san Fran gay marriages

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2001_Saleen said:
CareBear3030 said:
artisan00 said:
2001_Saleen said:
I guess I read the edited version. Nevertheless, you cannot use the bible as a reason.

in her defense,
why not? can use the Bible as a reason. It is wrong. Period. Let them set themselves up like a business, but you cannot call them married. God intended marriage to be one of the most pure forms of love. And he said homosexuality is an ABOMINATION!!!! Not just bad as wrong gets! I dont care if they get the same tax credits as I do....but they are NOT married. Period.
No you can't, because christianity, or whatever your religion is, is not THE national religion, in fact under the constitution of the United States of America, there can be no state sponsored religion. How is it legally wrong?? wtf! If your church doesn't want to marry them, fine, because they are seperate from the state. If the church wants to ban marraige of same sex individuals fine, but the government can fuck off, because they overstepped their boundries, same with abortion. As to sending me a bible, I already have about 5, and if I need another one I'll contact a local church of my own religion (Lutheran).

WOW....You are awfully upset for some reason? Why so much anger? I never said it was "legally" wrong. Yes you are right the government should not make this descision. Marriage is a binding contract between a man and a woman...AND GOD....NOT GOVERNMENT. Hey we do agree. Let the governement deal with the tax breaks and let GOD decide who should get married. Guess what....he already did! thats a whole other thread!!!


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I guess the way I was brought up in my church, if something made you happy and didn't violate the ten commandments God was cool with you.
Upset? hell yeah I'm upset because I am sick of seeing the christian right trying to make a state religion, and trying to make the Bible influence laws. If they would just step off, I think the country would work much smoother.


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2001_Saleen said:
I guess the way I was brought up in my church, if something made you happy and didn't violate the ten commandments God was cool with you.
Upset? hell yeah I'm upset because I am sick of seeing the christian right trying to make a state religion, and trying to make the Bible influence laws. If they would just step off, I think the country would work much smoother.

There is more than just the ten commandments. I just dont understand why you are so angrily FOR the union of gays. If they live together and feel in their hearts that they are a permanent couple...then more power to them. If they have to be married for the government to see them as a couple....then you are mixing religion and state.

You keep saying keep religion and state seperate. Well marriage would fall under the category of religion. GOD created man and woman to marry...not the state. If in the state then it is a partnership, or corporation. No matter what the state allows or does not allow....GOD will not honor a marriage of that sort. Sorry. I dont know who in your life is in that situation that is causing you to have such anger....but just tell them CORPORATION...not marriage.


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CareBear3030 said:
2001_Saleen said:
I guess the way I was brought up in my church, if something made you happy and didn't violate the ten commandments God was cool with you.
Upset? hell yeah I'm upset because I am sick of seeing the christian right trying to make a state religion, and trying to make the Bible influence laws. If they would just step off, I think the country would work much smoother.

There is more than just the ten commandments. I just dont understand why you are so angrily FOR the union of gays. If they live together and feel in their hearts that they are a permanent couple...then more power to them. If they have to be married for the government to see them as a couple....then you are mixing religion and state.

You keep saying keep religion and state seperate. Well marriage would fall under the category of religion. GOD created man and woman to marry...not the state. If in the state then it is a partnership, or corporation. No matter what the state allows or does not allow....GOD will not honor a marriage of that sort. Sorry. I dont know who in your life is in that situation that is causing you to have such anger....but just tell them CORPORATION...not marriage.

Just a side note. I am certainly not trying to get you angry...nor trying to start trouble with you. I just love debates....LoL!!!


