to be on drugs, the applicant must either work towards cleaning themselves up, or they are denied.

Simple concept, I'm not being cold-hearted and saying turn welfare recipients into Soylent Green. I understand that many are temporary which is using the system how it is intended. I believe there are necessary steps to ensure that tax payers hard earned money is not being thrown away on things they're not supposed to...

Here are some other issues with our welfare system... just a few out of the past month or so.


And I agree with Ed, anyone who uses bullshit Fox news to back up their point has pretty much already lost the argument.

Minor Axis

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Regarding the OP, I'm starting to think it would be a good idea and if they are addicts then we can put them in a program to help them get clean... No? :)


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People have different reasons for going on welfare. Obviously the big reasons being no job, mental health and physical disabilities. Most people on welfare are not there because they are lazy. I am glad welfare exists, I have had to go on it a few times and am on it currently and none of the reasons were because I was lazy.

I am also sick of people complaining about their precious tax dollars. I mean seriously, your tax dollars are going towards much worse things than helping people out. I get tax taken out of my welfare payments and welfare payments are not much to live on. Where I live, it's roughly $230 a week.

I really can't stand people who judge others for being on welfare. It isn't always easy to find a job. And I also don't think people who are on welfare should have to tell people what they spend thier money on either. They need to live a life just like everyone else.


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I heard talks about over here they're going to try and introduce that it's a requirement for ppl to have drug tests and to be made 2 accept help with their drug abuse or they'll lose out on benefits which I do actually think is a good idea.

It is hard to get a job right now, Its depressing as anything to keep applying for jobs and getting no where, been there and done that a few times now and it is very degrading to go into a job centre to sign on when you know you're one of the few who are actually looking hard for a job where as you're treated like the ppl who don't a want to live off the state.

I personally enjoy working, I don't have a big surrounding of friends,I find trusting people extremely hard and if I'm not in work I get very depressed and down so working gives me structure and routine in my life.

what annoys me is that I've worked since I was 16, I've been on job seekers twice in my life and the first time I was given permission from my doctor to go on sick because of my health and I didn't because what good is someone stuck at home with depression? the more I was stuck at home the worst I felt so I refused to go on it. My last job, I worked 7 days a week but shared a wage with another worker..sadly the agency got away with this and I ended up getting £120 a week for the 7days work, I didn't give it up because I needed the money and despite it being low it's a job at the end of the day, if I had a child at a young age I would of been entitled to working tax credits but seeing as I decided not to bring a child into the world so early I wasn't entitled to anything to help top up my wages.

If I took the route of getting pregnant at a young age and not working a day in my life I would be a lot better off right now, I would have my own place and my rent etc half paid for,what wasn't paid for already would of been coming out of my benefit money, if I was to get a job, I would be entitled to even more money due to me having a child at a young age too. if I wanted to carry on an education I missed out on due to having a child I would be entitled to free college education due to funds available etc..

now.. I'm entitled to nothing, I wouldn't get a look in when it comes to council housing because it's only me, the waiting list around my area is something stupid like 70 years, I didn't get help when I was on job seekers for paying my rent because my parent apparently don't need rent from me, despite me moving home and me saying to the job centre i need to pay my parents rent, I was expected to live off of £200 a month to pay my parents rent, my own living expenses and to pay for various CRB checks whilst looking for jobs, £40a time.

I do think it's too easy nowadays to turn around and let other people slog their guts out at work while you sit at home doing nothing, I'm sure they're a lot of ppl out of work right now who would love to be at work and ppl who are genuinely ill and need time off of working life for a while and I don't include those ppl in this because as I've said I've been on JSA twice in my life and I couldn't of lived without it.

it's the ppl who blatantly never worked a day in their life, fake illnesses and live off of playing the system that annoy the hell out of me, maybe it's jealously that they can afford to do stuff and have stuff that I want in a way?

I would love to settle down with my boyfriend and start a family, it's something we've been planning to do and sadly we'll have 2 wait until we're in a better situation to bring a child into the world, I want our kids to grow up in a working family and realise that money and things in life come at a price like I was brought up to learn.


Peter Parka

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We’ll only pay benefits to addicts of drugs we can tax, say Government

The government has announced a change to its benefits policy which means benefits will only be paid to the addicts of government approved narcotics from which it derives substantial tax revenue, such as alcohol and tobacco.
The move will see benefits withdrawn from drug addicts who have the temerity to become addicted to narcotics that are not state-sanctioned such as Cocaine, Heroin, and the other one.
A government spokesperson explained, “We want to ensure that if we are to give money to an addict, that they’re going to spend it on something that will ultimately bring all that money back to us.”
“If we give that money to a Heroin addict then we never see that cash ever again - which is simply unacceptable in such times of austerity.”
“It’s much better that people get addicted to drugs from which we derive enough revenue to prevent a rise in income tax, ensuring everyone is happy and therefore keeps voting for us.”
Drug Addicts

The news has left many drug addicts unhappy, claiming they will have to resort to crime, violence or even moving to Albert Square in order to get a fix.
One addict explained, “Yes, I might do a bit of crack like that Phil Mitchell, but I also drink and smoke, so maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement where I get just enough benefit to keep me in fags and booze?”
“No-one ever explains to you that doing drugs that the government can’t tax has such a downside. You only ever hear about the good stuff.”
“So listen kids, to someone who knows what they’re talking about - don’t do drugs that the government doesn’t get a cut of, it’s just not worth it.”



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I just think that welfare shouldn't be as easy as it is now to obtain. I work hard for a living and right down the road from me is a woman on welfare with 2 kids who is bringing in twice as much as I do and she's supporting a boyfriend who isn't even suppose to be living there. How do they get away with it?


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I just think that welfare shouldn't be as easy as it is now to obtain. I work hard for a living and right down the road from me is a woman on welfare with 2 kids who is bringing in twice as much as I do and she's supporting a boyfriend who isn't even suppose to be living there. How do they get away with it?

you should be mad at your boss for underpaying you.


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something's not right if someone on welfare is getting more than you. Whereabouts are you living?

East Coast Canada. We have also what they call 'family allowance' here, not certain if you have the same where you live. But...I work hard, am a single mother and because I work, I receive 13 dollars a lady down the road cheats the system, sits on her lazy butt all day doing nothing and she gets 300 dollars per I ask that fair?


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East Coast Canada. We have also what they call 'family allowance' here, not certain if you have the same where you live. But...I work hard, am a single mother and because I work, I receive 13 dollars a lady down the road cheats the system, sits on her lazy butt all day doing nothing and she gets 300 dollars per I ask that fair?

nope. And it's your responsibility to report her if she's cheating the system.


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In the UK you get a sizable reward for shopping a welfare cheat. If you're totally sure they're cheating the system, I wouldn't think twice.

As far as I`m aware, there is no such reward around here. I know because my daughter used to hang around with her daughter and she practically lived at my house....he lived there and since her never worked, he was being supported by a system designed to feed and cloth his kids because he was no longer in the picture.


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As far as I`m aware, there is no such reward around here. I know because my daughter used to hang around with her daughter and she practically lived at my house....he lived there and since her never worked, he was being supported by a system designed to feed and cloth his kids because he was no longer in the picture.
