Republican Judgement

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Minor Axis

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We have gotten a taste of this change...enough to make many vomit

By your description why do you think half the country is vomiting and the other half thinks the GOP is nuts? "They are not nuts" you say? If you want to see an alarming portrayal of a political party stepping off the deep end, look at who the GOP front runners were...a bunch of clowns with no right to expect, they deserve to run a country. Come on- Bachman, Slimy Newt, Perry, Santorum, Pizza Man. And the guy they finally pick made a career of enriching himself at the expense of others, stores his booty off shore, invests in companies and people associated with drug cartels and our ideological competitors, China. Anyplace he can make a buck, is fair game. This is who we want leading our country, representing average citizens? And he is not even liked by his own party. :smiley24:

What other evidence do you need that this is a seriously sick political party?? When I aligned myself with the GOP, they were respected and reasonable and included moderates who are (now) shunned from leadership positions. Today, they are freak'n SCAREY. And half the frick'n country is voting for them. The U.S. used to be respected. Now I hate being the laughing stock of the world.
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Minor Axis

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But it's your guy that's "in charge" of the laughing stock, not the bunch of clowns. Just a thought.

My thought that what makes us a laughing stock is that we can't collectively get out acts together and reach compromised agreement on any level. Obama was elected due to dissatisfaction and he might get reelected. And if you look at his politics, he's not that liberal. He's not my first choice, but for this election, he is the only choice. The political process in this country is in deep trouble.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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compromise , shromromise

both parties do not want compromise

All they care about it getting in control and maintaining control

you are living a dream if you think it is always the republicans that fail to compromise

both parties do it to the extreme

The Man

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Seriously? Oh that's right, you are the one with limited bandwidth....

If you had ANY interest at all before the last election you could have poured through the page after page of where then Senator Obama stood and where he wanted to take the country. To even suggest that he didn't have a plan or that he wasn't willing to share the details is ignorant.

If you wanted the information all you had to do was listen to him talk and if you wanted the details all you needed to do is go to his campaign site, it was all there.
Hell, even McCain had one hell of a site with many details. I respected him for putting it out there. just dont get it do you.
I LISTENED to him.
I am speaking in regard to the ones that didnt..and merely voted according to his slogan "change"

The people that actually listened{and could absorb what he said} to him were the least likely to vote for him

The Man

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Wow, I remember saying this same thing 8 years ago, when we had the Bush Re-election debacle....couldn't believe people would be so stupid a second time.....

The president always has the advantage during election....Rather sad.
Bush...Poor elected

Obama Poor president elected...lets hope not

The Man

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That's okay, the repubs are the ones with the 'change' mantra this time so you can vote for them ... then change back to dems .... then change back to repubs ....

Kinda puts a fine point on 'the more things change the more they remain the same' dunnit?

I usually vote according to the history of the candidates ...I dont vote for dem or reps exclusively but who has the best interest in slowing down the "damage" that has occurred over the decades.
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Well-Known Member
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compromise , shromromise

both parties do not want compromise

All they care about it getting in control and maintaining control

you are living a dream if you think it is always the republicans that fail to compromise

both parties do it to the extreme
They don't need to compromise. They cooperate. Look at the condition of those they really serve: the corporate sponsors. They're making out like bandits. The fighting is WWE. The Republocrat machine is humming along just fine.


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I usually vote according to the history of the candidates ...I dont vote for dem or reps exclusively but who has the best interest in slowing down the "damage" that has occurred over the decades.
Then you shouldn't be voting dem or rep at all, since neither is interested in slowing anything, at least not at the federal/national level.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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compromise , shromromise

both parties do not want compromise

All they care about it getting in control and maintaining control

you are living a dream if you think it is always the republicans that fail to compromise

both parties do it to the extreme

Don't try to lump Dems in with your line-in-the-sand Republicans. ;) Democrats and Republicans used to compromise or were you not around in the 1960s? Hell, they even used to socialize with each other. I was a kid but was there and actually paid attention. My point? It's possible.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Don't try to lump Dems in with your line-in-the-sand Republicans. ;) Democrats and Republicans used to compromise or were you not around in the 1960s? Hell, they even used to socialize with each other. I was a kid but was there and actually paid attention. My point? It's possible.

You live in Denial

Minor Axis

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Reported in 2011, but still ongoing as the election nears:

NRA Claims Massive Obama Conspiracy *not* to Ban Guns...that will happen in his second term.

July 2012: Gun Lobby Fires Up Obama Fear

An innovative method of supercharging the gun industry. The result of this sinister NRA campaign against this Democratic President as well as Clinton before him has resulted in booming gun and ammo sales.

From 2011 article:
NRA claims ‘massive Obama conspiracy’ not to ban guns

You just can’t please some people.

In the eyes of National Rifle Association (NRA) executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, President Barack Obama’s decision not to pursue gun control legislation is a “massive conspiracy,” and just another reason not to give him a second term.