Sentient Being
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I call it "Hades". You think you could maybe like rephrase that? What are you mad about? How would you change the situation? Let's wait and see what they do. Because of the experiential qualities of your learnings and understandings. Chat amongst yourselves. Interesting. I am a . I am a Christian. But can in the state ever happen? David Bacon. :)


Having way too much fun
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CareBear3030 said:
2001_Saleen said:
CareBear3030 said:
artisan00 said:
2001_Saleen said:
I guess I read the edited version. Nevertheless, you cannot use the bible as a reason.

in her defense,
why not? can use the Bible as a reason. It is wrong. Period. Let them set themselves up like a business, but you cannot call them married. God intended marriage to be one of the most pure forms of love. And he said homosexuality is an ABOMINATION!!!! Not just bad as wrong gets! I dont care if they get the same tax credits as I do....but they are NOT married. Period.
No you can't, because christianity, or whatever your religion is, is not THE national religion, in fact under the constitution of the United States of America, there can be no state sponsored religion. How is it legally wrong?? wtf! If your church doesn't want to marry them, fine, because they are seperate from the state. If the church wants to ban marraige of same sex individuals fine, but the government can fuck off, because they overstepped their boundries, same with abortion. As to sending me a bible, I already have about 5, and if I need another one I'll contact a local church of my own religion (Lutheran).

WOW....You are awfully upset for some reason? Why so much anger? I never said it was "legally" wrong. Yes you are right the government should not make this descision. Marriage is a binding contract between a man and a woman...AND GOD....NOT GOVERNMENT. Hey we do agree. Let the governement deal with the tax breaks and let GOD decide who should get married. Guess what....he already did! thats a whole other thread!!!

What the hell are you talking about? God decided that gays can't get married? Marraige is not a christian invention. Marriage was around long before the bible was written, almost every religion and culture has marriage, and some of them even believe that gays are real people too. Imagiane that! All you damn christians that judge the rest of civilization need to open your bibles to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Now crawl back into your hole and keep christianity out of my government.


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RecklessTim said:
CareBear3030 said:
2001_Saleen said:
CareBear3030 said:
artisan00 said:
2001_Saleen said:
I guess I read the edited version. Nevertheless, you cannot use the bible as a reason.

in her defense,
why not? can use the Bible as a reason. It is wrong. Period. Let them set themselves up like a business, but you cannot call them married. God intended marriage to be one of the most pure forms of love. And he said homosexuality is an ABOMINATION!!!! Not just bad as wrong gets! I dont care if they get the same tax credits as I do....but they are NOT married. Period.
No you can't, because christianity, or whatever your religion is, is not THE national religion, in fact under the constitution of the United States of America, there can be no state sponsored religion. How is it legally wrong?? wtf! If your church doesn't want to marry them, fine, because they are seperate from the state. If the church wants to ban marraige of same sex individuals fine, but the government can fuck off, because they overstepped their boundries, same with abortion. As to sending me a bible, I already have about 5, and if I need another one I'll contact a local church of my own religion (Lutheran).

WOW....You are awfully upset for some reason? Why so much anger? I never said it was "legally" wrong. Yes you are right the government should not make this descision. Marriage is a binding contract between a man and a woman...AND GOD....NOT GOVERNMENT. Hey we do agree. Let the governement deal with the tax breaks and let GOD decide who should get married. Guess what....he already did! thats a whole other thread!!!

What the hell are you talking about? God decided that gays can't get married? Marraige is not a christian invention. Marriage was around long before the bible was written, almost every religion and culture has marriage, and some of them even believe that gays are real people too. Imagiane that! All you damn christians that judge the rest of civilization need to open your bibles to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Now crawl back into your hole and keep christianity out of my government.
Hows about all religion?? I'm Lutheran, but the two just don't mix.


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RecklessTim said:
What the hell are you talking about? God decided that gays can't get married? Marraige is not a christian invention. Marriage was around long before the bible was written, almost every religion and culture has marriage, and some of them even believe that gays are real people too. Imagiane that! All you damn christians that judge the rest of civilization need to open your bibles to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Now crawl back into your hole and keep christianity out of my government.

Yes he did decide gays cant be married. Marriage is a GODly invention....he's been around much more than anything there is to be on here. I never said the Bible invented it. I do not want to be in YOUR government. Like I said before.....The governement SHOULD set them up some way to be a union.....its already there....Corporation....Call it gay marriage....WHATEVER....but in the eyes of GOD they are NOT married.

No matter what government or religion allows them to be called married....GOD called it an abomination....will NOT be a marriage.



