I see alllllll:cool
I dont know anybody who gets a paltry $15 an hour...unless they are still under 18...and of course you can move in

I know you don't do politics but as someone who lives over there can you detail for us (just a bit) some of the things mentioned here? Namely this quote from John:
"Why can Australia provide it's people with universal health care, a $15 per hour minimum wage, 4 weeks paid vacation with a vacation premium pay, and have a 4.9% unemployment rate."
I would assume you're paying higher taxes than us?
I've read that Sweden's taxes are high. BUT you get many things back as a citizen for those dollars. Like healthcare, long vacations, higher education, extended maternity-leave, etc. That there are countries that actually use their tax dollars for their citizens and not for war, bailouts & foreign nations. (Novel concept)
I understand that we as children are raised to believe we live in the best nation in the world. Funny. When I look around now, I don't see the nation I grew up in. All one has to do is look at our airports now yet we are expected to remember 'they hate us for our freedoms'.
So MsCam, if you could detail a bit about your taxes and the benefits you get for them I'd be grateful :ninja As one who cannot afford health insurance any longer I'd be curious about what having 'free' healthcare is like? Here, we're put under the impression that y'all languish for years w/illness waiting to get procedures from quackish doctors. Because of course, we have the best health care in the world. I can see why our politicians say that. They have great plans that WE pay for. Cuz of course, it's good to be King/Queen. Or at least have $650/mo for a $5k deductible. Interesting that in the greatest country in the world I had to make a choice between putting food on the table & keeping the lights on in the roof over our head or health care for three.
So yeah... Tell us please

Then again, I can understand if you don't elaborate. Don't want boat-loads of peeps trying to get to your shores for a taste of the good life we're supposed to be enjoying here. :ninja
I greatly appreciate your offer to bunk us up. As I watch the nation I love fall apart it's becoming a very attractive proposition to move to where our work efforts actually buy us a quality of life like the one we all used to enjoy.