“[The Obama campaign] will say gun owners — they’ll say they left them alone,” LaPierre told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Friday. “In public, he’ll remind us that he’s put off calls from his party to renew the Clinton [assault weapons] ban, he hasn’t pushed for new gun control laws… The president will offer the Second Amendment lip service and hit the campaign trail saying he’s actually been good for the Second Amendment.”

“But it’s a big fat stinking lie!” the NRA leader exclaimed. “It’s all part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and destroy the Second Amendment in our country.”

“Obama himself is no fool. So when he got elected, they concocted a scheme to stay away from the gun issue, lull gun owners to sleep and play us for fools in 2012. Well, gun owners are not fools and we are not fooled,” La Pierre declared.

“Sotomayor, Kagan, Fast & Furious, the United Nations, executive orders. Those are the facts we face today… President Obama and his cohorts, yeah, they’re going to deny their conspiracy to fool gun owners. Some in the liberal media, they are already probably blogging about it. But we don’t care because the lying, conniving Obama crowd can kiss our Constitution!”

Gun control advocates have criticized the president for not pushing for new gun control legislation in the wake of a January shooting that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) in serious condition and six others dead.

Watch this video from CNN, broadcast Sept. 23, 2011.
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We have weird flips in our congressional election ads, too. The repubs are saying we shouldn't vote for the dem candidate because he'll vote to cut medicare, and the dems are saying a vote for their guy is a vote to support the military. :eek

Minor Axis

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We have weird flips in our congressional election ads, too. The repubs are saying we shouldn't vote for the dem candidate because he'll vote to cut medicare, and the dems are saying a vote for their guy is a vote to support the military. :eek

The Republican medicare claim is a twisted strawman. Anyone with half a brain and knowledge of GOP positions know, the GOP hates medicare as they do all social programs, which makes their claim laughable. The Dems support military personal. Despite all the gun-ho GOP rhetoric in support of the military, clearly their support is for the war machine and profits. Military personnel, their health and rehabilitation issues, especially after repeated combat exposure are not their focus- my opinion.


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The Republican medicare claim is a twisted strawman.
They're both twisted strawmen, blind man.

Minor Axis

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Newsweek: Bankruptcy For Billionaires.

Very interesting Newsweek Article about how the bankruptcy experience goes for corporations vs for individuals. While I will not claim there are no Democrats involved in the process, this type of thinking strikes me as business oriented, Republican "think".

Ask yourself, why do corporations, companies such a Bain Capital get to walk out on their obligations with impunity, while with the new bankruptcy laws individuals like you and me remain on the hook for our debts? Fair??? Why not hold everyone to the same standard?

On Aug. 29, Contec Holdings, a Schenectady, N.Y., company that repairs cable boxes, filed a prepackaged bankruptcy plan—a court-sanctioned deal with lenders in which the firm will reorganize, wipe out up to $300 million in debt, and move on under new ownership.

Happens every day. When businesses and consumers reach the point where they can’t scrape up enough funds to stay current on their debt, they plead for relief. In 2011, 9,772 businesses filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and nearly 1.4 million consumers filed for personal bankruptcy.

Contec was acquired by Bain Capital in 2008, years after Mitt Romney had left the private-equity firm. But the timing of the bankruptcy filing—coming a day before he was poised to accept the Republican nomination for president—was inconvenient. It also highlighted a larger issue. We’ve heard about “strategic defaults” in housing: when the current value of a home is hopelessly below the total mortgage, some owners stop making payments on their loans even though they could afford to.

Walking away from bad debts is a feature—not a bug—of the industry. This year Standard & Poor’s has tallied 29 major debt defaults by large U.S. companies. By my count, at least 14 were backed by private-equity firms.

The big players rarely suffer professional, legal, or social repercussions if they fail to bail out debt-laden companies in their portfolio. For individuals of more modest means, of course, it’s a different story. Thanks to a change in the bankruptcy law in 2005, credit-card debt is no longer easily discharged in bankruptcy. “If you have any ability to pay any of your debt from the point you file bankruptcy forward, you’ll be on the hook for it,” says Tamara Draut, vice president for policy and research at Demos, the New York–based progressive think tank. Likewise, student loans can’t be easily shucked in bankruptcy court.


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Incorporation offers too much anonymity to stockholders, which results in too little accountability for top management. If the stockholder's money was really on the line, we would have more conservative (dictionary definition) business decisions.

Minor Axis

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Incorporation offers too much anonymity to stockholders, which results in too little accountability for top management. If the stockholder's money was really on the line, we would have more conservative (dictionary definition) business decisions.

So you agree with some of my premise? :) What about holding everyone to the same standard? Why should a board of directors be able to decide to walk out on their obligations, while individuals can't? The playing field is not level and the bigger you are, the less you are held accountable...