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2001_Saleen said:
CareBear3030 said:
artisan00 said:
2001_Saleen said:
I guess I read the edited version. Nevertheless, you cannot use the bible as a reason.

in her defense,
why not? can use the Bible as a reason. It is wrong. Period. Let them set themselves up like a business, but you cannot call them married. God intended marriage to be one of the most pure forms of love. And he said homosexuality is an ABOMINATION!!!! Not just bad as wrong gets! I dont care if they get the same tax credits as I do....but they are NOT married. Period.
No you can't, because christianity, or whatever your religion is, is not THE national religion, in fact under the constitution of the United States of America, there can be no state sponsored religion. How is it legally wrong?? wtf! If your church doesn't want to marry them, fine, because they are seperate from the state. If the church wants to ban marraige of same sex individuals fine, but the government can fuck off, because they overstepped their boundries, same with abortion. As to sending me a bible, I already have about 5, and if I need another one I'll contact a local church of my own religion (Lutheran).

but consider the following excerpt from the declaration of indepence, upon which our country starting taking its roots:
t.jeffy said:
we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, ... hold these truths to be self-evidant:
every man (now everyone, thank whoever you wish) is created equally
and endowed by their Creator

why do you think 'creator' starts with a captital c?


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well the way i see it no one has the right to tell another how to live there life this is America land of the free........ So who ever are what ever ,if its what they like thats there business ,,,,, ( right are wrong ) as long as they dont try to force there beliefs on others :dunno :dunno


Having way too much fun
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CareBear3030 said:
RecklessTim said:
What the hell are you talking about? God decided that gays can't get married? Marraige is not a christian invention. Marriage was around long before the bible was written, almost every religion and culture has marriage, and some of them even believe that gays are real people too. Imagiane that! All you damn christians that judge the rest of civilization need to open your bibles to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Now crawl back into your hole and keep christianity out of my government.

Yes he did decide gays cant be married. Marriage is a GODly invention....he's been around much more than anything there is to be on here. I never said the Bible invented it. I do not want to be in YOUR government. Like I said before.....The governement SHOULD set them up some way to be a union.....its already there....Corporation....Call it gay marriage....WHATEVER....but in the eyes of GOD they are NOT married.

No matter what government or religion allows them to be called married....GOD called it an abomination....will NOT be a marriage.


"By the way, for any homo haters out there who justify their hatred and discrimination against gays with a convenient couple of lines in The Bible; as a biblical literalist, if you've ever cheated on your spouse, does that mean we get to stone you?"

That, of course, is a reference to Leviticus 20:10. The story of Jesus saving the woman taken in the act of adultery is in John 8:1-11.

But why stop there, Carebear? You could also also ask, if their son is a juvenile delinquent, when are they having the stoning of their self-indulgent brat? (Deuteronomy 21: 18-21)

If you're short on cash, you could always sell your daughter into slavery, right? (Exodus 21:7)

You might also want to ask if it's terribly expensive to send their wives and daughters (if pubescent or beyond) out of town for a week whenever they have their monthly cycle. (Leviticus 15:19)

There are others, of course, but these are some of my personal favorites.

I just don't like the fact that organized religion will tell me what I can and cannot do in my life based on scripture, yet they themselves don't follow every word of it. Don't cherry pick from the bible to suit your own needs and expect respect from me.


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RecklessTim said:
CareBear3030 said:
RecklessTim said:
What the hell are you talking about? God decided that gays can't get married? Marraige is not a christian invention. Marriage was around long before the bible was written, almost every religion and culture has marriage, and some of them even believe that gays are real people too. Imagiane that! All you damn christians that judge the rest of civilization need to open your bibles to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Now crawl back into your hole and keep christianity out of my government.

Yes he did decide gays cant be married. Marriage is a GODly invention....he's been around much more than anything there is to be on here. I never said the Bible invented it. I do not want to be in YOUR government. Like I said before.....The governement SHOULD set them up some way to be a union.....its already there....Corporation....Call it gay marriage....WHATEVER....but in the eyes of GOD they are NOT married.

No matter what government or religion allows them to be called married....GOD called it an abomination....will NOT be a marriage.


"By the way, for any homo haters out there who justify their hatred and discrimination against gays with a convenient couple of lines in The Bible; as a biblical literalist, if you've ever cheated on your spouse, does that mean we get to stone you?"

