We are. The U.S. can no longer afford to be the world's policeman. Our military has the expense of the next 10-20 countries combined. And while there are reasons other than wars as to why we are in our current economic predicament, the launching of an offensive trumped up war against a dictator who posed no real threat to the U.S was orchestrated by a Republican Administration and cheered on by a Republican Congress. Famous Cheney quote: "deficits don't matter", as the Republican Party signed on to the worst kind of spending spree, (one that has been continued by Obama. I'm not happy that he campaigned on shutting down the war, and two years later, it's still going). And now, the GOPpers want to protect the wrong class, while screwing the majority. They have no credibility.
Dems have little credibility. I acknowledge the Democrats lacked the backbone to stand by their principles during the dark days of W, because they were shaking in their boots imagining they were going to be voted out of office. For me the choice is the lesser of evils.