That, of course, is a reference to Leviticus 20:10. The story of Jesus saving the woman taken in the act of adultery is in John 8:1-11.

But why stop there, Carebear? You could also also ask, if their son is a juvenile delinquent, when are they having the stoning of their self-indulgent brat? (Deuteronomy 21: 18-21)

If you're short on cash, you could always sell your daughter into slavery, right? (Exodus 21:7)

You might also want to ask if it's terribly expensive to send their wives and daughters (if pubescent or beyond) out of town for a week whenever they have their monthly cycle. (Leviticus 15:19)

There are others, of course, but these are some of my personal favorites.

I just don't like the fact that organized religion will tell me what I can and cannot do in my life based on scripture, yet they themselves don't follow every word of it. Don't cherry pick from the bible to suit your own needs and expect respect from me.


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RecklessTim said:
CareBear3030 said:
RecklessTim said:
What the hell are you talking about? God decided that gays can't get married? Marraige is not a christian invention. Marriage was around long before the bible was written, almost every religion and culture has marriage, and some of them even believe that gays are real people too. Imagiane that! All you damn christians that judge the rest of civilization need to open your bibles to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Now crawl back into your hole and keep christianity out of my government.

Yes he did decide gays cant be married. Marriage is a GODly invention....he's been around much more than anything there is to be on here. I never said the Bible invented it. I do not want to be in YOUR government. Like I said before.....The governement SHOULD set them up some way to be a union.....its already there....Corporation....Call it gay marriage....WHATEVER....but in the eyes of GOD they are NOT married.

No matter what government or religion allows them to be called married....GOD called it an abomination....will NOT be a marriage.


"By the way, for any homo haters out there who justify their hatred and discrimination against gays with a convenient couple of lines in The Bible; as a biblical literalist, if you've ever cheated on your spouse, does that mean we get to stone you?"

That, of course, is a reference to Leviticus 20:10. The story of Jesus saving the woman taken in the act of adultery is in John 8:1-11.

But why stop there, Carebear? You could also also ask, if their son is a juvenile delinquent, when are they having the stoning of their self-indulgent brat? (Deuteronomy 21: 18-21)

If you're short on cash, you could always sell your daughter into slavery, right? (Exodus 21:7)

You might also want to ask if it's terribly expensive to send their wives and daughters (if pubescent or beyond) out of town for a week whenever they have their monthly cycle. (Leviticus 15:19)

There are others, of course, but these are some of my personal favorites.

I just don't like the fact that organized religion will tell me what I can and cannot do in my life based on scripture, yet they themselves don't follow every word of it. Don't cherry pick from the bible to suit your own needs and expect respect from me.



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Ok heres something I have never heard anyone bring up when discussing stuff like this. If you refer to the bible to say being gay is wrong, you are obviously religious. If you are religious, you should know that only god can judge someone, correct? So who are you to judge somebody by saying it's wrong? People should stay the hell out of it and let the good man upstairs do his job when it comes time.

God is a great man, right? He has done all these great things, and says we will be rewarded when we die, if we have followed him. So don't you think it would be a dick move on his part to say "you can't come into my crib because you like guys not girls"? Exactly. I personally believe that he wouldn't do a thing like that. Especially if they are good people, follow the law, believe in god, etc. etc.. Just like curse words, I don't believe you will go to hell for saying a few bad words every now and then. You love god, you follow him, your nice, etc. etc..

Gay people are ususally very nice people. I know a few. Hell, I have a gay uncle. They believe in god, and they are great people. They are just like me and you, except for the fact that they aren't attracted to women. Guys, try and figure out why you don't like men. That's why gay guys don't like women. Just because that's who they are. 'Nuff said..


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Tim, I understand what you're saying, but there is a reason for it. And for the record, while I believe it's wrong for gays to marry, I've already I said I think it should be their right here in America.

The Bible is split into two sections, the Old Testiment, and the New Testiment. When Jesus came to the world and the New Testiment began, man was released from the rule of the law. That's why we don't do things the way they did back in the old times anymore.

As for the idea that there are people out there who cherry pick scripture to meet their needs..... No contest True. But the church in general is a fairly mature place.